Unsealed - this pastor (me) saw a UFO this week. My 1st since childhood and 2nd overall. It is high time for all of us to open up about this very real situation.
Tell me about your UFO experience as a Christian securely at wingsoftheeagle.com/podcast
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Ah, hey, yes, my friends, this is the Unsealed podcast, the official podcast of Wings of the Eagle. I'm Christopher, your, hopefully your friend. And if you're a Christian, I'm your brother in Christ. Yes, I'm a pastor. Just so happens that that's where I'm at. But blessings to all y'all. Thank you for checking in. Good evening if you're on the other side of the earth, which our brother here is. Good evening, sir. Love you, man. Thank you for checking in. But even if you're not, even if you're just down the road, bond servant, blessings. Thank you very much for checking in, Bri. Bless the Lord, brother. Yeah, it is interesting, man. Yeah, for sure. So please share this video. I know someone has already done that or a few of you have. Thank you so much. Please share it, especially on YouTube. That's the best way. The X platform is good as well. But YouTube helps us get the word out and sustain what we're doing. So if this is helpful to you, please consider supporting the work. We have a Patreon page in progress right now. It's not finished yet. but it is there for you. I forgot to put my special green lights on in the back. Oh, well. If you're on audio only, obviously, that's irrelevant to you, but I welcome you just the same. Please feel free to share it on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, whatever else. you can find the official page of this podcast at wingsoftheeagle.com slash podcast. And I encourage you to go there because if today's message or topic resonates with you to the point of, wow, I've actually seen something and I'm speaking to Christians specifically, but obviously you don't have to be, but this is, you know, obviously my world, my people. Okay. My people, some of my parishioners, so to speak, are listening to this right now. And so I want to make it okay for you to know that if you're a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, that you can see UFOs too. It doesn't mean something demonic is happening, or you should be worried, or you're going to be laughed at and ridiculed, which most of the time is what happens. So please utilize, there's a form built into the podcast page at wingsoftheeagle.com slash podcast. By the way, you can see all the episodes and hear all the episodes there, as well as find that form and a button to support the work here. So please do that. Any and all of that would be... greatly appreciated okay now there's even a button if by the way if you're not subscribed on youtube to get new notifications when we do go live please go ahead and hit that subscribe button and hit the bell and all that good stuff under this video you also see the links for the pages what I'm talking about okay um Here's the story. All right, I'm just going to get right to it. And then you tell me what you think or whatever. I was traveling this weekend, Friday and Saturday, and just a few hours from my home base, but the current home base. I used to live in northern New Jersey, so I happened to be going through that. area and down the good old new jersey turnpike if you know the area you know that highway it's the main north south artery the only one really uh in new jersey so that goes all the way um a beautiful day saturday morning this past saturday let me in fact let me get my my notes out here so I uh tell the story correctly And by the way, before I forget, because I'm sorry, I'm going to do this first because I'm going to forget. You see on the screen, hopefully you can make it out. I'm running a poll on the X platform. If you follow me there, Manti4, M-A-N-T-E-I-4. Just type that in. That's my name. And I put a poll up last night, so it'll run through tonight at 11 p.m. Eastern. It asks simply, have you ever personally seen a UFO or UAP, whatever you want to call it? Have you ever? The options are never, one time, two times, or three times or more. And as of now, it's not a scientific poll or anything like that, but the people who have answered so far, it's very interesting. The never is the top vote getter at 38.5%, which is not a huge lead over second place, which is three or more times. That's surprising to me. um and basically that means it's over six of ten over 60 you know percent have the people who responded to this and I again please even if you've never seen one doesn't matter just go and say never um more than 60 percent have seen a ufo at least once So I don't know if that blows up your worldview or confirms it. But please go there and participate. OK. Now then, you may know that I have, in my distant past, when I was nine-ish or so years old, at my grandparents' house with my grandma and my brother. One night, she woke us up. Go, hey, look at that. And it's right in over the backyard there. There's a river or a creek, basically, behind our property. And then there's a lot of woods. And then behind