Unsealed - Won’t investigate UFOs because they’re “demonic”? Today we go over a new article by Dr Matthew Halstead that is also in Lue Elizondo's new book "Imminent" about a very troubling reality for Christians. Support our podcast! wingsoftheeagle.com/supportunsealed
Hey friends, welcome back. This is Unsealed, official podcast of Wings of the Eagle. Christopher, your friend here. the other end of the line and wherever you are, I welcome you. Say hello, please. If you're watching live on YouTube or the X platform or even Facebook, or LinkedIn today, special location. Please feel free to say hello. In fact, I encourage you to. Who you are, where you're from, if you've never watched before or tuned in, that's awesome. Welcome you for sure. Please, if you could, you know the drill, like and subscribe and all that stuff. And please share, share, share, share. That's the most important thing you can do. So wherever you're watching this, just please go ahead and share it on your page. And that would be awesome. Okay. And yes, we try to do this podcast once a week. Been at it now for a good while. And for the past over a year now. We've been following this UFO rabbit hole, as it were, especially as it pertains to the church of Jesus. That's me and you, if you're a Christian. And so I feel like this is where we're supposed to be. So here we are. Okay. No matter what you want to say, though, if you want to ask a question, make a comment, express a concern, et cetera, at any point today, please go ahead and do so. We're going to be talking about today something I really don't like. Actually, it really kind of bugs me out. Like, I just don't get it. And I don't get where it comes from. But that's the world we're in. And so let's deal with it. It is apparently the reality that there are people in high places, powerful, I can't speak for other countries, but because so much is now coming out about my own and about the inner workings of keeping this secret and so forth, there is a significant number of Christians in the United States government, Pentagon, intelligence community, the Congress, who will not, who have chosen to not look into, investigate, get to the bottom of UFOs or UAPs, et cetera, because in their thoughts and words, they are de-mic. So this is an aspect to this that I really wish we could get some engagement on. between Christians especially, and as a teacher of God's Word, yes, we do a church online every Monday night. You're welcome to attend that, of course. But it's something I take very seriously, and I don't understand where that thought comes from. So anyway, what we're going to do today is a little different, and that's the topic, but there's a new article published Hello, friends. Imran, what's up? Thank you. Looking forward to this, she says. Fantastic. Emmett is out there. Been waiting patiently. Hopefully you're still there. Hey, bondservant. And the ever-present, ever-patient T-Rex is there. Bless you all. Love you. Okay, so let's get to this article. It was just written this week, two days ago, three days ago. And it's in a publication called Premier Christianity by Dr. Halstead. and let's uh bring it on up dr matthew halstead august 21st so two days ago brandy new and um so let's go through this it's not that long let's just go through it and um see what we get. By the way, sorry, I forgot to mention, please, we do depend on your support to keep going. That's serious. So go to wingsoftheeagle.com slash Support Unsealed, and you can give whatever you can directly right there, whatever method you'd like to use. But if you prefer Patreon and to get something out of your giving, please go to patreon.com slash wingsoftheeagle, and you will see various ways to do that, including joining a community called The Aviary. Go check that out and let me know if you have any questions. Manti4 on X is how you can reach me on the X platform. Email is not so great, but you can try. Christopher at wingsoftheeagle.com. Okay. So let's do this and see what you guys think, and I'll see what I think. All right. So let's go over it together. Title, as you can see, Evidence for UFOs is Mounting. By the way, this also ties in, and we'll see this in the article about the new book that just came out also this week called Imminent by Lou Elizondo. Highly recommend, by the way. Interesting how we're getting some new friends here. Farouk, this is one area of study where Muslims and Christians will unite. Well, I hope so. But it's an open question, all right? So this is what Dr. Halstead is getting into. Okay, evidence for UFOs is mounting, but some Christians worry they are demonic. How can we discern the truth? Excellent headline or title. Senior U.S. government officials won't investigate UFOs because they are, quote-unquote, demonic. That's according to a counterintelligence officer whose new book is shedding light on the Pentagon's most closely guarded secret. Dr. Matthew Halstead assesses the evidence. Every so often, our conception of reality gets turned upside down. During the Copernican Revolution, that's Copernicus, that's the Earth revolves around the sun stuff, human beings discovered the universe does not revolve around them. Even in the face of paradigm-shifting data such as this, our