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TicTacs and Zechariah 5

⁠#UFO⁠ ⁠#UAP⁠ ⁠#TicTac⁠ ⁠#Nimitz⁠ ⁠#Prophecy⁠

Unsealed: TicTacs and Zechariah 5 - USS Nimitz, Guadalupe Island and more. This podcast needs your help today! -

Zechariah chapter 5 bible study: ⁠⁠


Yes, indeed, this is Unsealed, the official podcast of Wings of the Eagle. Christopher is me. Happy to have you along for the ride today. Please let me know who you are, where you're from. If you're watching live, be... honored to meet you and uh say hello get in on the conversation a little bit and um if you don't know we are fully funded by you if you like this thing if you like this podcast you like what wings of the eagle does in any way whether it's this latest um topic of UFOs and stuff or anything else we're involved with the books and courses and support for missions and conferences and all that stuff please do help us just go to slash support unsealed and you can give right there whatever you can much appreciated and we also have Patreon set up Haven't done a great job in telling folks about it, I guess, but it's there slash wings of the Eagle and find all our offerings there, including a special group called the aviary that we are trying to build where we can talk about things in a private way about this topic, about maybe you're a whistleblower. Maybe you work in one of these projects. or the program, or you know something, or you just want to hang out with people who do, and maybe you're a Christian, maybe you're not, that doesn't matter. So anyway, that's all available to you. And on we go. All right, so we'll get, hey, folks. It's good evening to our brother Emmett there. Different time zone, but blessings to you, friend. OnServant, welcome as always. Thank you. And please share this, at least, please. If you can't support the podcast, you can at least share it and tell your friends because it's pretty neat. Get good reviews when people listen. Anyways, okay, enough. We've been on this for, again, for the better part, the better part, over a year now, and more and more details about these incidents. For example, that... when these public hearings happened last year, one of the witnesses was David Fravor, a pilot, who told his firsthand witness testimony about what he personally saw, as well as his team, as part of, it wasn't just one airplane or one ship out off the california coast but an entire I believe an entire carrier battle group hundreds of sailors multiple ships aircraft carriers um submarine you know you name it everything was out there so many uh eyeballs and instruments And so what we know about that story is just getting more and more involved and interesting. So I wanted to fill you in on that if you didn't know. And tied into, since I am a Christian, yes, I believe the Bible is true. I know I'm crazy for that maybe. But I do. And one of the things that we've covered recently in the church that we operate called End Time Church is the book of Zechariah last year. At the end of last year, we covered that whole book. And part of it is very relevant to what we're going to be talking about today in the Tic Tac topic. Tic Tacs. Yes, not the breath mint, but the UFO. And what the heck does a Bible have to do with a Tic Tac? Well, when we did the Bible study, and the link is down below, by the way, in your description, direct to the entire relevant portion of that study last year, it was called part three, I believe, of Zechariah. And we're going to pull up the teaching slides here just to find out what I'm talking about. So what do I do first? Let's do the actual news portion of it. There's a new story out in the Daily Mail. Christopher Sharp is one of the authors or reporters on that. It just came out six days ago. And I suggest you read it. The headline is, Witnesses to 2004 Tic Tac-shaped UFO sighting reveal shocking cover-up of infamous USS Nimitz encounter. Witnesses to an infamous 2004 UFO incident reveal Tic Tac spotted flying at incredible speed. That's plural. Tic Tac spotted. spotted flying at incredible speeds by top Navy pilots off the California coast were also picked up on sonar speeding underwater. Two Navy officers told that masses of high-quality radar, sonar, and other data of the strange craft were sent to a naval base on shore. as they accused the government of a cover-up after the Pentagon claimed the data is nowhere to be found. Well, that's a textbook cover-up. You have a clear incident with dozens, hundreds, really, of witnesses, of instrument data, recordings, videos, not only from the ships that were out there, but sent back to the shore. So there are multiple, multiple places where this information was known and then to say it doesn't exist well you're either blatantly lying or you destroyed the evidence and now saying it doesn't exist or a bit of both either way not good hello Loanne checking in from YouTube Good morning to you, ma'am. Okay, so we've got multiple, multiple situations there. Pentagon says data is nowhere. A source who investigated the incident for the Department of Defense told Daily Mail that they were briefed about the sonar data from a nearby submarine that tracked UFOs, the UFOs, the ones we're talking about, moving at more than 460 miles an hour underwater. during the shocking November encounter. I'm not sure if this comes up in the story or not, but you may not know, but 460 miles an hour underwater, the fastest underwater submarine ever, and I looked this up this morning, was about 50 miles an hour. And that, 50. Not 500. And that was a stripped-down test run by a Russian sub in the 70s. So now it's loaded down with all kinds of stuff. So now you can get up to about 40 miles an hour in your fast subs today. 