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What if "they" are not aliens or demons?

Writer: ChristopherChristopher

Unsealed: What if "they" are not aliens or demons? Let's consider the possibility that the UFO/UAP phenomena is real and non-human intelligence is behind it but neither of the popular assumptions are correct?


Hey friends, welcome back to Unsealed,

the official podcast of

Wings of the Eagle.

I'm your friend, Christopher Mantei.

I hope to be your friend.

Hopefully you don't hate me.

But that's okay.

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And Jesus died for your sins

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But we endeavor to always be

interesting and poignant

and of course unafraid and

that stuff to talk about whatever.

Um, so please feel free if you're watching,

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on any point here during the podcast.

Um, what I thought would be interesting is,


something that I've been

mulling around for for

months um in terms of this

uap situation I like to I

like to read a lot on

subjects that I need to

catch up on um and there's

a lot of material out there

in this subject um good

good things there's a lot

of bad stuff too I mean

like worthless unsourced

you know made up things but

then there's also some good things um

I should just put a book

recommended reading list up

here for anyone's

interested in these things.

But by the way,

I do recommend flee to the

mountains authored by yours

truly now five years ago, almost.

It's all about what Jesus

really meant by that phrase

and what we are expected to

do in the last years of the age,

especially as it relates to

the Jewish people, the nation of Israel.

So go get it now.

You can register for the course.

It's an online course, self-paced.

Take it as you will on demand,

and you get the book for free.

So if you want to do that,

Thank you very much.


Shalom from Quetta, Pakistan.

Near Afghanistan border.


Hello, Laris.

That is quite the hot spot, isn't it?

Those two nations, boy.

Well, thank you for joining.

Praise God.

And that's just an example

of how the power of this medium.

Bond servant totally

recommends Fleet of the Mountains.

Thank you for that.


so what I wanted to talk about today is,

like I was trying to say,

reading a lot on these topics, and books,

obviously, is what I'm talking about,

articles, and then also following...

the thought, you know, the influencers,

the thought leaders,

the folks who are writing

the books or who are going

through things or the

government officials who

are involved in this and or

ex-officials and whatnot.

And so I try to follow along

with what their takes and views are.

And a lot of the quote

unquote UFO community are pagans.

or agnostics, or New Agers,

however you want to call it,

or however they call themselves.

They're not Christians.

And mostly, not everyone.

There definitely are exceptions.

But it seems like if you're

a Bible-believing Christian,

you are just not supposed

to believe in UFOs.

But even if you do think it's real,

you are supposed to say they're demons.

or evil in some way and so

depending on which side of

the fence you're on you're

usually a non-christian ufo

you know enthusiast will

say there's some type of

alien life from another

planet that's just the way

it's almost like a fantasy

it's like they want it to be true

Um, and so much so that there are,

you know, oh yeah,

I know this and I know that.

And they're from this

location and there's this

many species and there's

different species visiting us and they're,

they're trying to save our

planet or they're trying to

stop us from destroying

each other or whatever.

You know, that's kind of how it goes.

A lot of the times, again,

there's exceptions.

Um, but that's kind of that side of it.

And that's why the ridicule is easy.

Even when somebody serious

tries to talk about this, oh, aliens, ha,

ha, ha, ha.

And even the famous smart

people like Neil deGrasse

Tyson or whatever,

they always knock it down by saying, oh,

aliens, laugh, laugh, laugh.

Well, if they were really visiting us,

there'd be a lot more

evidence or something more

concrete and blah, blah.

okay, fine, fair enough.

But I'm in the learning mode here, okay?

And on the other side of it,

as a Christian, as a pastor,

I know people come to me and say, yeah,


I want more to, by the way.

Hey, I've had this experience or whatever.

I saw this thing when I was

in the past or I have

something I can't explain.

And it's just like these

other guys are saying.

It's just like what these

pagans are saying.

So there's something to it.

And so I want us to engage

in a little mental exercise

of thought and

investigation or logic exercise in that.

Let's say the premise is

that the UAP UFO phenomenon,

quote unquote, is real.

Let's say it is real.

In other words,

it's not human beings doing it.

It's not made up.

It's not swamp cast.

It's not smudges on lenses.

It's not balloons.