species has the ability to make the necessary epistemological adjustments. and carry on with life. It is a virtue to be open to scientific discoveries, even the ones that stretch our imaginations. Are we on the brink of yet another revolution? A passing glance at the news betrays a narrative that is rather suggestive in this regard, a narrative that feels repulsive to our common sense, but no less intriguing, or excuse me, no less interesting at the same time I'm talking about UFOs. Mark Twain reportedly said the two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why. This quote, although likely apocryphal, in other words, not really spoken by Mark Twain, is nonetheless true. But I might add that an equally important day would be the day we discover we are not alone in the universe. Such a discovery would certainly expand the horizons of our self-understanding. But would the proven existence of life elsewhere in the universe pose a threat to the Christian faith as many fear? Now, before we continue here, There's an assumption, I think, that Matthew's making, the doctor, that I don't make, and I don't think you should make either. And that is the... a common um assumption that when we're talking about ufos that quote unquote extraterrestrial or other life in the universe on another planet etc is the only explanation other than demons and I disagree with that a lot And many people do who've thought about this, but anyway, so this is the, it's kind of like the low hanging fruit that you just assume, I guess the popular culture assumes that that's what it would mean, but that's not necessarily what it would mean. All right. Let's see here. Let's continue. Would it pose a threat to the Christian faith as many fear? Not at all, according to this author. I agree with other scholars and theologians who believe no core doctrine would be undermined. The discovery of life beyond this planet – again, that's the assumption, but I don't think you should share in that assumption – beyond this planet would not threaten the truth of Christianity. It would even be an opportunity for the church to glory in the fact that the choir which praises the creator is much larger than any of us had imagined. Psalm 19. The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky is handiwork, right? Okay. Religious people then should not be allergic to the UFO topic. In fact, the topic of religion has actually been in some ways at the driving center of the modern UFO narrative, a topic lurking, I am told, through the most secretive layers of the Pentagon. All right, here's where we get to the meat of this. It all began with an extraordinary and riveting New York Times article in 2017, which uncovered the Pentagon's mysterious UFO program. The official name is AATIP, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which was led by Luis Lu Elizondo, a counterintelligence officer who was tapped to investigate the phenomena of UAPs, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. Elizondo grew frustrated with a lack of transparency and eventually resigned in order to protest the excessive secrecy and internal opposition he was experiencing. Today, he, along with many of his colleagues, is a public advocate for disclosure. In other words, revealing the secrets. His new book, Imminent, Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs, was published yesterday. and claims to offer a firsthand revelatory account inside the Pentagon's most closely guarded secret. Part of the internal opposition to investigating UAPs came on the basis of religious concerns. According to Elizondo, senior government officials, I'm getting to know the way Lou speaks and the way he puts things. He's very deliberate. So when he says senior, he means a senior official. It doesn't mean low-level, new hires, interns, people who – that's exaggerating. But the point is senior people, bosses, many years of experience, much authority. Senior – Government officials thought the phenomenon represented a threat to their belief system. Here's the kicker, dudes. They knew it was real, but they concluded it to be demonic in nature. Though Elizondo disagrees, he doesn't take it personally. In fact, he applauds the same officials, calling them some of the most incredibly competent and loyal patriots I've ever had the privilege to work with, and their motivations were sincere. So he doesn't think they were making that up as an excuse. He thought they really believed that, and so he respected that opinion. I recently spoke with Elizondo, and he relayed to me that there were indeed several individuals in the Pentagon who objected for spiritual reasons. And this is not just Elizondo's claim. Former Senate Majority Leader, the late Harry Reid, went on the record saying that some of the pushback was due to the, quote, religious views by key intelligence officials at the Pentagon. Now here is the demon hypothesis. As a theology professor, I've long been captivated by this aspect of the story. Religious concerns, specifically the demon hypothesis, have increasingly made their way into the core part of the UFO narrative, not just allegedly at the Pentagon, but also in the public. For example... Former astronaut Charlie Duke, the 10th man to walk on