that is an old, at that time, was the Ford plant that used to build a Ford Thunderbird car. um anyway so in that area of the sky it's much lower than stars and whatever just a light that was just hanging out okay it's sitting there that's all I remember I can't tell you I didn't see come from or go to anywhere in fact the memory is very short so that's all it is um and that was the extent of my experience until five days ago saturday Driving home, I passed through the same town. In fact, I stopped at the same house where that original event happened just to kind of take a picture. So it's been a while since I was there. And obviously it's built up much more now. There are many more neighbors now than there used to be and whatever. But just got a few photos there and I'm continuing on my way. And as I'm continuing on my way, it is around, and I've made a note of this right after, but it's right around mile marker 44 on the New Jersey Turnpike. If you want to get your Google maps out, which is the near exit five, which is the Burlington Mount Holly exit. The time was approximately 1044 AM. So yes, mile marker 44 at 1044. Make of that what you will. Clear sky, beautiful day, gorgeous day. If you live in the Northeast, the night before was very stormy, right? There was a lot of storms that blew through. And just as normally after summer thunderstorms, there's gorgeous day the next day. So it is almost no clouds. And none in the part of the sky that I'm looking. Which is, you know, straight ahead. Obviously, I'm on the highway. I'm in the fast lane. But there's... The cars are... For New Jersey, it's very empty. There was 10 car lengths between me and the next guy. And... I often, you see those larger black birds. I don't even know. I'm a bird fan. I love birds. I think that's God's greatest creation, basically, other than humans, I guess. Although humans are touch and go. So anyway, I love watching them soar over. You know how it is when you have a great day and they're soaring high above the treetops, right? They're just kind of gliding up there and doing their thing. So I saw, and they're kind of solitary. They're never in like packs or whatever. So I saw one as usual, just doing his thing. I'm like, oh, how nice, you know, I'm on this nice day, nice road, calm on my way home. And I see one of these birds, but then behind, I think it's behind the bird. I can't be positive, but it looked like it was behind it. Could have been next to it, but I'm pretty sure it's behind it. I see a, this is just the straight truth, you guys. Yes, I'm a pastor. Now listen, I'm never going to deny this story. I'm never going to change it. This is exactly what happened. I see an object. It's metallic looking. I mean, reflective or chrome-ish, silvery-ish. Maybe it could have been white, I suppose. But my first, it looks spherical. Spherish, maybe. But it was, to my judging of how far it was, I thought it was pretty far away. Because my first impression was, oh, it's just like a jet that's super high up when they're really cruising. High, you see they look very small. In my vision, it's about that big behind the bird. And I figured it was just one of those. But it wasn't moving. There was no contrail. There was no movement at all. um clearly I'm in my car moving so I couldn't tell you anything about sound or or any other details I'm just trying not to crash at this point okay right I see what what is that and I'm looking down on the road making sure I'm I'm okay I'm not gonna crash and then but I'm looking up as as much as I can to get detail and thinking oh my gosh is this If this is a UAP UFO thing, I better remember everything right now. No, I can't record it. I'm sorry. I'm in my car. Literally driving with two hands, trying not to crash. Video is not an option. I couldn't pull over. Anyway, the point is it happened so fast. It was only a couple of seconds. And I'm thinking maybe 30 seconds total. And it's gone. It's gone. I didn't see it leave. I didn't see it speed off. It's just one second it's there and it's gone. same area of the sky I didn't pass it right like go under where it was or whatever it was just it was very in the distance still so just so we're clear I don't know if it just disappeared into into another dimension or something or if it sped off so fast I just couldn't tell or something else happened I don't know it was there and then it wasn't that's what happened um what did I miss here on my notes metallic looking sphere-like object completely stationary, never moved, never moved. Thought it may have been a very high plane, but no movement, no contrail, et cetera. Looking at road and back up within 30 seconds, it disappeared. That's it. And so first thing I did was, now again, it could have been I didn't have a lot of eyeball time on it, okay? I don't know how high it was exactly. It was very tough to judge. It seemed pretty high. It seemed like a sphere or an orb, but it could have been different. It could have been a longer, you know, an elongated oval-ish, tic-tac-ish shape. It could have been. I don't know. It could have been one of these guys that... It