Not to say everything you

hear claimed is true, but some of it is.

Let's say, just say.

I see T-Rex's comment there.


So let's say it's real.

And let's say non-human intelligence,

which is the word of the day,

the acronym of the day in HI.

Let's say that's also true.

It's not secret government projects,

at least not all of it.

It can't be explained away.

It's not prosaic,

prosaic meaning normal

earthly explanations or

human explanations or

modern technology human explanations.

It's something else.

OK, well, let's just say that, OK,

whether you believe it or not,

just say just just say, for instance,

that, yes,

some of these things are real and unknown,

that we're just going to

take it for what it's worth.

The other we don't know what it is.

No one in America, for example, let's say,

knows what they are,

no matter what kind of

clearances you have or what

type of security or whatever else.

They really are not your

stuff and you don't know what they are.

Okay, they're real.

And let's say some other

intelligence is behind it,

whether that means pilots

in craft like we usually

are imagining or hear about

or like a drone operator, right?

Or, you know,

a guy sitting in a building

with like a video game

joystick you know or

controller flying things

around the air of space or

water or over your farm or

your city whatever so

whether their drones are

actually occupied um by

something let's say that's

real and let's let's kill

the assumptions that I just

mentioned let's take the possibility

that it is neither alien or demons.

I want to hear,

if we take those conditions,

if you take those conditions, tell me,

write it right now in the comments,

what it could be.

I've, I kind of have fun,

like figuring it through that, like, okay,

well then how does,

what does that eliminate

from the list basically?


You make it,

you make a big old list of possibilities.

What do they call that?

There's some kind of name for that.

Matrix probability matrix or something.

um anyway so you just cross

out what's let's say we

know is wrong or take a

supposition again you're

not saying it's a stone

cold fact you say okay

let's say condition a b and

c are are true and if

that's true we can

eliminate these answers uh

and then also we know okay

then they we know it's not

alien then it's if we say

that if it's not alien from

another planet and it's not

demonic and by demonic I

mean the liberal definition

not my strict one which I

always try to be a jerk and

correct people on um

demonic meaning any satanic

you know demonic

principalities any type of evil

You know, evil force, evil,

spiritual being, angel, principality,

demon, whatever.

All that's together.


Any of that.

I'm saying it's not any of that.

Let's say it's not any of that.

And it's not aliens from another planet.

What could it be?

And it seems to be technology of some kind,


It's actual physical things.

It seems like.

And there's definitely

claims that if there are

craft or whatever in human possession,

that it definitely, at some level,

is a physical thing.

So it's not a hologram.

It's not something you're tricked by.

It's actual stuff.

But it's not aliens or demons.

What is it?


No, that's not it.

Well, first of all, praise God,

Anchor Down finally got my

book last night.

Amazon, Wild Ride with Amazon.

Well, all right.

uh laris says he's serving

the lord in the muslim

community in pakistan iran

afghanistan praise god for

sure that's legit that's a

believer right there that's

what you call them um and

after apologizing for

disrupting me t-rex says

current hot theory is

quote-unquote interdimensional beings uh

several implications there

that's true if that is the

real answer then there are

several implications there

or possibilities right um

tim hey tim hybrid what

does that mean hybrid what

explain yourself

Ah, Tiki, what's up, brother?

What day is today?


I forget.

You coined something for this.

I'm sorry.

I forget.

For Thursdays.

Tiki says,

any sufficiently advanced

technology is

indistinguishable from magic.

The Arthur C. Clarke.

I think that's accurate as

far as who said it.

Maybe it's wrong.

I don't know.

But yeah, that's a yes.

I concur with that.

But what does it mean?

All right, it's not humans, right?

These are the assumptions.

It's real.

It's not humans doing it.

You know, not today's humans.

And it's not aliens and it's not demons.

What do we have left?

Trudy Cross on YouTube.

Hey, Trudy.

I agree.

Lots of evidence of unknown

phenomenon by many credible witnesses.

Number one,

whistleblowers is there from

another realm, not another planet.

Who are you referring to?

When it says number one whistleblower,

are you talking about Grush?

Because I don't think anyone

actually qualifies as a

whistleblower that has come

out yet besides him.