the moon, says UAPs are real, but they are demonic beings. He adds that nothing human can make a 90 degree turn at 3000 miles an hour and survive. Obviously, that's true. But my question would be, why does that mean demons? The purpose behind showing off their extraordinary capabilities is, quote, to draw people away from the real God. Okay. Tucker Carlson recently made similar claims. I asked Elizondo whether these intelligence officials presented any evidence for their demon hypothesis. The answer was no. There was no real logic, he said. I did not understand why they did not want to look at the data further. That's my question as well, even as a Christian. why does it matter even if they're demonic why can't you look into it or or okay if that's the fact then tell the world as it I'll go back to reading but as christians you have power over demonic entities the name of jesus is the only name which they will fear and they do so if that's the case Why do you fear it? Why do you think you have to lie and cover up and not investigate it? What do you mean not investigate it? Look, people who are into spiritual warfare and who have encountered demonic things in people and have been on assignments to go with strange activities at houses with things moving around by themselves and spiritual dark presences. I've been on those things, okay? But I'm not afraid. I'm not not supposed to look into it. I'm supposed to look into it. That your job as a Christian is to go and cast out demons, quote unquote. Right. So that's my problem with it, even if it's true. The idea was, to Elizondo, that's the rub. The idea that this could just be swept aside on the basis of religious assumptions was flabbergasting. But he tries to understand the other side's point. Nonetheless, it was clear from the question he asked me, if you thought God told you this was demonic, wouldn't you be afraid? Elizondo admits that everyone needs to be open to various hypotheses, including the spiritual ones. Maybe they're right. Maybe it is demonic, he said. But either way, we need to investigate further to find out. I agree with that. What's the problem? And I'm not saying Luis Elizondo is a fellow believer, even. I don't think he is. I know he has a very varied background and whatever, but the point is he's right about that. After the 2017 New York Times article, the U.S. Congress began passing legislation to formally look into the matter. The first major law created provisions for whistleblowers to disclose to Congress what they knew about material retrieval, material analysis, and reverse engineering of UAPs. So as far back as this initial legislation years ago, We have evidence that this is being covered up and yeah, real stuff and things that are, we have materials and, and stuff that we didn't make and neither did any other government. That's the point. Soon thereafter, the Air Force intelligence and Air Force intelligence officer named David Grush came forward with claims that, quite frankly, rival a Spielberg film. As an employee of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, as well as other parts of the government, Grush was asked to serve on the government's UAP task force in this region. In his investigations, Grush told Congress under oath that he found evidence of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program that had been illegally siloed away from proper congressional oversight. He says the U.S. is in possession of not just non-human craft, but also non-human bodies. Now, if you believe that, I mean, that's what he says. If you think that's credible, if that's true... How is that demonic? How is it demonic that if these things are just, like the astronaut was quoted as saying, oops, if these things are just like shiny lights and distractions to get you away from the true God, et cetera, why are they physical things that can crash? And why are the, or be brought down, you know, by us potentially, or by some other force. And why are there bodies involved? You show me a demon body anywhere in the scripture. Okay, so again, just think about these things. Okay, let's go back. We're almost done here. At one point, Grush filed a complaint with the Intelligence Community Inspector General because he began to experience threats and pushback. After looking into the matter, the ICIG sent a report to Congress saying Grush's claims were, quote, credible and urgent. Now, just because Grush testified under oath before Congress does not make his story true, although who would testify before Congress and file complaints to Inspector Generals if it wasn't true, at least from what they understood? People lie under oath all the time, but to be fair, not to Congress. Not with the threat of prison because you're an intelligence agent. This is not the same thing as going to court and trying to get away with something. People also misinterpret data. Is this a fair assessment of David Grush reason actions by the Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer revealed this situation is far more complex together with Senator Mike round Schumer proposed last year, an aggressive piece of legislation, by the way, this is what's been reintroduced now is in front of the Senate. And I told you about last week on