doesn't keep a shape. If you've seen those videos and stuff, if you've seen one in person, if you have, please comment right now. So I can't say for sure about that, but it was generally round and reflective. It looked metallic, like typical. I couldn't even believe how typical it was. Like, wait, this is exactly what I've seen a hundred times. or heard other people say, or seen on, you know, at military bases and stuff like that. This is one of those, I guess. I don't know. But it was just like that. Super simple. That was the end. First thing I did was I alerted one of my friends, got on the phone, left a voicemail. Hey, this just happened. And now I'm thinking, okay, where am I? Mile marker. What time was it? So I backed up a minute before I left the message. And that was it. Then I came home. I wrote it down in my little book. I did register the sighting because I don't know what else it was. I see planes all the time. I look at things in the sky all the time. I like looking up there. I like stars. I like planes. I like birds. Okay. I like all the things up there. I can honestly say I've never seen that to my remembrance ever. But there was. And it was gone. Anyway, I registered the sighting with MUFON. MUFON has a giant database that tracks these things, and I use that. If you know, they are Mutual UFO Network, MUFON. They're the oldest in the world, I think, at this point. And then also as a backup, because MUFON has had issues with their database recently, things disappearing or getting locked out. So just in case, there's an app out there called Phenom. And that's a way to register your events as well. Ideally, it's when it's actually happening. The Phenom thing is a pretty cool idea. If you're watching it right then and there, you go live or you record on this app, and it will record everything, including where exactly you are, like geolocation, what time, what are the variables, all that stuff. It's pretty neat. But anyway, so I logged this in there as well. So that is what happened. So I guess if I took my own poll or I voted in my own poll, which I can't, but if I did, I would have to be in the two times saw UFO category now, which as of right this second is in last place among the four. Never is at 38.5%. One time is at 23%. Three or more times is at 27%. And two times is only 11.5%. So anyways, didn't plan on it, wasn't looking for it. It was just there, and then it just wasn't. Okay, that's the truth. If you're a Christian friend, if you're part of the church that I pastor called End Time Church, this may, I don't know what it does to your brain. Tell me. I know some of you and I talk about this often, but only very few of us talk about it and most of the others kind of like I don't know what to do with that this is crazy or this is all government or whatever how don't be stupid where's your discernment it was a funny one um like I don't know discernment it's a thing um anyways okay so let's get to your comments and see what uh what y'all are saying here Madame Rex with a bird and a UFO. That's exactly what it was. And, you know, funny enough, you know, like I said, I love birds, and it would just be like God drawing my attention with that. Wouldn't he do that? Hey, Jake Mallory on YouTube. What's up, Jake? Who says, you look exactly like my brother-in-law, Gary, out of Houston, Texas. If you had his tattoo, well, I don't have tattoos that I've shown the public, but anyways, that's cool. Everyone's got their doppelganger. In fact, I've never even been to Houston in my life, to be honest with you. Dallas or Tyler, Texas. That's closer to Houston, right? That's as close as I've ever been. Yep. Well, that's cool. And Jake says, I have seen two in my life. There you go. Hey, I guess we're bros on that too. I'll get to your other comments as well. I'm just following Jake's here for a second. He says, the first time I was 15, if I would have had an extension ladder, I could have climbed up onto the top. It was that low. Wow. That's cool. I mean, that's got to be nerve wracking. If you did have a ladder, would you try to or would you run away? I think I would have run away. It was about 175 feet from me and about 25 feet off the ground. That's definitely low and close. Wow. And he says, I watched it for over an hour. That's an extreme amount of time. I mean, for these types of things. I hope you know that. That's tremendous. I don't know if you call it luck or whatever, but man, usually they do not last that long. It was hovering over a small old folks home. Fascinating. Tyler, closer to Dallas. Yeah, it is. And he absolutely would have climbed into it or on it if it would have let me. We diverge in personality, I guess, right there. There is no way I'm getting on that thing. But cool. That's a great experience. Thanks for relating that and sharing and trusting to share it, Jake. Super cool. And Madam Rex says, sounds similar to the ones I saw. Color, shape, daylight. Rapid maneuvering, yeah, except for the, right, that's your experience several years ago in a very, not very near to where this happened, but close enough. Not far at all, really. Maybe, what, an