40, okay, or 35 knots. Now, this was talking 400. Yeah, that's right, brother. 400 knots. So that's more or less 10 times the speed of the fastest submarine we have ever invented. 10 times. Not a little faster. Not even twice as fast. 10 times as fast. Are they lying? Is all the eyewitnesses and the instruments all making it up? to sell books I mean I don't know what considering that they've never admitted that it happened officially right so something weird going on ahead of the 20th anniversary of the nimitz incident and my gosh it's been 20 years in november um the revelations at a new intriguing dimension to the most prominent ufo case in recent history by the way there is video of this the tic-tac It's one of the famous three videos that the New York Times published in 2017. So it's not made up. You can watch it. And the Pentagon says it's real, by the way. I mean, like it's a legit video of a UFO, which they had to admit only after it came out. um on november 14 2004 top gun fighter pilot david fravor and that's not an exaggeration that's he was one of the best pilots we've had period um he was flying a training exercise off the coast of san diego when he was rerouted to investigate a strange object spotted by radar on on radar by warships protecting his aircraft carrier the uss nimitz So again, there's a carrier and then there are ships around that carrier. They're all in communication. They're all seeing what's going on and how they're talking to the best pilot they've got. Go look at this. Go find out what the heck's going on. What he found was a roughly 40 foot white object with no windows or wings shaped like a Tic Tac. You should all know what that means. If you don't, uh it's a little breath mint and it's white and looks like um uh an o or a oblong egg or like uh a tank a propane tank kind of like an oval Anyway, it's longer than thick, but you get the idea. So it was 40 feet long, approximately, from what they could tell, roughly. Shaped like a tic-tac, flitting about above the sea that was roiling below it, disturbed by something large submerged beneath the surface. So... This tic-tac was sitting over the water. It wasn't flying even at that point. It was sitting there, and it was over this disturbed water that was being disturbed by something underneath, a very large object underneath. The relationship between the two is, was it creating the... problem? Was it trying to stop the problem? Was it communicating? Is it one of their, you know, is there another craft that the Tic Tac was talking to? Are they enemies? Are they friends? You know, like, we don't know. Commander Fravor told Congress last year that as he circled the object, it tried to mirror his movements, then shot off past him at thousands of miles per hour. Some thousands. That's, by the way, faster than any jet we have. And it's shaped like a Tic Tac with no wings and no engines. Shot off past him at thousands of miles an hour, somehow stopping a second later at a secret pre-designated rendezvous point 60 miles away. that only he and a handful of Navy staff on his ship were given ahead of their exercise. That's called the CAP point. In other words, it wasn't even known to everyone on the, only a few people in the whole battle group knew what this, it's a point in the sky. It's a place. You go meet here after your exercise. You meet up there. It's part of the mission. Anyway, it's not common knowledge. Somehow the Tic Tac knew it and went there. Kevin Day was senior chief operations specialist aboard the USS Princeton at the time in charge of monitoring the skies with radar to protect the Nimitz. This is one of the other ships in the group. Kevin Day told Daily Mail that in the 10 days prior to the incident, that's 10 days leading up to this Tic Tac famous incident, he saw similar objects on his radar behaving inexplicably. Day said groups of about 10 objects were repeatedly detected 80,000 feet above them where the Earth's atmosphere becomes space-like. dropping down to 20,000 feet in less than a second, then following the ships by flying through the air at a relatively leisure 115 miles an hour before zooming off towards Guadalupe Island off the coast of Mexico where they seem to disappear under the sea. It's not sci-fi. This is not made up. These are serious people committed to service of the United States. And they're all seeing the same things. No one's having a delusion. No one's having an episode or something. Not