this show, which is the UAP disclosure program. Act, which is they want to fold this back into the defense authorization bill that's in front of the Senate right now. Because a lot of it was stripped out last year because people were either afraid or trying to cover up this information still. Together with Mike Rounds, who's a Republican, Schumer proposed an aggressive piece of legislation. It was called the UAP Disclosure Act, which Schumer said was needed because the American public has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence, and unexplainable phenomena. The proposal was not successful. However, Schumer and Rounds were undeterred just last month. Here it is. They reintroduced their amendment, which seeks answers about government programs that may exist... that collect, exploit, or reverse engineer technologies of unknown origin or examine biological evidence of living or deceased non-human intelligence. Neither Schumer nor Rounds are political lightweights, so what would lead them to inquire about something so exotic? The justification they write is based on credible evidence and testimony that relevant UAP records exist." Are they simply wanting to track down dusty classified files? Hardly. Astonishingly, the amendment includes an eminent domain provision that seeks to retrieve any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled by private persons or entities in the interest of the public good. By the way, I am for that. If this is true, if there are things and materials and leftovers and biologic material, etc., that private companies and individual people, corporations probably, defense contractors, are holding as their property, and that's why we don't know about it, and that's why we can't find out. Eminent domain must be used. They must be made to comply because they're not doing it on their own, and they're wrong. anyway um and to the point of chuck schumer and senator rounds and it had other big names on it last year when they proposed it marco rubio republican obviously big conservative christian gillibrand other popular senator big liberal um so like this is bringing the sides together And I actually talked to both my senators and my congresspeople person, I have three in my state, the last week or so, last week and a half, I talked to all three offices. And I was told, it was confirmed what I have been telling you all all along, which is that you don't get Chuck Schumer, who's one of the most powerful people in Washington, for a long time he would never put his name on something he didn't know was true or there was something to it his whole reputation's on the line he's not going to waste his time especially two years in a row on the exact same language uh well I forget how the phrase was put to me but don't don't put your name on something you can't back up or something like that so they said that's correct The people who are in power right now told me that. Okay. Okay. To make the matters even more interesting, they add further that this legislation is necessary to restore proper oversight over unidentified anomalous phenomena records by elected officials in both the executive and legislative branches of the federal government that has otherwise been lacking. In other words, they believe Congress and the president have been kept out of the loop on information. That's my understanding as well. It's exactly what's happening. These are extraordinary claims and they assume the core of Grush's allegations. For many, the UAP narrative smells of superstition, a lore of stories baked in delusion and irrationality. And yet, at the same time, there's enough compelling data to lead one to a reluctant admission that there may indeed be more to this strange story than meets the eye. This fact alone caused a lot of angst. Its strangeness lends to uneasiness, not least for Christians. Uh, let's see. Give me one second guys. I'm going to do right back. I've just hang out right here. I'll leave the story up even. Sorry about that, y'all. Sometimes things happen. Okay. Let's continue. And I see some comments here, guys. I will get to it. I promise. Arguably, this dialectical nexus between the strangeness of the subject on the one hand and the credibility of the story has acquired, on the other hand, created an environment in which a sinister interpretation such as the demon hypothesis can gain variable traction among people of faith. There's more than enough credible data to pique interest, but just enough obtrusiveness to create a shadow of doubt. And as we know, monsters tend to come alive in the dark. In other words, where information is muddy. I think I'm going to... No, that's the end. Okay. James Newman writes a fascinating account in this regard. Prior to the early 1900s, rumors swirled of a terrifying creature that haunted the jungles of Africa. The hearsay included fanciful tales about how these humanoid monsters could make fire, build huts to live in, slay elephants, and routinely kidnap women. But as investigations increased over time, only then would the chaff separate from the wheat. What emerged from the mythos, the myth, was for Westerners a new discovery, the gorilla. Many facets of the rumors proved to be unfounded. Gorillas don't actually build