hour, a 90-minute drive away from where yours was. But yeah, color, shape, and daylight, definitely. You had the rapid maneuvering, and you had several of them, right? At the same time, this was not going anywhere. If it did, it moved before I thought. And if it moved after, I didn't see that. It was just hanging there. Which... I guess to my brain, it makes it more credible that I actually did see a UFO because if I'm driving, just speeding along, and you see things flying like birds and planes all the time, and if you saw something moving, like, ah, that's weird. I wonder, you know, did I just see that? Did I get a good enough look? Did I see all the, I'm trying to concentrate. You know, there's no way I, I don't think I'd come on and tell you all this if maybe if it was moving. Yeah, it disappeared rapid. I don't know. Again, you've seen both. If you watch enough videos, even Skinwalker Ranch and stuff like that, sometimes they speed away and sometimes they just freaking disappear. Like, right? Just blink out. Bonservant says, glad you shared this with everyone. I was nervous. Bonservant, to be honest with you. um or unsure I don't I don't I guess I don't I do know why if it's because most of my audience is not accepting or is not feels weird about it or what kind of pastor talks about this stuff or like who would even see that you know you must be possessed or some kind of junk I don't know Anyway, that's why I did it, is because it's time to move on. It's high time. I think I wrote in the description, right? It's high time to get on with this. All of us to open up about this very real situation, because it is. It's real, okay? We're not making it up. It's not crazy people. That kind of stuff, I don't know. What do you do with it? At a certain point, you just have to say it's true. And what are we going to do about that? How we process it? As just humans, as Americans, if you're American like me, if you're a Christian like me, those are all different questions. Anyway, hopefully this encourages someone else who is a believer maybe to say it's okay. and hey actually I got a message from Susanna who I know who's in Ireland and she says pilots over Dublin Dublin of course that's Ireland reported at UAP on May 29th just a couple weeks ago it made the news it was as everyone else describes a flash of light that moves mega fast and disappears You can Google it. I'm going to later. That's really great. Thanks, Susie. So, I mean, I don't think this is going to stop. I don't think this is going to become less common. I think it's going to become more common. And hopefully with both the instant access to information and live streaming and social media that we have, everyone has in their pockets now, that this will be seen more and more and be more comfortable to tell people that you saw it or you had other kind of experience with it. And by the way, I feel fine. That was one of the questions of Mufon when you fill out their... submission is you know do you have any health effects because it has happened um anyway I want to encourage you all to do that again if you're if you're a christian who wants to maybe keep it off the record or right now or you just want to talk to somebody maybe it's too you think it's too um too extreme or whatever or too much info to say publicly you can go to wings of the eagle.com podcast and there's a form at the bottom of that page you can securely fill it out with your name and story email address and I'll get it me alone, right? No one else will see it. If you want to utilize that, please do so. Sorry, now I'm getting back to the comments. Madam Rex, it was a sphere as in more like a basketball rather than a disc. I think so. Yeah, I think so. It looked like they have a more uniform No edges sticking out. It's like a ball. Bond Servant says, we have a lot of military jets here, etc. Yes, she lives in Colorado. So in the area where... I should just shut up. I'm unsure. I saw a UFO, but one morning taking daughter to work, saw a cluster of lights just hovering a distance away and then it disappeared. Based on that, it might well have been, or several of them, right? The lights thing, there's the famous Phoenix lights a few years ago in Arizona, highly documented. Some people say there were a lot of lights. Maybe the impression is that they're all different vehicle you know different objects different spheres different orbs or whatever but some people said they were all just lights of one craft they were like you know maybe they were orbs I don't know uh under as a part of this other craft which is very hard to see like it was black um So I don't know in your case. But there's definitely both. There's examples, plenty of both, of several at once and then or one part of one thing. And yes, just disappearing is a thing. In fact, it's the thing that they do. Yeah. Yeah. And Jake is just giving more details here. Okay, this is good. Hang on. Let me catch up. He said he definitely would have gotten on it if he'd let him. It was a Saturday morning during the summer, like obviously this was. Says I was going hunting and I was walking