And, I mean, I know Chris Mellon,

I know Lou Elizondo, I know these guys,

but they're not whistleblowers.

They left the government.


and he didn't really say

what it was he just put

that out as a possible

explanation um there you go

theoretical thursday I like

that I like I'll take that

by the way it is thursday

january 25th 2024. um

here's okay t-rex brings up

one of the possibilities

okay and this is true this

is one of them us from the

future so imagine um when I

that's why I made it a

point to say not humans

from today so one of the

possibilities is as weird

as you might think it is um at some point

in the, let's say the near future to us,

let's say five years from now or whatever,

AI or,

or some technology advances to the

point where we can travel through time.

We can manipulate space time

and we're really not,

maybe we don't go to other

planets or galaxies at all

with that technology.

We just can,

we just go back to our own past.

And, and we don't want to be seen anymore.

Somehow, like that's the mission.

We can't, or for whatever reason,

we just decided to go back

there and maybe we want to

stop some event.

Maybe we want to maybe just

learn more about who knows what.

So that would be one of the possibilities.


Human beings, ourselves,

travel through time.

And that's us.

And though, if that's possible...

um now when we say inter hey

trudy says interdimensional

beings yeah so but what

does that mean does that

mean these beings are not

human and they and they um

inhabit um a smaller dimension

You know, like right next to me?

Like they're here right now?

That's what it would mean.

Or are you talking about

like the way they've

traveled would be

interdimensionally to get

from point A to point B?

Like a wormhole.


That's slightly different.

Anyway, Tiki, behave yourself, brother.

Give me your opinion then.

Don't laugh at stuff.

Tell me what it is.

I don't care if we believe it or not.

I'm just saying, put it out there.

Exercise our brains.

Don't settle on what you think you know.

Say, I have no idea.

And if it is this,

then what could the possibilities be?

He says,

the problem with time travel is

you have to know exactly

where the Earth was at a

given point in past time or

you'll wind up 10 miles

under the crust or

thousands of miles in space.

I guess that's true.


but why couldn't we know where the

Earth is at a given time?

I don't know.

Seems like that's not a huge problem.

If you had the technology to do it.

All right, so not aliens or not.

Okay, so here's my general list.

What if it's AI?

Hi, Lucy.

AI can conquer the universe.

Hang on here.


the only thing about time travel

theory that stops me,

why would a time traveling

craft need to be so aerodynamic?

so capable of traveling

extremely far distances.


Maybe there's a, yeah, I mean,

I don't know.

Maybe there's a reason for it to,

because it's really hot in there.

Or some other, you know,

pressure or temperature or something.

It would necessitate a

design or a metallic,

whatever that stuff is,

material to resist that

pressure or to go through the hole.

I don't know.

I'm just throwing it out there.

Some of them look very

aerodynamic for sure, right?

But some things we're seeing now are not.

So let me hear it.

So what could it be?

What else?

What else?

Not aliens, not demons, and it's not us.

Come on.

Come on, guys.

Let's go.



So let's say at some point, well,

we've got the AI

functioning pretty good now,

and it's probably an

exponential growth thing

like everything else in technology,


And particularly with that...

you're creating an artificial brain,


and if it starts to understand

and have some type,

you would say consciousness,

just some type of self-awareness, okay?

Just not to be all sci-fi on us here,

but if it becomes aware of

it to start to think versus

just answering questions, then yeah,

it could be its own thing.

And maybe...

Maybe that's what it is.

Maybe it advances its

understanding of the

universe or technology and

somehow builds its own stuff.

And that's what it is.


So, okay, fine.

I'll bite on my own question.

As far as I could tell,

out of all the universe of possibilities,

and I'm serious, guys.

Think this through,

because we might have to

deal with option C here.

What you would call

proto terrestrials or what

the heck is the term I just

read a book recently called

this what the heck my brain

is gone anyway it would be

not humans but they live

here too they're not from

anywhere else um

I got to find the name of it now.

Somebody help me out.

I know somebody remembers.

Anyways, I'll figure it out.


so basically it's another form of

life and they're not humans particularly.

And they exist somewhere

where we just don't know where they are.

They still exist and they

use this tech that they've

invented at some point for

who knows what.

They would have to live

somewhere where we wouldn't know them.