huts, nor do they steal women. And yet, there was still truth wedged within the myth. And in fact, it was through the myth that human curiosity peaked and the truth was finally discovered. Newman puts it well, the discovery of the real often starts with the realm of the myth. When all one has is rumors and stories, imaginations can't help but spawn mythic monsters of overemphasized proportions. Angst inevitably ensues. But just as fear can live in the dark, so can truth live in a cacophony of myth. Is there truth then to be found in the UAP story, or is it all troubling hearsay? There was no elephant slaying monsters in Africa, but there was indeed something behind the tales, a discovery made only after thorough scientific investigation. That's how truth often emerges, and that is Elizondo's point. Copernicus caused angst, he told me, but the truth ultimately came out. The pressing question at this time is not merely whether any of this is true, but whether one is currently justified in believing it is so. Given the current state of the public evidence, it seems to me there are two extremes to avoid. Namely, foolish naivete on the one hand, that means ignoring it, thinking nothing is to this at all, and bullish skepticism on the other. It can't be real. Everything you see is fake. It's all made up. There's no such thing. It's all a lie. gullibility isn't a virtue. Proverbs 14 says the simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps. Neither is it wise to think of our frail minds to have the cosmos figured out. Job, the whole, I guess, 38 through 41, those chapters where God talks to Job and said, where were you when I did this and that? The universe is vast and God's creative abilities even more so as it stands today. What one can say with confidence, perhaps, is that UAPs represent something that dwells in the land of myth. The same place, mind you, were real gorillas. have been known to roam matthew halstead that's a christianity today uh excuse me premier christianity magazine the link is in the description below if you want to read that for yourself or share it with others all right now what are we all saying here um just as a just to wrap it up you know from my point of view what are we talking about um Again, the assumption from the author in this is that the only explanation is extraterrestrial. God has created another species or form of life that exists on another world, and that is what this is all about. I don't think that's the only thing we should be considering. I don't think it's even the primary thing. one we should be considering, but at the same time, we should be extremely careful when we use terms like demons. And let me put it this way, and I'm not going to go into this today, I guess, but just because something is evil doesn't mean it's demonic. Even if it is evil, bad, negative, aggressive, all those things are gradations. But even if it's flat out evil, it doesn't mean it's demons. It doesn't mean it's fallen angels. You know who's really bad or easy at committing evil? You know who's really good at it? We are. Humans are. Cain and Abel. Okay. Nope. It didn't take long. Okay. So let's go to the folks. What are we hearing here? Now, I'm not sure why I'm getting so many common questions here. Imran says, have you looked into the jinn? I know the jinn are the Muslim version of demons. And Richard Hale says, have you seen other explanations like the jinn hypothesis? Interesting that those comments are back to back. Yes, I have. In fact, there's more than two or three or four explanations here. um let me see if I could pull it up here actually now that I'm thinking of it there's an entire taxonomy um chart I have here that I should have I mean if we're going to be serious about really not knowing what it is and not having assumptions sorry I thought I had it on on my fingertips here but I don't Alright, let me see if I can share that. For those of you just listening, sorry. Alright, that's I guess the best view we've got here. There's a few possibilities. You can't read it very well probably, but each one of those little triangles is a possibility. So yes, I've seen other explanations. extraterrestrial, okay, crypto-terrestrial. In other words, they're actually from the Earth, whatever they are. Yes, more non-physical things like demonic or jinn is one of these orange boxes over here. But then there's a whole bunch of others. Temporal explanations. In other words, messing with space and time. Time travelers. That means actually they're people. or they're things that can travel through time, or they're dimensions, or they live in another dimension, but not necessarily what you would think of as a demon. Okay, so extraterrestrial means off of the Earth. Crypto-terrestrial means they're hidden or another species or whatever on the Earth itself. ultra-terrestrial, which would be more of an interdimensional thing. Okay, so yes, look at all that. There's a lot. Imran says... the jinn hypothesis I mean I know about it but I mean I'm not just like if someone says it's demons as a christian I i want to talk to you about that not because I want to find out about it but because I want to show you that you're incorrect I mean strictly speaking strictly speaking not