only humans, but their instruments are all seeing the same things. And this is all leading up to this incident, right? So this is 10 days and... Before, you're seeing hundreds, basically. So he says groups of 10. Here it is. They originated from sub-Earth orbit. They came in groups of 5 to 10 at a time. If you added up all the groups, it would be about 100 contacts. They said, in other words, 100 different vehicles. The very first group had 10 objects. They sat right around 80,000 feet or so off the east coast of Catalina Island. They just sat there for a time. Then they would drop down as a group instantly. Between 20 and 28,000 feet off the coast of Catalina Island, about 10 miles east of it. The really weird thing was, he says, it's not really weird up to this point, apparently. The really weird thing was a single object would leave the group and travel very slowly right over the top of us. the carrier battle group, between 20 and 28,000 feet at about 100 knots, which was really slow, it would just track above us. And then the next one would depart. And the next one. All the groups did that. All 100 of them, to the best of my knowledge, disappeared in the same spot in the sky. And that spot was about 60 miles north of an island off the coast of Mexico called Guadalupe Island. Everyone was looking at me like, what is this? And I didn't have any good answers. We agreed just to track and report. Of course, we made our intentions known to the admiral of the Nimitz on the Nimitz. This is an admiral is a senior, senior, senior leader in the United States Navy. And he was on the aircraft carrier. OK, so he Kevin Day, this operator who is in charge of looking at this stuff, told the guy who was in charge. But the story gets stranger from there. Daily Mail can reveal that unknown objects were also allegedly recorded zooming around underwater during the incident. A senior sonar officer aboard the USS Princeton at the time told comrades that while Kevin Day, the officer up top, was seeing objects dropping from space, and Fravor was dogfighting with the Tic Tac, his team were picking up sonar for returns for objects in the water. This shocking revelation marks a new element to the infamous story 20 years after it occurred. Sean Cahill, which if you're in this ufology thing, you probably know who Sean Cahill is. He's come out and is on all kind of podcasts and stuff. Sean Cahill was a chief master at arms on the Princeton. And from its deck, he says he saw lights in the sky matching the movements of the objects they saw on his radar. He says a senior sonar officer on the Princeton later told him about the underwater data. I was shopping a local Navy commissary about a mile from my house. I don't want to read this whole thing. He said they were practically all around us. He says, man, we were tracking things underwater just as much as they were tracking them in the air during that exercise. The top sonar tech who asked not to be named did not dispute the story when contacted by Daily Mail, but declined to elaborate. A source who worked as a senior official in defense intelligence told Daily Mail that they investigated the incident several years later and were briefed on sonar data recorded by a submarine in the area of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group. Now, wait a minute. I thought there was no data. The source said the sonar Pentagon, you liars. The source said that the sub sonar caught the UFOs traveling more than 400 knots. or 460 miles an hour through the water in the vicinity of the ships. Can you understand how dangerous this is? Even if it's not a hostile intention? It's a nuclear submarine out there. There's the Princeton and this entire battle group. I don't even know how many dollars that's all worth, all those ships. I mean like incredible value and danger to those men and women who are serving on it. They said the ships in the group were built on a three-dimensional picture from combining the sophisticated radar and sonar and that all the data was combined and sent to a naval base in San Diego. We shared all the combat information, put it on a data link, and sent it back to the beach. So anyone who was interested in these things could see our data. There's an underwater station called SONUS, SOSUS. S-O-S-U-S, and we have towed array, also have towed array. In other words, they tow along things to sonar so they can see under the water. So we have those three sonar devices going off for each ship, and all the ships are feeding the composite picture. So we have a really good three-dimensional picture underneath the water. He said those records would routinely be kept for decades. Decades. And now all of a sudden, they don't exist. But the Pentagon official charged with investigating UFO incidents claimed that he couldn't find any data. That's liar Sean Kirkpatrick. Of the lying arrow office. That's not Daily Mail's words. Those are mine. Okay, let's continue. And then we're going to look at Zechariah. Cahill and Day say Kirkpatrick, the one who is lying, is wrong. and could even be deliberately