down some old abandoned train tracks. I saw it. I froze in place. My first instinct was to shoot it. But it spoke to me. Okay. It warned me not to. believe me or not yet I don't I don't disbelieve it because you're not the first one to say things like that you know I actually don't remember what happened after I forgot it for about 16 4 16 years one day it popped into my head I started remembering everything I totally sounds wild but again jake this is a very common situation for whatever reason it was it because of this thing when it if there's communication of some kind maybe you didn't want to be shot maybe uh you know if you shoot that it would have to shoot back and maybe they didn't want to do whatever it was didn't want to do that um that the whole lost time or memory lapsing is totally common This is one of the reasons why I very strongly think we need to get all of the information that we know out into the public. Because people are being hurt, potentially, and their minds are being messed with, their memories. This is not cool. All right? Even if it's just that, forgetting things for 16 years is not okay. If you did that to me, that's not okay. And Jake says, I believe that some are good angels and some are fallen angels. Do you mean what you saw was an angel? Like an actual creature? Remember, God told us some of the angels were cast down onto or into the earth and some into the I think you mean oceans. Not really. Revelation 12, and I teach that verse as a future tense. I'm very convinced that it's a future event, not a past event. Yes, there are fallen angels. In other words, those who disobeyed God. Yes, there was an incident in the book of Genesis, chapter 6, of course, where we get what they are called the sons of God. They are obviously angels. Other creatures that chose to rebel and do their own thing and to not stick with what God told them to do. Jude and Peter back that up. Enoch, if you accept that, backs that up as well. So they definitely came to the earth and did some bad stuff and taught some extreme things. information like information human beings did not have the again this is mostly from enoch but a little bit from genesis um that they gave information that mankind did not possess directly from heaven as it were Right from the angelic world. And anyways, so there's that. So in the future, yes, there will be a war in heaven where, like Revelation 12 tells us, Satan and his angels fight with Michael and his angels, and Satan and his angels are cast to the earth. Now, that has not happened yet. It does not say anything about being cast into the oceans. I would... I mean, unless you're, tell me what you're referring to, but nothing says that specifically. And Jake, if you don't know me or my ministry or my story, I'm kind of obsessed with end times and supernatural Bible verses. Like the scriptures are very, very important to me. Um, bond services, definitely a cluster that what she saw. Okay. In Colorado, definitely a cluster. It's like individual things that are together. Okay. I got you. Not like those huge military jets that look triangular. Well, now, there are some, not a lot, there are some military jets that aren't like the old Blackbird and the Stealth Bomber and a few other, I'm sure they're still classified, but they're not out there in the world, really. They're triangular-shaped, generally, like a boomerang. But I'm talking about with lights on the bottom that are in the shape of a V or a triangle. Those are not ours. I know some people think they are, but the evidence that I've seen does not lead to that conclusion. Bond Servant says, I've been watching some of the Skinwalker vids and trying to wrap my brain around it. You and I talked about the area, right? The actual area of where Utah and Colorado and New Mexico, of course, that whole region is. Arizona, that area that deformed Creighton. Is that how you say it? Creighton or Creighton? It's basically part of the Earth's crust, right? Or the plate that North America sits on and the coastlines are where the other plates kind of meet it. And then there's this in-between area. between the main plate and this coast that's a map or something that you had showed me called the deformed craton. That area is big. I mean, several states are in that zone, including those ones that we're talking about. Colorado, Utah, the Four Corners area, right? New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada. And also going up south and then up the other side into the East Coast, which in that zone on the East Coast is where I live, where I saw this on Saturday, where I saw my original video. One when I was a kid and where our sister, Madam Rex, saw hers several years ago. So it may be a hotter spot than others. I don't know. But there seems to be a lot of action certainly in those places. So there could be a connection. I don't know. Okay, I don't want to miss anyone's contribution, so let's take a look at where we're broadcasting and YouTube and Facebook. Look, okay, I'm on Instagram as well, by the way. It never seems to work out on Instagram. I see some people popping in