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Writer's pictureChristopher

We need to stop complaining and take action

Unsealed - We need to stop complaining and take action. Elections, UFO Disclosure, how messed up the Church is, etc. It's really all the same. What will YOU do? WE NEED YOU!


Yes, this is Unsealed, the official podcast of Wings of the Eagle. Hello there. Christopher Mantei is me. You can reach me at any point if you'd like on the X platform at Mantei 4 M-A-N-T-E-I 4. And of course, on the end time church app as well. And time that app will get you there. It's all free, of course. uh just done as a service to body of christ if you're a christian if you're not I welcome you as well please let me know who you are where you're listening or watching from if you have any questions comments or concerns please feel free to just type it on in wherever you're watching uh whether it be youtube facebook the x platform as the aforementioned uh or whatever uh or if it's just an audio version I welcome you as well, whether it be Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or what have you. Love to have your input. Let me know how I can be of help to you. And of course, we are brought to you by your support, as you just saw, one hundred percent. OK. All right. So this is probably not going to be long today. I never really know what we're going to talk about on any given podcast or the events of the day or where I figure the Lord is leading me or what needs to be addressed in my life. And this is something that periodically will come up for me personally. And a lot of you I just know it because it's common it's very common it's human nature um especially in the digital age where it's very easy to put your grievances out to the world um it's kind of exciting uh electrifying or satisfying at some level For your ego, our ego, the Christian would call it your flesh, to appease your complaints, your lists of grievances, whatever they happen to be. Doesn't mean they're illegitimate. Doesn't mean they're wrong. Doesn't mean they're not worth talking about. May well be. May well be. And I'm not talking today about victims or about crimes or assaults, evil happening to you. I'm not saying that's a complaint. That's justice. That's a little different. That's calling for action, actually. And that's what this is, is about taking action. And I kind of settled on this because over the weekend... you may or may not know, Wings of the Eagle live streamed an event for Global Disclosure Day with NPI. We simulcasted the New Paradigm Institute Citizens for Disclosure event. That was like three hours long, but we did our own thing for two hours before that with a couple of podcasts from the past year about salient topics going into that Disclosure Day anyway. uh one of the places I I um advertised or you know told people that it was happening uh our our stream of it was on reddit and um one of the let me just read to you that I'm not going to say a name or anything but let me read to you um what was replied to when I posted my link and this reply was, um, yesterday or maybe Tuesday. And maybe it's not right in front of me, but I'm going to get it. If you guys don't use Reddit, I get it, but it's a place. Um, Among many, but I just don't want to misquote this situation. Here it is. Okay, so I posted the event on Saturday, just saying, hey, this is happening tomorrow, link to video, so forth. And it was yesterday. The comment came in. This is not uncommon of a thought, okay? But here's the comment. What was the event about Sunday? It was about getting involved. It was about being a citizen for disclosure. In other words, you know something is up. Now it's time to do something about it, right? Well, the comment is, I want evidence. I've heard testimony for decades. Apparently this is an older man or woman, usually man on Reddit. I've heard testimony for decades. I'm done buying books as well as for answers. Books as well for answers, quote unquote. Okay, that's fine. That's a discussion in and of itself. You guys are really trying to tell me Nobody's willing to take the hit for humanity and break an NDA. Again, I sympathize with that. In fact, I did a podcast about that, about how whistleblowers are people who work and know things who just aren't speaking because of NDAs should think about breaking that NDA. I said that. Yes, I did. But the comment continues. You would literally have continents named after you. Not just statues, continents. I don't know where that comes from. This is ridiculous. This whole thing is getting ridiculous. That was the comment. That was the whole thing. That's fine, but what does that have to do with you're expecting people with NDAs to break them, otherwise you're out? You're not interested? You don't care anymore? You're just going to be angry on Reddit or whatever social media you use. Apply it to yourself. A lot of people have done this. Again, people have commented on my stuff. Why do I need to know this? And that's the