trying to hide the truth. Okay, well, you put it that way, I'll say liar. Those things are available for decades. For the most mundane events that happened, everyday operations, they should be there for all these, all the vessels that were there, but they're all missing, said Cahill. It seems like purposeful obfuscation obfuscation. In other words, lying on purpose to cover something up. It seems like a dereliction of duty for them not to investigate with the most famous, well-documented case of UAP activity that we have. The most amount of witnesses, the most amount of assets placed on it, and it's public now. They completely ignored it. I think think that's probably all I want to say on that okay so let's let's go to the to the Bible real quick Zechariah and this is a slide from as I said my teaching presentation to the online church we have end time church at the end of 2023 and You will read in Zechariah 5, there is an account of what's called a flying scroll. Some Bibles say flying roll, i.e. a scroll with writing, or it's a book. And back in the day, this is how you wrote things, on one big piece of parchment paper, and then you rolled it up, and that's how you carried it or stored it. So that's why it's called that, because that's what it looked like. It has writing in it. But here's the thing. The Bible actually doesn't just describe it as, and it's flying through the air. It says going to the whole earth. So it could go everywhere. And so you get the shape generally of what a scroll is. And it also gives the size. the bible it says 20 cubits by 10 cubits that's approximately approximately 30 feet long by 15 feet wide so it's twice as long as it is wide and it's approximately 30 feet what didn't the navy guys say was about 40 feet long what they saw just saying it's not inconsistent why mention this The Bible mentioned how big it was, 20 cubits by 10 cubits. A scroll, the scrolls aren't that long. If you're writing something, it's not going to be 30 feet long and 15 feet wide. That's much larger than any scroll used for writing. So what Zechariah saw was a special or unique object sent for a unique purpose. There's no doubt of that, right? And it says it contained a curse flying or traveling or sent, flying over the whole earth. Well, it could mean it's for everybody, global. But what it contained was actually the reason for it, in other words. The words that were on it or the reason that was sent, the purpose of it was global judgment against thieves and false witnesses. Like liars. To expose liars of the world. And thieves, this flying tic-tac thing, scroll, will be sent everywhere. And it will cause those false witnesses and thieves to be expelled or cleared off or removed. And it says it will consume the house once this is done. The house of believers, the church, the leadership of Israel, you know, specifically. That's what Zechariah is prophesying about. But it seems more global and wider. But here's the thing. Based on the description of the scroll... Something to consider is that the picture on the left is from the incident that I'm talking about, the Nimitz. There's the actual picture from the video that you can see anywhere. There's the data on the side from what the camera that it's from and where in the sky or how far away and blah, blah, blah, all the data on the sides there. That's the tic-tac. and also an artist's representation of what Mr. Fravor said he saw right there in relation. I tried to get in relation to the size of his plane, his jet. So based on the size and the shape and what it's going to do, I think you, you, yes, you should read your Bible and, And don't depend on other sources to tell you about the Bible or even teachers like me. Go read it for yourself and see what it's talking about. I think it's very worth your while. All right. MS says, are UAP Tic Tacs 30 feet long and 15 feet wide exactly? We don't know exactly. That was a guess. He said approximately 40 from what he could tell. And again, the shape of it, it was fat enough. It wasn't a long pencil shape where it was one or two feet wide. It was significantly fat, but still oblong. So it was longer than wide. Two to one ratio seems fair. Based on all the descriptions. There's a Dr. Smithers PhD with a picture of Jesus in his profile. I'm not going to engage with the good doctor right now. Okay. In the story, Richard Dolan is set to release a book called The History of USOs. That is going to be fantastic, I have no doubt, because his very complete and compelling two-volume set called UFOs in the National Security State is required reading. Required reading. actual history by an actual historian not a crazy you know either religious fanatic or a ufo fanatic he's telling you what happened and the real deal um yes madam rex it it is some would say the the most incredible because of all the um cooperating it's not even evidence it's just recordings oh where's the pictures where's the video right a lot of people say I had a I for example me I saw an orb uh in the sky above the highway that I was traveling and it was stationary it's not