saying it can't be evil not saying it can't be other uh some supernatural you know uh situation you know but strictly speaking if you know the bible you know what demons are and without they are not and what fallen angels are and then there's behavior that of this phenomenon that is not like those things. So either we just have to learn more about it, but demons is out. Richard, I'm open to every view. That's what I've been talking about for a year. A year plus is trying to get the church. Are you a Christian, Richard? Just curious. But to get the church to stop assuming anything. Don't assume it's these things. Even if your pastor says they're demons, don't believe him. Because you say, wait a minute, I do a Bible study on demons. A couple weeks ago, we did a podcast about it. About in terms of like supernatural or angelic. demonic you know things that are not things are phenomenal like things that are not ordinary like people can't do these or these this is supernatural things we went through a whole litany of stuff from the scriptures and what was the percentage I think like 80 was actually positive in other words from god jesus good angels versus the minority was Demonic stuff if you want to call it all demonic if it's all just the devil His angels and demons and all that could put together was a small minority actually of phenomena So I'm not sure why would why would you would assume? Anything really at this point, if you're not told to expect this, or you're not, you can't see specifically in the scripture. And by the way, yes, I'm talking Christian scripture because Islamic scripture is not scripture. It's opinions of a troubled person. Okay. But anyways, so yes, we should be open-minded about this. And like Lou Elizondo says, Okay, respect people's opinions, but don't not look into it. That's not okay. That's not a Christian's call. We're not supposed to fear anything. Literally nothing. Specifically, Jesus said, go out into the world and cast out demons. Doesn't say be afraid of demons. Doesn't say don't go where they are. Demons have no right to go where you go. They're bound to the earth. They're looking for a body. They're always right. That's what demons are. They're not flying around in ships in the air or in the water, by the way. They're just not. Oh, Richard says, sorry, I missed this one. May I ask what you believe about the phenomenon? I don't know. I don't have an answer yet. I mean, I have some theories, sure. I like to cross things out. I like to take the, if I don't know what a mystery is, I think the best way is to make all the possibilities, like that chart we just showed you, like put them all out there and then cross off what you know is wrong as you go. And then you whittle it down. That's what I think we should do. Now, I'm not only a theorizer. I'm a Christian. Yes, I like to think about it and try to figure this out. But I'm also an experiencer. I've seen UFOs twice. Okay? Once a long, long time ago when I was a little kid. And it was your typical light in the night sky. That was not a star or a plane. And I had two other witnesses at that time. I have podcasted about this. It's on the record. Public. And then in June, two months ago, I saw a, what you would call an orb in the middle of the day, bright blue, sunny day, driving down the highway. And there's a stationary, I didn't see it go anywhere or go to anywhere. It was just there. It looked metallic or, or silvery chrome colored. And it was just sitting in the sky and was not very high and like bird level, and it sat there, and then it disappeared. So did I feel a demonic presence at the time? No, I did not. I would assume, as someone who has experience in this and who knows the Holy Spirit, And he can speak to me just fine about these things and discernment, which is what this article basically was about. How do Christians discern these things? I would think my alarm bell would be going off. It wasn't. Maybe we just were too far away. I don't know. I don't know. But the point is, so it's not just a theory with me. Yes, I know the Bible a little bit. Okay. Yes, I'm a pastor. Yes, I talk about this in public on podcasts. Yes, I like to think about it. It's fascinating and theorizing, but I've also seen them myself. So... Bond Servant says, every culture or most have their name in versions of demons. We know the Bible is God's word. And since Babel, it seems the truth of things became traditions and myths the further away from the start. Well, there's no doubt. I mean, there is a spiritual world out there that has things in it. We know that. We know that. The question is, is this that? Madam Rex says, agree, it's premature to act like we have a solid knowledge of what this phenomena is right now. The point is it's worthy of investigation. Yes, obviously we concur with each other on that. Jinns are Muslim demons, basically. It's where we get the word genie. So there's some Hadith and stuff that talk about, you know, Muhammad originally thought that the angel Gabriel, quote-unquote, that allegedly came to him was a demon at first, which who's really to argue with that? And jinn, some... Some tradition says there are some good ones and some bad ones, but they're like your typical angel demons in Christianity. But servant says the fact that we have physical evidence of sorts, we must be logical about this. If spiritual, I'm not sure there would be physical items. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Okay. That's a good starting point for our brains. Um, Or physical in the terms that we can understand it. I do believe that there are physical nests. Everything is physical. I don't think there is such a thing as a non-physical. A spirit is one thing. A spirit doesn't have a body. But that's what demons are. They had bodies at one time. but now they're dead, so they go looking for other bodies to inhabit. They're not looking to fly around in ships. Anyway. But right, if we're talking about something that can disappear, do spiritual things and impact you spiritually, and we're talking about everything's unseen and traveling or whatever in ways that we don't understand, what would a physical craft, how would that factor in? I don't... I don't really know how it would factor in other than maybe they use that stuff and now they're misbehaving or maybe we're figuring out how to actually impact that world through the weapons we have now since the 40s. I don't know. think islam and christians christianity you mean generally have the same understanding on this topic that's not true um I don't know what I've never heard an islamic imam or issue any kind of edict about this like I don't really care honestly I don't care what the vatican says either Basically, their explanation to this point has been God creates whatever he wants, and if there's extraterrestrials, then we should respect them as brothers, basically. Like, that's weak. That's not what we're talking about here. And do you have a more pagan origin etymology? Well, I mean, Islamic, you know, the Arab tribes that Muhammad preached to, yes, had a lot of pre-existing pagan beliefs, including the jinn stuff and Allah and his wife, etc., uh oh cool says I remember watching the movie aladdin in 1993 when I was really small yeah me too I was bigger than you then but there was a blue genie who granted wishes yeah that's that's it that's the um child friendly version Are humans, spiritually speaking, spiritually speaking, earthbound or not? Well, we're in these bodies where we can't access heaven, let's say, since we can be with God in the end, right, when we have new bodies. absent with the body, present with the Lord, right? So your spirit returns to God who gave it, Ecclesiastes 6. There's that whole dynamic of a believer, you know, of Christians and what happens when we die. But when I say earthbound in terms of demons, If y'all have read Enoch, it's a lot easier to know what I'm talking about. And people will say that's not scripture, and I say, okay. But anyways, demons have a common explanation in biblical literature, which is they were people once. They were the... creations, the people themselves were the creations of fallen angels and human women, Genesis 6. When those giants died, whether it be Noah's flood or before or after, those spirits of those giants did not get to go to heaven. They did not get to go anywhere. They were sentenced to stick around in the earth, like a Sheol, if you will. Okay. Uh, looking for other bodies to try to inhabit that their sentence. So they're not their own independent, um, autonomous selves. Even remember in the new Testament, you have, um, uh the legion right the the person who was filled with a legion is thousands of I mean if you're going literally on that so the point is many many demons can inhabit one person so it's not you know what I mean um so that's when I say earthbound that's what I mean Demons can't be in heaven. Demons can't be in the heavenly places at all. Demons can't access another, you know, travel around anywhere. Like Jesus said, when you cast a demon out of a person, he's in a dry land looking for relief, and that's when he seeks another person to inhabit. I guess because they miss it, or that's part of their punishment from God is to continually lust and want that feeling of being in a body again. But that's not your common, you know, like this is a special condition just for those Genesis 6 giants. Those are the demons. So there's a finite number. Right? They're not everywhere. They're not in like millions of them. Anyway. When I say earthbound, that's what I mean. They're extremely limited in what they can do. And the name of Jesus sends them packing back to that empty space where they're seeking another body. There's no two ways about it. Right? It's really important we get this revealed and exposed by government of what they know. I agree. I don't see what the downside is. I mean, spiritually, there is none. other than people getting confused and maybe thinking, well, my pastor or my church or my denomination or my family or whatever never talked about this. This is freaking me out. I'm going to leave Jesus. That's possible. I mean, it's more than possible. It's very probable. Just a thought, humankind has experienced exponentially in knowledge, speaking of spacecraft, such in a short time. Yeah. I actually consider, have we had help or something by this phenomenon? Well, some people think so. In fact, I don't know about the space program, but things like that