comment. Take some darn responsibility. If you want to know something, go find out. So my reply to that person, that comment was simply, I said, great. then you're ready to become a citizen for disclosure and have your voice heard instead of just complaining online. And a lot of this is just like that. You want to say your piece and get your complaint out so somebody's going to see it. It's not just you screaming at the at the wall or, or into a, into the wilderness, right? Someone's actually might see and hear that. And you're just going to be angry, darn it. And you're going to complain until somebody listens. I don't know. Uh, that's fine. So I'm said, I'm saying use that, right? I'm trying to put the best spin on it possible. Like, okay, you're angry. You're frustrated. I agree. Obviously, a lot of people are. Most people are. Anyone who's looked into this situation and we see long-term official obfuscation, denial, lies, provable untruths from people who we are supposed to trust, institutions that are not supposed to lie, lie anyway. And there's major, major issues going on. We can agree to that, okay? But it's not just about UFOs or keeping secrets in that way. Like I said in the description today, whether it be UFO disclosure or elections or how messed up the church is, it's really all the same, isn't it? You want to complain about how bad the country is. You want to complain about this party or this candidate. And I don't, you know, if you follow me on X or whatever, socials, I rarely do any of that stuff because I know how futile it is and how it's very easy to fall into a large group of lazy people who all they do is complain. And here's the next thing to complain about. And the next thing, it doesn't have to be all about political things or UFO things or like I said, church stuff. The church is so messed up. Well, it is. Christianity and leaders of Christianity are really, really screwed up. And the Lord is not happy about it. So, yes, there is a time and place to say we are screwed up and here's why. And here's another example of that. But then what? It's not going to get any better if you just sit around and complain about it. You have to take action about it. If you're a Christian, it's easy. You're an individual believer accountable to God yourself. He's not going to judge you or whatever based on what your church did or didn't do or teaches or doesn't teach. What did you do with the talent that he gave you? What did you do with the Bible that you did understand? What did you do with the Holy Spirit when he was talking to you? For a Christian, that's the bottom line reality. He's not going to hold you responsible for someone else's sin, and no one else can take the fall for yours unless it's Jesus himself. And what you did with that info is very relevant. Okay, you're saved. Praise God. Now what? Right? There's more to this story. He just doesn't want you to make a confession and die. for example. But again, it's not about how messed up the church is. It's like, okay, well, what am I going to do about what I'm screwing up on? How am I going to make changes in my life that I need to change? So I'm not one of those church leaders. And I'm not perfect. I'm not an example. Perfect is not even close. I'm not an example of anything other than Yes, what do I need to do to take action so I don't just complain about the church or about UFOs info never coming out? That's why I think it's important to do that Global Disclosure Day that we did. Even though half of my audience or more doesn't care about UFOs. Couldn't care less. In fact, they think it's demonic, probably. And I'm being a fool or have no discernment, as one person told me once. I have no discernment. I think my discernment is pretty good, actually. And my record is pretty good. Just being honest. So, yeah, I'm following God there. There's nothing to fear. Anyway, but I'm not going to do that either. I'm not going to complain about how little information is coming out or this. I'm not buying any more books or I'm not doing anything. If that's the way you feel, why tell the world that? Just do it and be gone. Just move on to something else then. Just don't. I think you're saying it because you care, but you're not willing to do anything. You're not willing to actually get involved with, let's say, the Citizens for Disclosure thing, which is getting with other, and this is no different than the church. You're a Christian, but you think they're all screwed up. I can't hang out with other Christians. Everyone's messed up. I know there's no churches around me that's any good. Well, you can't just stop there. That's not the end. Okay, then what are you going to do about it? There still has to be a connection. You can't be a lone ranger. You can't be by yourself and then die one day. That's it. That's not life. So what are you going to do? You have to get with people who agree with you, who want to take action, who know that something has to change, who know that the info isn't coming out or the