and out, but if you have a comment... Please go ahead and make it, even if you're on IG or X. We have our own app, by the way, as a church. If you're interested, if you're a Christian and you like this online church live streaming type of fellowshipping, then get the End Time app, endtime.app. We'll put you directly in the app store. I don't see a comment on the app. Okay, cool. Okay. Anyway, guys, that is my story. We'll see where it goes. That could be it for my life. Maybe some of y'all can update it as we go. And please do. If anyone here wants to utilize that contact form, if you're not comfortable saying something in public, go to, again, wingsoftheeagle.com slash podcast. There's a contact form at the bottom there where you can fill it out. You don't have to use it for UFO sightings or whatever, but That's why it was created. So, but you can use it. Okay. And again, we do have a Patreon that we're building out. One of the levels, we're working on a new book. Supporting the ministry just generically because we need funds to do this, to be able to do this full time. That's what God called me to do. So here I am. courses we have courses that span yeah it's a lot of end time related stuff but there's tons and tons of material that you can support us with and get access to all the courses we have fleet to the mountains is the original book that I wrote in 2019 this one right here you can get that fleet of the mountains.com on paperback on hardcover on audiobook on digital pdf download all that stuff. And there's a course attached to it, which you can take in that course bundle as well. Anyway, just telling you all the different ways you can get involved and support us and learn something hopefully. Right. And then the, there's the aviary, which you see at the bottom of your screen. Now that's geared to anyone. It doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not. For five bucks a month, we want to make a private network. It's a private group on Patreon that you have to be a member to see. And there'll be videos there. We have three of them uploaded already, specifically about... the top things that are true about this UFO topic that you may not be aware of. And we're deep diving into whistleblowers and things of that nature that are coming out maybe a little more not as widely known, right? Not on Fox News or CNN or in front of Congress, but on Reddit and stuff like that. So just to talk over all that and is it legit and all the interesting stuff versions of uh and permutations of that topic okay so if you want to get involved in that we'd love to have you doesn't matter what your beliefs are go to patreon.com slash wings of the eagle and join the aviary um I bond servant says she has one last question hang on madam rex's uh cool point stanton friedman never saw ufo If you don't know who Stan Friedman is, he is one of the greatest, most famous UFO researchers ever. He might be the best. He just passed away not too long ago, but those of us in the 80s and 90s who grew up and learned about this stuff probably learned from him. or some at some level from his work and it is excellent it is not kooky stuff it's scientific it's physicist wasn't he anyway he's never saw a ufo but he didn't need to know they exist he didn't need to to know they exist like gravity that's a great point okay even if you've never seen one doesn't mean they're not real um just for whatever reason you haven't had the pleasure But the reason why he would say that, and thank you for pointing that out, madam, is that the amount of legitimate evidence is overwhelming. There's really no doubt. I mean, there's no, the safe bet is to go with that. The risky bet is to say they don't exist. I mean, very risky. I saw it. I mean, like people at a certain point, you're just like, you know, who is it? Oh, Brandon Fugel, the owner of Skinwalker Ranch. People ask him that, are you a believer? He's like, it's got nothing to do with belief. I'm an experiencer. I saw a UFO on the property. And a lot of other witnesses saw it with me. So he is not doubting it in any way. It's not a question of belief. This is not a religious question or something subjective. It's not subjective. It's objective. It's an object. There it is. What are you going to do with that? So like Brandon Fugel said, I'm saying it's not a question of do you believe it. If you are in that place and you think it's some kind of belief situation, it's not. That doesn't mean we know motivations or we know reasons or origins or purpose. We don't know any of that. I really caution against any of us having those opinions right now. You can have theories, hypothesis, ideas, conversations, great. But to say it is this and this is the purpose, we're not there yet. Because there's such an extreme level of what is truly known that is being kept under a lid. So you don't know it. So you don't know what you don't know. right but what you do know you can't keep a lid on is this these things popping up and popping out and regular dudes like us seeing them or more interacting with them or having them communicate with you like um jake right bryce