moving and then it disappeared into nothingness but I can't prove that you have to take my word for it you don't have to but I didn't video it because I was driving so a lot of times people say oh video or it never happened I couldn't. It wasn't long enough in duration and I was driving in the fast lane. There's no way. But there's video of this and instruments, very sensitive military grade radar and sonar and all these crazy technologies that prove something is there. And it's not a trick of the eyeballs. But yet, yes, we have the eyeball witnesses. Yes, we have recordings. Yes, we have the data. Yes, we have triangulation. Okay, here's one other just thing I wanted to mention on this. Again, please go read that story from the Daily Mail. But here's an interesting follow-up to that. This just came out two days ago. Connection between 2004 Nimitz event and 2019 Southern California UAP event. In 2004, groups of UAP disappeared from radar right above Guadalupe Island, which we just read. Kevin Day was there, said so, who was watching them. And then 2019, a group of UAP swarmed a Navy ship and this is many UFOs around one ship, literally a swarm, then departed on a heading, taking them 60 miles north of Guadalupe Island. Um, Let me share my screen. That island is just off the coast of Mexico, Baja, California. If you know what Mexico looks like on the west coast beneath California in America, there's Mexico and that little finger-looking thing, that's called Baja, California. Hey, Dr. Smithers, let's pay attention, okay? If you want to follow along with the podcast, that's fine, but please don't go on a posting binge here. Let's pay attention, okay? We're in class. I'm not learning anything right now. You can pay attention. All right. Let me share the screen so you can see what I'm talking about with the map. Sorry for the audio listeners. You're just going to have to find us on YouTube at Wings of the Eagle. Okay. There's the island. You see the little land below? And that red circle is showing you 60 miles north. The same location in both events, 15 years apart. Where a swarm, each time dozens of UFOs, went to and disappeared. Kevin day said, went to the water. All right. That's where it is. There's Mexico on the right Baja, California, right? Here's something even more interesting when you drill down literally on that location. There's the, they call it Isla Guadalupe. That means island of Guadalupe. 60 miles north, you get that little pin drop there. And then, but zoom in on that, where that is. And this guy here found out, look at that. There's a perfectly circular dome underwater something that's 10,000 feet across. You see, you put the little line on top of it, and it extrapolates out to how many feet it is. So they're 60 miles north of Guadalupe Island. There just happens to be a perfectly round dome for some purpose that doesn't look natural that's 10,000 feet across. Not a minor object. There's the super close-up of it. And actually, there's one right next to it, too. Right to the north. It's very, very interesting. All right. That's just what I wanted to show you there. Okay. All we ask for is respect, doctor. Okay, that's all I ask for. Don't be disrespectful. Don't be mean. And when you start typing in caps and when you start insulting people, my viewers or me, you're gone. Okay, it's insta-banning. That's my policy on all my podcasts, on my Twitter feed, my social, my real life. All right, anyone who trolls and just wants to make money insults and is disrespectful is gone okay okay after a couple of warnings which you got okay Let's go to comments, and then we'll wrap it. Tic Tacs are said to trouble the house of God in Zechariah 5. Well, I mean, if you want to look at it that way, there's the flying roll with judgment that goes over the whole earth, and it flies through the air. That's all in there. And the purpose is to, what was it, bring down the house, basically? Yeah. Now you're making me pull up the scripture, which is always good. Second to last book in the Old Testament. I looked, there was a flying scroll. 20 cubits by 10 cubits. This is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole earth. According to the curse, whoever steals will be removed from the community. or expelled. I will send it out. I will enter the house of the thief and the person who swears falsely. It shall remain in the midst of the house and consume it. It will land in the middle of his house and destroy both timber and stones. So it's going to destroy the house of those who are lying and swearing falsely and stealing. Thief. Okay, that's what it says. Jason, what's up, Jason? On YouTube, can you name other instances in the Bible where prophets describe supernatural objects or experiences with similarly allegorical or similes? Well, we actually, a couple weeks ago, I went through kind of like a survey of supernatural events. As far as objects go, really, there's not a lot. You've got Ezekiel and what he saw God, Jesus, writing in on in the Bible. This throne and the vehicle that he was in and the wheels within wheels and