church is messed up or whatever, and do an action together. Whatever it is, and in terms of the disclosure thing or with politics, same difference. Why complain about how bad the Republicans, the Democrats, or the candidates are? I just know I'm not voting for them. If anyone asks me, I'm going to tell them that. There's a poll that Michael Brown put up yesterday. Who are you voting for? I follow him on Twitter, on X, so I participated and said none. None of the above. I'm proud to say that. I'm just not going to hide that. I don't think any Christian should vote for either one of those candidates. I'll say it a billion times. But now what? Right? Like I was in that game. And yeah, I'm out of that game because I don't think it's right, good, or helpful. Certainly not what God has called me to do. I have to leave that. And I have to call others to leave that. But it's not disengaging. I'm not going to not become a citizen anymore. I'm not going to not care. I have a family. I'm in a school district. I pay taxes. I'm going to vote for things that I think can help my family or my state or my region or my nation. If there's two bad choices, I'm not making it. But if there is a something, whether it be – the UFO issue really cuts to the core of this because it's not just this woo, as they say, woo, the unseen realm, right? That's why I put it that way because, yes, there's something going on that's very exciting theologically and spiritually and scientifically. All that stuff. Yeah. But it's being hidden and it's being hidden in a way that it doesn't matter what the topic is. There's actually illegal to the nth degree stuff happening in your... If you're an American, your government is totally and utterly corrupted and has nothing to do with left or right communism or fascism or any of that stuff. It's just... totalitarianism like one group has decided they will decide everything and keep the secrets and you will never know because we said so and we're going to steal your money for eighty years and forever more and no one's going to be held accountable and we're going to commit crimes and we're not going to be accountable for that either that's a problem I don't care what the topic is right we said this along many times now but this whole USAP and what you know special access programs that you can't you're supposed to hide them away there is zero There are zero programs that you cannot tell Congress. Zero. That's the law. And it's right. It's moral. It makes sense. It's logical. There cannot be a military separate from civilian control. Control. Oversight. Money. Approval. That's called the Congress program. And if you're not, and we've screwed up enough as it is and only said, well, you don't have to tell eight people everything. Okay, fine. But those eight people aren't being told. None of them. Not just even one or two of the eight, which still is not legal. But if those eight aren't told, this is a red flashing light. The country is in danger. The country is over, basically. Your constitution is shredded. It's gone. Right? If you allow this to happen, it doesn't matter what. Don't be fooled by fearing about this left or right stuff. This is beyond that. It has nothing to do with your beliefs, your religion, your social preferences, not even the big issues like abortion or homosexuality, national defense, whatever your issues are. None of it matters because there's a group saying you have to give us whatever we want. We won't tell you. We're going to do stuff in secret. We're going to do crimes. And you can never know. And no one's ever going to hold me accountable for it. Okay. So, yes, how could you not take action there? Are you just going to complain about it, that that exists, or deny that it exists? And then, well, you can't really deny it. If you're really serious about finding out, you'll find out. So don't complain about the political situation and do something about it. And you know it's not violence. I hope no one's going to cut that out of there. You know that's not the solution to anything. It's not even a method. It's nothing. It's evil. It's do something the right way. prove that there is a right way and this is a for example a country that has rules and a constitution and we're going to stick to it and we're going to enforce it and we're not going to let dictators take over whether that be a someone at the top of the presidency or a secret group for calling themselves majestic twelve or whatever else over the years not allowed I mean as a citizen I i I am going to make my voice heard about that and organize with others to make sure that this comes out. Okay. That's something. Donate your money. Okay. Donate your time. Great. Form organizations. Okay. You know, a five, one C threes or not just, just informal gatherings, join organizations that already exist. Donate to wings of the Eagles. So these podcasts can keep going out. Cause I'm in a very weird space right now. I'm in a, we're in a place where again, they're not really, I'm distrusted in