Or maybe they disguise

themselves to look like us.

Maybe they do look like us.

Very, very similar, perhaps.

Then they would have to live

maybe underground, maybe under the ocean,

maybe on the moon.


Not kidding.

Like those are the possibilities.


Crypto terrestrials, crypto terrestrials,

crypto terrestrials.

Okay, so not extra, but just older things.

All right.

Could you, as a Christian,

could you harmonize that

with the scriptures?

It'd be tough.

But again, it's like, okay,

Tiki's being a wise butt again.

Okay, but I'm not saying, not Nephilim,

not the giants.

He said they wiped them out in the flood.

What if the flood wasn't worldwide?

And what if we're not

talking about the giants or

we're talking about

something else before Adam?


Maybe they are an artificial... Yes,

they are here,

but they're an artificial creation.

somebody or something maybe

by demons all right but

it's still not a spiritual

thing it's a physical thing

they're just they just are

what they are just saying

these are possibilities

okay um right so we've got

we've got high technology

like ai basically

building stuff on their own

and flying them around.

A terrestrial race of beings that,

while not quite human,

are not from another planet.

But they use this tech for whatever.

Time-traveling humans, right?

We ourselves, this is just us.

We're coming back to do whatever.

Um, so that would be another possibility.

Um, then it get, get weirder, you know,

from there.


Again, okay,

if we're saying strictly that

it's not demonic and it's

not spiritual beings and

it's not humans and it's

not aliens or not current humans, to me,

there's one other possibility.

And I'm going to interact

with the folks who are

asking or saying things now.


Bondservants, as you pointed out last,

you last pointed out the Ezekiel vehicle,

for example, for Enochian.

In other words, there's, I mean, you know,


you can look in the Bible and see

there's some kind of non-usual, unusual,

non-human transportation

system that even God uses.

So it wouldn't be too weird

that these things would

exist and not be human or

demonic or alien.


if you consider what the sons of God

taught mankind,

maybe we're seeing a resurgence.

I'm inclined to the breach idea.

That's kind of where I was

going with this final...

final that I could see

anyway possibility hang on

let me catch up here Ronald

the Mothman that's an

interesting story if you

don't know what that is

there's a book and a movie

called the Mothman Prophecies it's weird

I could only that's only one

of them though right like

it's not like a race of

things anyways um crypto

thing I was referring to

about the lizard people

that live underground

apparently I mean it might

be something like that I

don't know why it would

have to be a lizard but um

I don't know maybe if it's

just a normal person take a normal

Take a normal human at some point in,

you know, 4,000 years ago or whatever.

The Sinoa flood.

And you were treated to underground or,

you know, undersea somehow.

You figured out how to live

there and avoid the flood.

And if you never came up for sunlight...

Or your diet would totally change,


What would you look like

after thousands of years?

Even if you're a human being,

you might look really different.

Am I off on that?

Some scientists can correct me.

If you live in a

subterranean world for thousands of years,

just a regular person,

would my


look any different than me?

I would assume at least your

color would go, right?

You would be very pale, right?

And probably very not okay with cold,

I'm guessing.

Maybe your skin would be

just not very useful.

Maybe you lose all your hair.

I mean, I don't know.

So anyway,

what I was going to suggest as

another possibility is that, again,

just trying to keep it in

the realm of Scripture.

And frankly,

I don't know what other ideas

there could be,

but I want to hear them if you have them.

Not aliens from another planet.

Not demons.

Well, it could be holy angels.


I'm trying to eliminate that, too.


Like good guys, right?

Like good spirits,

ones who haven't rebelled against God.

Maybe that's how they get around.


That's possible.

So let's say,

based on what a couple people

have mentioned, yes,

we know from the book of

Genesis and Enoch,

if you want to throw that in there.

that there was a time on the

earth where obviously there

was fallen angels came and

made giants Nephilim were

around and they taught

people all kinds of stuff

if we're combining Genesis

and Enoch and there was a

couple hundred of them and

they produced a bunch of

offspring you know physical

things human-like only much

bigger and stronger probably smarter

but anyways so they would

the angels themselves and

then through these giants

or whatever would be

teaching humankind

knowledge that they didn't

have kind of advancing

their technology if you

will their knowledge of

this how to make things how

to fight oars how to make

jewelry all these things

the secrets of the stars

the sun the moon the sky

crops right it sounds kind

of innocuous but take it

another way it could be not

so innocuous um like the

secrets that they would be

told about um from their

you know grandpas who were

you know dads who were actually angels um

So what if, first of all,

we know from the scripture

that it says the Nephilim,

the giants were on earth in

those days and also afterwards.