the cherubim and that whole contraption. I don't know if I... Well, whatever. There's that. You have Zechariah here. Then you have speculation. Speculation. Usually, almost always, God just gets right to the point and say, this is what's going to happen. This is a prophecy. It's for this purpose. And I'm going to prove myself that I'm God. So anyway, you can go, if you want, go find that episode a couple weeks ago, something like a survey of supernatural events. Anyway, it was basically just to compare what was positive and what was negative. In other words, because many folks from my tribe, okay, are assuming that if something is – appearing and disappearing or some kind of vehicle or some kind of supernatural event that it has to be demonic. And that's not the case. And I'm talking about all the supernatural stuff in the Bible, Old and New Testament, and it's basically 80-20 for gods and positive, you know, good guys doing it. Not all the time. But even if it is negative, like this Zechariah instance, even if it has negative connotations, you're going to be destroyed if you're a liar or a thief and all this stuff. The result will be seen as very negative, but still God is behind it. He sent it for a reason. Right? Nobody's pulling a fast one on God. Um... It would be sightings are a sign of a curse. I don't know that I would say that. Oh, cool. I'm just saying in that instance in Zechariah, you have something that looks like what some have seen. And that particular thing was for a curse. Yes. Now, remember, there's different. I saw an orb. Most people see some kind of circular. I won't say most, but the traditional sightings are more of a circular, you know, like a saucer or a wedge or a triangle even. Right. There's a ton of pyramids. I mean, there's tons of shapes that people see, right? are recorded right um but the tic-tac shape is one of them yeah now that's being said tic-tacs have been seen since the 40s the 1940s so it's almost 100 years on here you know um Does it mean it's a sign of a curse 80 years ago? At a certain point, it loses the immediacy. Like, okay, this is happening right now because God has sent this curse out. So, you know what I mean, I hope. UAPs are very interested in nuclear tech. They seem to be. Was nuclear tech developed after studying UAPs in the possession of the US deep state? Studying UAP? I don't think anyone could know. As far as we were aware, militarily speaking, it coincided with the first nuclear test And then after we dropped the atomic weapons on Japan is when UFOs really kind of exploded on the scene in the 40s. But, as that wasn't the first time, but as far as the interaction with that technology, but there were the Foo Fighters, so-called, of the 30s and the 40s that were in Europe, that were orbs, basically, following our Allied and Nazi jets around in the sky. Like... outperforming them and zooming past them and stuff and um tons and tons of reports of those so that was way before um I mean somewhat before the nuclear weapons I remember there was a race for it because hitler was the first one who was trying to do it maybe that's why they showed up in europe maybe somebody understood what they were trying to do I don't know but bottom line is before there was nuclear technology by humans um ufos uaps were showing up at least somewhat before but they do the point your point is they are very interested in it for some reason now that leads a lot of people to assume that they know why And there's been, again, history on that where they have UAPs, whatever you think they are, have shut down nuclear missiles and turned them on, which you can't do. You know what I'm saying? You just can't do that. The one person cannot decide to turn on the nukes today. The president can order it, but even at that, There's a long chain of events that have to happen for that missile to go live and ready to launch. But the history of it is that has happened. Thank God it didn't launch. But who's to say that wouldn't be seen by your enemy and say, oh, they're launching right now. We got to launch. Yeah, we came very, very close to that. You could say because of this UAP interference. So, yes, that's a mystery that we're going to have to get to the bottom of. We have to. When you say the scroll of judgment flying over the earth... Reminds me of the angel in Revelation who flies over the earth. Well, flying over the earth is in common. That angel, though, is proclaiming the everlasting gospel, it says. That's definitely not a curse. But Yeah, I mean, you've got international wide range, long range flying stuff in both those places. The woman in the lead basket question mark. Yeah, that's not part of the Tic Tac situation, but it also is. We covered that with Loanne. If you would go check out the sermon on that, the link below in the comments, it'll take you to the we cover that directly after. Talk about the two witnesses, the two olive trees, the the flying role and the lead basket and the woman that's all covered in that in that teaching. But even at that, I'll just say, yeah, it's interesting that