the UFO community because I'm a, I'm an evangelical Christian and I'm distrusted in the church because I talk about weird stuff and stuff that no one wants to hear about. I'm still going to do it as long as I can function. And I don't have to work eight hours at a job, you know, elsewhere where I, can't be uh doing this kind of stuff then that's what's gonna need to be done but hopefully it won't so you get to wings of the eagle okay you give to um move on I don't know like or something you're you're you're doing something you're going to npi and you're gonna say you know what I'm signing up and uh yes I'm gonna go citizens for disclosure just type that in there's a form you can fill out somebody will get with you no matter where you live If you're in my area, I will get with you. I'll reach out to you. We'll put you in a group for your state. We'll get going. Action will be facilitated, right? So please, I'm just appealing on this time of extreme everything to don't wear out. Don't give up. If you're a Christian, keep the faith. If you're not a Christian yet, get the faith. And yes, weird, bizarre, hard things are coming on the world, and they will continue, and they will get harder and weirder. That's a promise. So what are you going to do about it? Are we hiding out? Are we going to the bunker? Or are we making plans for action? Peaceful, godly, but brave action. Bold action. Bold action. Bravery is overrated. I don't even know what that is, really. I guess if you're afraid, but you do it anyway, that's bravery. That's what I heard. That's a good definition, but just being bold people like me with brains like mine. Some of you were like this, um, don't care really how people react. You just got to do what's right. Uh, so let's do that together. Okay, so that's the short version today. I've said enough. If you agree with this, share this right now, please. Yes, it's important. Yes, it matters. slash donate or slash support unsealed. Same thing. That'll help tremendously. Like I said, I sent out, it was my birthday on Tuesday. I sent out, if you're on the email list, you got a weird email from me. Or if you're on, follow my social channels, you got a weird message. Because I don't want to send them. I don't ask for money. I mean, I mentioned it during these live streams or whatever, but I never make a formal appeals. I made a formal appeal because we're in trouble. I mean, this organization can't survive without help. And that's not a joke. It's not. It's just something to say. It's legitimate. Now, this is a structurally speaking. This is a single member LLC. It's not a nonprofit because it's This is my job. And so anything that goes to support that, what you're watching this on, the tools of the trade, people that I support, the work that we do when we're trying to help others do their thing, like all that is part of the job. So anyway, the point is it's not an appeal. Again, it's just the fact of it is this is one example of one person taking action. And so you can help me in that. You can do it yourself. We can do it together. Your call. But doing nothing is not okay. Complaining online is worse than nothing, really. Because you're putting it out there how lazy you are. We are. Thank you, brother. Brother from India. Okay, what have y'all been saying here? Can't sit in your muck. Have to get up and move forward. That's correct. Thank you. Ricky Haynes says amen with the prayer hands. Hey, Ricky Haynes. What's up? Hope to make further contact with you on Monday nights. I hope you can be there at our church services. Reminds me of the timid servant who bears his talent. It's exactly what it is. That's exactly what it is. He accepts the charge like, okay, I'm a believer, Lord. What do you got for me? And he takes it. And instead of listening to the command, which is go do something with this, he buries it and thinks that's good enough. And guess what? It's not. Chain starts from the ground up. Yes. God loving weirdos for Jesus. Thank God he does. Um, is wings of the Eagle, a five Oh one C three registered with the U S government. No, we are not a nonprofit. Five Oh one C three and, uh, locals in India. So you may not be familiar with, uh, how we do tax exempt organizations and businesses here in America, but no. So five Oh one C three is a nonprofit charity like end time church is Jacob's refuge is. Anything you give to that has to go to church functions or charity functions for a specific purpose. Wings of the Eagle is called an LLC. a limited liability corporation. And that's just the simplest, easiest, cheapest way that you can form a business in the United States and not have a big staff of people that have to go to board meetings and you have to compensate them in some way. Why would, unless somebody wants to work for free for me, let me know. I kind of doubt it. So it's not, no, it's called an LLC LLC. And that way, I don't have to report for any reason. It's for whatever people give, I can use it for whatever needs to be done. It's great