So there were some kind of

giant Nephilim things there

after the flood.

Anakim, right?

What the Israelites saw when

they tried to get to the promised land,


They saw giants, right?

And, you know,

God is very interested in

not having those around.

And if you believe Enoch, actually,

when those giants were killed,

they could be,

their spirits didn't go to heaven.

They didn't do what the

normal person does.

God wouldn't accept it.

So they became demons.

That's what a demon is.


and they're bound to the earth or

under the earth,

like Sheol or actually wandering,

like Jesus said,

wandering around dry places

seeking to get relief.

So to inhabit a person is

probably their top goal as

a disembodied former thing.


that's one explanation for demons.

But let's say they're all gone now.

Let's say there are no giants left.

But the knowledge that they passed down,

they said they taught

mankind these things.

They actually taught them

things that were like

radical and revolutionary,

like they would never know otherwise.

And then so we have the

flood in Genesis 6 and 7, 8, 9, 10.

And then by Genesis 10,

you have the nations being

separated out because the

Tower of Babel thing happened.

And that was where all the

Noah's descendants got together,

moved to the same location,

basically in Iraq, right?

And said, we're going to build this thing,

this tower to reach up into heaven.

And then we can't be denied.

God says they won't be

denied anything they try.

How is that possible?

To me,

that's saying there's something else

about the tower that was going on.

It wasn't just some normal ziggurat,

a building.

So what?

Why does that give them knowledge?

Why would that not be able

to deny them anything they wanted?

Why couldn't God stop them?

if they did that, if they succeeded.

So what if those, you saw then,

so apparently the Tower of Babel,

what I'm saying is that

even that attempt was possibly,

maybe even probably because

of the fallen angels and

the Nephilim passing this

advanced knowledge

of technology, if you will,

to regular old humans.

And so they passed the

secrets down a couple generations,

and now here they are after

gathering in Babel and

trying to build something

that would accomplish this

great rebellion against God,

maybe to themselves be

worshipped as gods or whatever,

doing whatever they wanted.


just to be rebels and not serve God

at all,

but to be their own gods and stuff.

That's satanic, obviously.

That's the serpent.

But what if that's the

higher knowledge that got taught to them?

That's how they were building it.

And so apparently God saw

fit to step in because it was dangerous.

It was not going to be cool

if they succeeded.

So he, right, we know what happened.

He confused the languages.

He couldn't speak to each

other and finish the project.


what if either they or people who came

after them figured it out?


whatever that goal was and

that machine or that tower or,

or whatever that was going

to be used for somehow they

figured it out or succeeded

or at least succeeded in this high, um,

understanding of the

universe like the how the

world works which is

exactly what enoch was

saying it was teaching them

how the world the universe

operates the laws of this

and that the laws of the

sun the moon the stars and

the and the how to grow

things and how to look a

certain way and how to

fight and make weapons and

make metal make metal

things that was one of um

that was one of the

instructions that was one

of the teachings of the fallen ones

So again, it wouldn't be them.

It wouldn't be a fallen

angel flying around.

It would actually be, in that scenario,

it would be a human

creation based on this

knowledge from the

beginning of the flood era.

And maybe those actual people back then

whenever back in the Tower

of Babel days or soon after

or somewhere around there,

maybe they figured it out

and they left like Enoch did, right?

They just kind of left this world in some,

maybe they built something

like a tower or like a

vehicle or something or a

time traveling

interdimensional portal or whatever.

Maybe they built it.

and maybe a certain amount,

not all humanity, but let's say a couple,

I don't know, dozen, a couple hundred,

a couple thousand, were figured it out,

and they zipped off into

this other realm.

And they figured out how to live there.

And since they could figure

out how to come and go into

this other realm,

that either their descendants today,

let's say,

I'm not saying I know how all

those would work,

but let's say their descendants today,

or maybe it's still them

because maybe you don't,

maybe they figured out how to not age.