are said by this person, Philip Corso, who was in the military for many years. and uh wrote a bombshell called the day after roswell and in it he does conjecture that many of our technological jumps of the 20th century were in part thanks to the not the phenomenon doing anything but when we recovered their stuff we kind of figured some of it out or the principles of it and that's how we came up with like fiber optic cables and computer chips and stuff that's his ideas big stumbling block is a spiritualizing of the phenomena right in enoch's time it seems the veil was open and then closed at some point it'll be fascinating when the veil is pulled back enoch's time well I i don't know that that's true bond servant I mean you had you had disobedient angels right second peter and jude say that directly says there were angels who left their habitation and came to the earth and sinned in that way and now they're locked up so nothing was opened other than what they did that was against the rules right so they broke the rules they came to the earth they had sex with women or somehow or another created babies with those women um and that's it now the veil between the supernatural realm and art was open to enoch himself for sure especially if you believe the book of enoch was written by the same person enoch um you know god allowed him to see things but I don't see any, you know what I mean? Like this whole Genesis 6 problem was the fallen angels made a choice. Those angels chose to leave heaven and come to the earth and create babies and stick around and teach humanity all these skills or wisdom or knowledge, including technological knowledge. what we would call technology, secrets of the heavens. But then they were dealt with. God judged them. He locked them up. They are not around anymore. They're not affecting us. The Nephilim, the giants that they've created, they're gone. Their spirits are still a problem, which is demons. But They themselves are not. So what I'm saying is I don't think there was any more of an open whatever in that time versus now for the world. Will there be Q&A at 4 p.m.? Oh, this is talking about the end time church Q&A at 4 p.m. Fridays. I think so. I think we'll be able to do that. Yep. But as far as this podcast goes, so again, we're talking about people who won't investigate UFOs because they're demonic and the stupidity that that is. I'm sorry. It is. I understand, however, there was supernatural things going on right until they were destroyed. I don't know what you mean, actually. We're talking about Genesis, right? I said there was great evil. They were murderers and... They became the great heroes of the men of renown of the olden times. So they were doing great deeds and stuff. But supernatural? I don't know. You just had teachings of stuff, again, from those angels that got passed down. But I don't know. There's no scripture that says this supernatural stuff was happening, right? You had them try to build a tower to not conform, right? That Tower of Babel stuff. But, yeah, the supernatural stuff is... And it seemed very not supernatural. Actually, once the angels got here, having sex and having giant children was about the extent of it, right? Anyway... Okay, so if you're in government, literally, if you are one of these people, and if you look into it, there's, at least in the past, there was apparently a name for these people who thought this. It's called the Collins Elite, and that's why I posted about that yesterday, if you follow me on socials or whatever. Collins Elite is wrong, and I'm not interested in them I don't want to be a part of that I don't know if any of y'all who are into this ufo topic assume that every evangelical christian is somehow on the team with the colin's elite and think it's all demonic and we should leave it alone not not into that okay not into it not me not not madam rex I know you're rad thank you Anyways, okay, so that's what we've got here today. Oh, if you're listening and you're in the government, please change your mind. Do the right thing. You are not permitted under the blood of Jesus to lie to your fellow man, to the American people. You are not permitted to participate in this cover-up. You can resign. You can tell the truth. Hopefully both. Okay, that's my advice. And again, let's say it is a demonic situation. Call them jinn if you want to, if you're a Muslim. But as a Christian, you have no need to ignore, avoid, or fear demonic anything. You have power over them. You're supposed to exercise your power over them. Okay? That's the message today. All right, my friends. This has been Unsealed, the official podcast of Wings of the Eagle. If this has helped you, if you think this is rad, if you like it, if you think there should be more like this and more of a conversation in this direction, please give. Please give what you can, either at the Patreon page that you see below, patreon.com slash wingsoftheeagle, or directly at wingsoftheeagle.com slash support. Unsealed. And until next time. Keep it real, man. Be sure to share this, please. All righty. Good deal. All right. Till next time. And yes, plan is because today's Friday to do a Q&A later. If y'all are live around for that, stick around. All right. See you guys.