freedom, tremendous freedom in that. And nobody gets to see who gave what. There's no records of that. It's private. The only thing where it impacts me personally is it's my, now I've reported on my income taxes as whatever the business brings in, I reported on my personal return. That's a single-member LLC. That's it, okay? But as far as you giving, no difference. And internationally, no difference at all. If you're in America, what it means is you don't get to write your donation off on your taxes as a charity. You just gave to an organization for a business. Maybe you bought a book. Maybe you have a course. Maybe you participated in an event for whatever reason. It's just a business. You don't get to write that off on your taxes. That's all it means. Okay. Right. Oh, bless the Lord, man. Anything, anything you can do is good. Thank you, brother. yeah and that goes for all y'all okay it doesn't uh can I donate more that you're asking yourself that maybe uh if you want there's no limit uh there's no rules at all about that it's again it's not a non-profit so you can't write it off I don't know how india works with that stuff Any amount you choose. Okay? That's it. Anyway, it's not an appeal for money here today. It's stop complaining. We, me first, and all y'all who are listening, and anyone who you share this with because you will share it right now you're on YouTube, hit the share button. Everyone watching right now, I see you all. I mean, I don't see who exactly, but I know you're there. Even on X, you can share it right now. Just hit the share button. It's free. Why wouldn't you? So yeah, you want to motivate someone to something? Maybe this will help. Anyway, so I will close with if you feel the need to, you know what? You agree with this Reddit person, right? Who said, you know, I'm sick of this. I'm not doing anything. Nobody will break their NDAs. You don't want to have a continent named after you. I'm sick and tired of this. I'm out. If you are willing to go beyond that and say, well, I'm really frustrated by all that, but I'm not out because I need to do something myself. I'm going to get organized. I'm going to put my name out there. I'm going to put my information into New Paradigm Institute's database so they can sort me to where other people who where I live, we can get together. You need to take that step. If you're into the UFO disclosure is important to you, do that. If you're a Christian who is walking the line like me and like the people who are chiming in on YouTube in comments, who are walking the line of both following Jesus and are extremely interested in this UFO situation, like they know there's really a lot to it and it could have to do with the return of Jesus and all these events. I'm really interested in that. Yes. Go to Fill out the form. It's just a one-page website. It says this is what the organization is. It's not even an organization. It's just I want Christians to get together specifically to talk about this. Hopefully, and no disrespect if you're not a leader in a church, but I want church leaders. I want pastors. I want priests. I want bishops. I want elders. Whatever you call yourself, whatever titles, real church denominational leaders. I want denominational leaders. regular believers are fine that's cool too but the vision of it is and who am I? I'm nobody I just facilitate okay just facilitate thank you oh hello Madam Rex don't be sad I didn't do a good job of telling anyone I was going on at all it just happened If you want to join the Wings of the Eagle Patreon, please do so. slash Wings of the Eagle. Just spell it all out. slash Wings of the Eagle. And you will see the various ways to help there. Thank you. And there are several. And yeah, so there you go. There you go. Awesome. Awesome. Praise God. Thank you. Yeah, and that's just, these are courses that we offer. This is a new book that we're trying to write. There's just ongoing stuff that we want to meet and get together. Or you just, hey, I have some extra cash here. Take that. Okay, great. All that. Anyway, so if you're a church leader especially, and you're in this in-between zone, or maybe you're just like, well, you know what? Something might be coming of this UFO thing, and maybe something big is coming, and I've got to alert my congregation. I've got to tell them that I'm on top of this, or we're on top of this as a denomination, and we're going to draw up guidance for this. We have to have a policy about this. We never talked about this. We have no clue. This is a total blindside. Well, then take action now. I think let's get together as church leaders and talk about it together. That's what the church is supposed to do. We're one body in Christ, right? Regardless of your tradition or where your denomination comes from or what you believe about other Christian denominations, just shut up about that and get together. Okay? I'm not talking about Christian cults. I'm not talking about weird stuff. I'm talking about your mainstream, old school, the Orthodox, the