Or maybe they've in this

other realm that you don't

age or time is totally different.

So you don't die.

Which would be very,

consistent with dark things, right?


so maybe they figured out how to

not die in there and it's actually them,

the same people, or, you know, maybe one,

their kids or something from Noah's time,

let's say, who are still here now.

And they figured out how to

traverse these places and

they figured out how to do

this interdimensional

travel and they figured out

how to make vehicles to do it.

Maybe they are zipping

around the stars also,

but they really don't maybe

care about that because

this is where it's at.

Maybe they don't have

knowledge about any other

planet or system,

but they got taught about this one.

I don't know.

Obviously, this is speculation.


Yeah, this is...

That's right.

Tiki is quoting what I'm talking about.

The people, they all have one language.

This is only the beginning

of what they will do.

Nothing they will purpose to

do will be impossible for them.

That's a huge statement from God, right?


Like, wow, that's way more than, wow,

they're going to be able to

all communicate at once.

So what?

I don't see the problem with that exactly,

but it says they'll be able

to do stuff that no one, unstoppable,

whatever they purpose to do

will be impossible.

That kind of echoes what Jesus says,


Nothing should be impossible

for him who believes.

So there's some kind of next

level ability or understanding.

We get it through faith.

in the Son of God,

but they're trying to leapfrog, okay,

potentially, hypothetically,

they would be trying to

leapfrog that requirement,

to not believe in the Son of God,

to have no faith, but through knowledge,

Gnosticism, if you would,

through knowledge to gain

access to these secrets,

to do anything I want.

So why can't that, is that possible?

Am I insane?

Um, right.

Isn't it possible that if, if, if there,

if we do believe the

scriptures and there's some,

there was a group of, you know, giant,

maybe intellectual giants

and fallen angels

themselves actually communicating, um,

with humanity.

That's what it says.

Um, before the,

the angels were locked up in, uh,

tartarus or um you know

sheol or uh the abyss what

however um only to be

released you know or judge

at the time of the end um

So before that happened,

they were communicating.

They were rebelling.

They were on the earth when

they shouldn't have been

and talking to people when

they shouldn't have been.

That's leaving their first estate,

like Jude or Peter would say.

And then here's the kicker with this.

If you think this is maybe possible,

check out Jude and 2 Peter

from the point of view of

what we're just saying.

Like, what if there were actually people,

just humans,

but they had this super

arrogant knowledge that

they could do whatever they

wanted and like the stuff

we're seeing today, like UFOs,

like interdimensional travel,

like whatever.

And maybe that's them right now.

kind of crazy,

but maybe that's those

actual same people or their descendants.

Maybe they, you know,

you multiply and have

babies the normal way out

in alternate dimension world.

Um, but it's, it's those people.

What if that's what we're seeing?

And what if that's what we

would be shooting at and recovering and,

and blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, so yeah, read,

if you're a Christian, or if you're not,

read the Bible, okay?

You'll be surprised what happens.

But anyway, yeah,

if you look at Jude and

Peter in that light,

or from that point of view, with, boy,

is this possible?

Like, you have this...

super arrogant ancient

people group that wants to

influence you somehow or

you know come into the

world or maybe mess the

church up or or right mess

god's plan up somehow

because they want to be

worshipped or they want

this or that so it's not

demons in that in that case

it wouldn't be demons

wouldn't be angels wouldn't

be us today and it's not aliens

But we're talking about high

tech and high understanding and, you know,

nothing is impossible for

you where these things,

they're doing impossible things,

but maybe they figured that all out.

And like a separate track of history,

but they're just people.

To me, that's the crazy, intriguing,

you could put it in the Bible stuff.


read Jude and 2 Peter in that light,

and now maybe something

will jump out at you.


Let's see here.

It took 60 years to go from

riding horses to landing on the moon.

Yeah, that's right.

That's the exponentiality of knowledge.

And especially when you get

into using other materials

for technology to assist in your efforts.



Hey, Ronald,

that so-called knowledge is

embraced by secret societies.

They advertise it.


The secret knowledge and so forth.

But if that what my scenario is,

is these people are not on

the earth right now.