it's talking about a lead disc covering something up. Or a metallic disc. It's pretty neat, right? Zechariah 5 is a bit bewildering, to be honest. Well, it could be. I mean, yeah, it's definitely interesting. Yeah. Wilco is saying stealing equals communism and lying and false witness equals Islam. I don't even know if I would take it that far because, I mean, communism as an economic system, you could say, is forcibly taken. All taxes are that, aren't they? I mean, I don't know. Communism is gone, right? I mean, except for China, North Korea, and Cuba, I think. So the world doesn't need to be judged for that and Islam certainly is spreading but I I think it's the the The way I read that chapter and the context it seems to be very personal Like I would be more I'd be more concerned if I was a United States military or intelligence Employee right now who is actively lying about? By covering this up and saying it never occurred, said there's no data or God forbid, say it's because of Jesus that I'm not telling you about this and they're demons. So I'm not going to say that's a liar. And you're using the name of the Lord to do it. And it says thieves. Well, that's exactly how this program is receiving billions and billions and billions of dollars over the past 80 years. They are literally stealing from the Congress, from the taxpayer, and not telling Congress about it, not getting authorized use. They're stealing it. So if we're just talking about UAPs, UFO programs, and how that's going to be revealed, that's a judgment. And the liars and the thieves are exactly why it's being – that's what we're seeing, the results of liars and thieves. We have tribes now. Oh, what I said earlier about my tribe. It's being conservative Christians. Because there's more than us out there, right? Got to tell you. jason says thank you I'll look again at the wheels within the wheels I appreciate that you're staying objective and sticking to what is said in the scripture rather than jumping to conclusions as I hear often well bless the lord man thank you for saying that and that's really what I'm trying to do honestly like that's my goal is to stay as objective as I can and I know that there's some weird parts in the bible and we can't just ignore it and we can't spiritualize it all away There's going to be some seriously weird stuff. There has been, and there is, and there will be that we may not understand unless, you know, we're really in our rivals about that. And not necessarily saying, well, I don't get it, so it's demonic. Flying in the air, and there's one verse about the air and Satan, so therefore it's evil. Okay, I mean... The conclusion may be right eventually, but you can't say yet. We don't know that. Yeah, I know. It's a small little tribe, but we're still here, right? We're just trying to make it work. All right, friends. That's about all that we have time for today here on Unsealed. Tic Tacs and Zechariah 5. Please, if you enjoy this, share this video. Give towards the podcast. We can only do it with your help. Go to slash supportunsealed or go to dot com slash wings of the eagle and see what we've got going on there. And you can help us out that way. At least share comment, stuff like that. That's the, that's the least you can do really. Right. No, no guilt, but it's easy. Okay. There's some, I understand there's so many podcasts out there and they're even about this topic or they're about UFO stuff. Everyone's got something going on or some favorite person that they have, or, you know, for news or for info or for, I listened to this podcast and this one and that one and people, they all have their armies of likers and sharers guys. So I need, I would like you to be that. You're going to have to do that. No one else will. As you say, this tribe is very small, so we've got to be efficient with the materials that we do have out here in public. So we have the UFO podcast stuff, and then even the Christian side who does not want to talk about it or just dismiss it completely. So we're in a very small, very small, unique space right now. So if you agree, if you're on this journey with me and with us, make yourself known. Let's support it together. Let's do it together. Okay? So this is what the Lord's up to. There's no doubt. There's no doubt He wants us to stick with Him, obviously, stay in the Word of God, stay in the Spirit of God, but also watch what I'm about to do. And you wouldn't believe it if I didn't tell you. That's what He told Habakkuk, right? All right. Love you guys. Until next time, this is Christopher Manti. Find me on the X platform at Manti4. That's the best way to interact with me and get in touch. But we do have an app. Speaking of our church that we mentioned earlier, go to will lead you directly to your app store for whatever device you're using, and it's totally free. And you can use it at your... Till your arms fall off, right? That's totally, totally great. Please contact me there. You can private message me there as well. Until next time, this is Unsealed.

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