Catholics, the Lutherans, the Independents, the Baptists, Anglicans, whatever. Okay? I don't care. Just get together and talk about this. UAP Council. Okay? And of course, Madam Rex is complete madame. Madame. I'm sorry, I keep mispronouncing this because there's an E on the end. Watch parties on Patreon. Yes, if you become a Patreon member of what we call the Aviary or any level, you'll get a bunch of what we call watch parties that we haven't released to the public. We have hours and hours of focused, hyper-focused... topics on this uap ufo issue and all the surrounding aspects not all of them but several of the surrounding aspects um like mj-twelve like we talked about before men in black we just did that um you name it there's a whole we go through the basic history um just there's lots of angles and we've done lots of content on that and plan is to continue to so yes excuse me uh get in on that with the patreon and you get to see all that with uh madame rex and myself and we want your input if you join patreon you can say whatever you want uh you can you can give whatever type of input and suggestions and um whatever I have to pay attention OK. All right. All right, guys, that's it. That's that's the message today. It applies. Apply liberally. Apply liberally. Your eye salve on this. OK, get it to wherever you need it. Whether it be elections, you're tied up about that. Nobody's more frustrated with this election. I'm in an area, I'm in the Philadelphia region, okay? So this is a swing state, and the counties around Philadelphia are the swing counties. It's one of the most important places in America right now. As far as the election, it might be the most important. As far as where that money is going, where the PACs, stupid PACs, are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into these places. Elon Musk was just here. um last week literally in person at some school just hawking giving away a million dollars I'm sure to somebody I don't know um but the point is this is like ground zero for that type of stuff and I am done I am so done with commercials and endless ads everywhere hopefully in a what is this now ten days two weeks uh week and a half about two little less than two weeks week and a half Election day will be over, and I hope it's over by then. I kind of think it won't be, but I mean, as far as the drama and the claims and the lawsuits and all that, and hopefully nothing violent But maybe, just maybe, it'll be over then and nobody wants it over faster than me. But if this is applying to you, you just are complaining about the situation, about this candidate or this platform or this party or whatever, yeah, get out of it. Just get out. Stop complaining. Take action for yourself. Maybe it's your mental health that you need to fix. Maybe you need to take a break. Maybe you need to do something positive instead of something negative. Maybe you need to actually take action. Get out there. Just talk to others who are feeling frazzled and I can't, you know, take it with this, but yet I still, you know, feel like I need to do something for my children or our future or something like, oh, that's good. All right. So put it to good use. Stop complaining on, on the internet and take some action. All right. No bond servant will not let me leave. Just kidding. Packs and lobbies should be illegal for what they do. Money thrown everywhere. I mean, it's complicated there again because lobbying is a constitutional right. It's right there in the First Amendment. It's part of free speech. You have the right to, quote, petition the government for a redress of grievances. That's lobbying. But under that, you've got a big, giant... It's like an iceberg of potential uses for that. And like you said... bondservant it doesn't do what really that is and I petition the government they're throwing millions of dollars into regular people's faces into their living room saying all kinds of crazy stuff and getting you frayed and angry and all that for for election time and basically it's bribery like you like you're saying um political action committees right Anyways, enough about all that. This is positive day. Stop complaining and take action. That's the message. Praise God, Mokul. Thank you. Yes, that is the plan. That is the vision. And preparing the way is the... Probable title of the book. It's a book, and it'll be multimedia. Again, that's the goal. Pray for that. Pray for movement in that. Pray for help in that. That would proceed and get done. So we get more practical revelation, practical information about what this is all going to look like and what it's going to mean for us as individuals. Okay. Yes. All right, everybody. See you later. Next time will be tomorrow Q&A. Watch this channel for church Q&A time and then our services on Monday night as always. All right, friends. We do love you. Until next time. Christopher Manti for Unsealed, the official podcast of Wings of the Eagle. Goodbye.

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