I mean,

they're not among our society at all.

maybe they're trying to you

know that's what we're

seeing with um secret

societies or or you know

pagan like witchcraft and

um that kind of the secret

knowledge groups you know

the new agers um maybe they

they're either getting

communicated with by these

other people or maybe they

just they're wannabes you

know what I mean like hey

we heard this is true and

I'm gonna try to get it

myself but they never

actually get anywhere

um okay ronald also says the

image of the beast will

want to be worshipped in

the rebuilt temple um that's

I think true.

I mean, you could say that.

We have a rebuilt temple coming.


we have the image of the beast somewhere.

It doesn't say that it's in the temple.

It says the abomination that

causes desolation is placed

on the wing of the temple

or the corner or the right.

So maybe...

But I couldn't say yet for sure.


Tubal-Cain, yeah, okay.

That's one of the Cain's descendants.

Evil beings having babies

with humans and teaching

them makeup skills,

which is one of the things

they got taught, right?

How to beautify your eyelids and whatever.

Sounds weirder than

interdimensional travel,

yet we believe that.

About the makeup skills thing.

I mean, that is what it says.


Tower of Babel equals wormhole.

I'm thinking it might be.

I mean,

just in an elementary understanding of a,

call it a portal or whatever,

to figure out how to unlock

that capability is

potentially what the tower was.

It seems to be much more serious, for sure,

than a building.

And or a building to do

something because we've got

buildings all over the place.

We've got ziggurats.

We've got pyramids.

God doesn't care about those.

So it's something to do with

that structure or what the

structure would be built

for or to house that it was the problem.

all the knowledge since the

Garden of Eden is bad.

I don't know about that.

All the earth is full with

the knowledge of God.

Maybe the false prophet is

one of those beings just thinking, yeah,

right, okay.

All right, I feel you there.

I feel you.

right because he's

definitely that character

is certainly seems very

different it seems we're

not told a heck of a lot

about him in the scriptures

other than he could do

miracles somehow and we

just assume that like the

devil is possessing him or

something I don't know but

because it doesn't say any of that

So maybe there's some kind of leadership.

And maybe this is what the

unlocking of the pit in Revelation 9,

the fifth trumpet, is about.

Maybe it's like the sixth

trumpet when the Euphrates

is dried up and all of a

sudden there's 200 million horsemen.

It's weird.

I just taught this last

night in my local church.

Every time I read it, it's still...

um weird like it seemed like

there's a part missing or

something like it says

release the four angels

bound in the river

euphrates okay that's easy

enough four angels and then

when that happens all of a

sudden there's 200 million

horsemen how do we go from

four angels to 200 million horsemen

how are they connected like

what how do we get from

there to there they seem

they seem totally

disconnected anyways so

what if we're looking at

that right um as far as

where these whatever these

are come from maybe they're

it just says they have

riders and they're look

like weird horses with

different heads and

breathing fire and having

snakes for tails and

Doesn't seem like anything's

normal about them,

but they just show up and

attack or kill a third of mankind.

Stop itching ears and you'll

be out of here.

Ronald, give me a break, dude.

I'm sorry.

No, get out.

That's not nice.

You're my accusation.

Itching ears.


I'm not telling people what

they want to hear.

I have no idea what they want to hear.

If anything,

they want to hear that it's all demons.

That's the typical Christian

audience wants to hear that.

So if I was itching ears,

I would say it's all demons

and get my views and my

likes and my contributions way up.

But I don't care about that.


False signs and lying

wonders is what we must guard against.

Well, hang on.

Jesus says,

take ye that no man deceives you.

Many will come in my name saying,

I am the Christ, and will deceive many.

The final antichrist, false prophet,


comes with false signs and lying wonders.


so that's not exactly the same thing.

So don't be a debunker if

these things are not fake.

And they're not lying.

And they're not wonders.

They're just technology.

For example, for instance,

I'm just putting it out there.

Don't assume that they are false or lying.

They're just, they are what they are.

That's, you know,

we cannot slide into arrogance there.

In some past cultures, we see paintings,


what looks like aliens and

crafts or different looking things.

Yeah, taller stuff.

Yeah, for sure.

And things flying in the air.

Yes, that's true.


the Hopi have a tradition of

something like supernatural

invasion or entrance to a dimension.

I mean,

there's definitely native cultures

with cave art and things

depicting this kind of stuff.

It's true.

And some of them talk about

portals and interdimensional traveling.

And this is how things

appear and disappear in the sky.

And obviously,

this is well before modern...

man any technology and they

were describing such things

so yeah I mean that's

evidence that you have to

process um david hey david um


Are you a Christian, David?

I'm glad.

I think it's entertaining to you,

but we're really trying to

think through it for real

and participate.

I'm sure the truth is light

years trippier than my reality, whatever.

Well, man, Pink Floyd is not, you know,

don't worry about that.

That's okay.

You can come to Jesus.

He'll teach you more truth

than you can handle.

That's the awesome thing

because he is the truth.

He says, I am the truth.

The truth is a man, a Jewish man,

who died for your sins because you sinned,

he died, and he rose from the dead.

That's reality.

It's kind of like what we're

doing here now.

If you accept that,

you must accept other

things that have to be true

and other things that have to be wrong.

So anyway,

I hope it has been some type of

exercise or catharsis that

was maybe helpful or fun or

lead you into the scriptures,

which would be the best result,

because that's what we're after.

After all,

the family of God to increase the gospel.

to go out and yes,

Christians can talk about

this stuff and not be made

fun of and not be debunking

everything and accepting

that some things are beyond

our understanding right now.

And that's okay.

Um, but then also to use our brains.


God gave us brains to figure

things out sometimes and that, yeah,

he did write things for a reason.

And, um, let's seek his, his, uh,

what he wants, um, um,

what he would do with that,

what he wants us to do with it.

And again, you know,

I just wanted to leave you with this.

Oh, okay.

Sorry, Dave.

All right.

You're good.

You're good.

You're good.

We're all, we are all a little,

little off sometimes for sure.


But this stuff is, it's wild.

But I'll leave you with this.

Again, another what if scenario.

No, not ear tickling.


Well, you do fit in here.


I want to encourage you to get the

End Time app.

Just type that into your

phone or your tablet.

It'll bring you right to the app store.

It's totally free.

Your total weirdos will be

gathering at the End Time

Church app every day.

So go interact with us there.


So final thought is it's possible.

It's possible that some of

the things that we are looking

to witness in these days

that are coming uh

including the iranian

invasion of the middle east

including these crazy

things like revelation 9

like I said earlier

including um even how

possibly that the only

place in the middle east

safe in the antichrist will

be this little strip of

land in jordan and saudi arabia

Maybe for all those things

to actually come to fruition,

there needs to be some type

of super advancement or

super advanced technology

that would appear

supernatural in a way or

would allow things that we

can only dream about right

now for good or bad.


Like the Iranian bear, you know,

the Persians coming out in

the Daniel 8 scenario,

it says they have a weapon

that can't be stopped.

And something's going to

happen where no one's going to,

it says no one can resist them.


they're not the superpower on the earth.

Like, how is that possible?

To me, it means there's something else.

There's something missing.

There's some other weapon

out there that no one else

has that they're going to have.

That's probably what it means.

As an American,

I thought we had all the good stuff.

All the evil stuff.

All the killing stuff.

Or the Russians.

One of us would probably have everything,


But apparently not.

So maybe that super weapon

or this technology can be

used either for good or evil.

Like every technology.

Like your phone.

Like the internet.

like a gun right like a car

like an airplane you can

use it for good or bad

depends on the driver

depends on the one using it

depends on the purpose

behind it so it's possible

what we're seeing with this

ufo uap thing is not aliens at all um

and that it's really not humans.

But yet it'll be part of

this scenario and not

necessarily to deceive,

but maybe even for God's people to use.

So think about that.

We love you very much.

This has been the Unsealed Podcast,

the official podcast of

Wings of the Eagle.

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if this podcast blesses you,

we need you to help us.

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There is no help.

Just our viewers and listeners.

Please do that.

If you're interested in the

book I wrote called Fleet

to the Mountains,

it's all about this end time stuff.

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Just let me know.

And we'll see you next time, Lord willing,

here on the podcast we call Unsealed.



Thank you and God bless you!

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