says I've never seen one it is what it is brother uh Yeah, some do and some don't. Last question. Okay, now I'm taking you at your word here, Ponce Irwin. Do you think the second heaven will be opened so more is seen in these times? That's a, okay, that's kind of a nerdy Bible term, okay? I love it. I love it. the audience might not totally know what we mean. Um, short, short version is the, in the Bible there, there's a cosmology of three levels of heaven. When the word is used, um, it's used in the plural Shemaim, Shemaim in Hebrew is plural. Um, Jerusalem itself, the city is plural. And we know that from the New Testament because there is two. There's a heavenly and a Jerusalem and an earthly Jerusalem. So anyway, there's three heavens. There's the heavens, the ones that we can perceive, the ones that we see, the sky, the atmosphere, even oxygen, the breath to breathe in and out. You're looking at The heavens right here. In a way. Okay, the first heaven, you're looking at it. This is it. The air here. But it encompasses all the way up to our atmosphere where the birds fly, where airplanes and silvery metallic objects are flying, including the atmosphere above that, including where space is. where the moon and the heavenly bodies are. Now, some translators or teachers will say that's the second heaven up in space. I don't believe that at all. I think anything that you can see with your human eyeballs regularly, just us interacting and looking up into the sky, seeing the stars and the moon and the sun, that's all the first heaven. When it says second or third, it doesn't denote height or Per se. Not like, oh, if I go a mile high, I'm in the second heaven. And if I go 100 miles high, I'm in the third heaven. Mm-mm. The phrase in Hebrew sometimes is called the highest heaven, but again, there's something more being said there. So anyway, the second heaven is a place where God is called. He's in the third heaven. Paul the Apostle says, I was taken to the third heaven, and I saw God, and I heard all these things that no man can utter. um the language of angels and all that stuff okay so that's third heaven but what's the second one we can't see it but it's not where god is right so you get a little little glimpse of that I believe in daniel chapter 10 um where you have not god and his throne but also not where we can see so If that's the case, I think you can make a case that after what we talked about earlier in Revelation 12, in that battle, that war in heaven it's called, in heaven, that war is over, then you have this condition where The fallen angels and the devil are actually on the earth itself. They're not in that heavenly realm where Michael can fight you and God is, right? That area is swept out. It's swept clean. So there's no, and Joel, the prophet Joel and the book of Acts and other places definitely refer to in these, that's the end times. Okay, that's the end of the story. That's the last three and a half year period now. When Satan and his angels are cast out, we've only got three and a half years till the age is over and Jesus returns, establishes the millennium, right, his kingdom at the end of the world. That's the very end of that process. So at that point, the second heaven is, I don't know if it's saying opened, but it's empty of enemies of things that would restrict prayer. angels being dispatched to help you, for example, for your prayers not being hindered. And there's no fighting among these creatures that are in this second heaven. And that's important to note. The second heaven denotes angelic realms, the fallen angels or principalities. God's angels can be there. That's not a human place. That's why Paul says I'm not even allowed to tell you what was said there. That's not human habitation. You can't get there. So anyway, when you say it's open, the only, again, I think heaven's open like a scroll, like Revelation 6, when the Lord returns, then you see this ripping open that you could say these, it's like a dimensional rift or whatever. The heavens are rolled back like a scroll. But that's when Jesus returns. So my answer is, I don't know of any scripture, unless I'm really having a senior moment over here, I don't know of anything that says before Jesus returns that there is an opening of the second heaven. I don't think there's anything. So if the Bible doesn't say it, I'm not going to believe it, or I'm not going to teach it. Like always, that's my MO, right? So I'm not making the connection, no, between UFO appearances and that realm. I'm not saying I'm opposed to that way of thinking or that it's bad or something or unbiblical. I'm not saying that. But I've not reached the conclusion that they're connected yet. Um, Madam Rex saying different dimensions equals heavens. I don't know about that. Or it's more to it maybe than that, right? It's possible that, I mean, that's a framework or that's a way to understand how you can have other realms with creatures and God, et cetera, around you, but you can't see them. Now that other dimensions, higher dimensions is a way to explain that paradigm. It might be that that's the case. Yeah, yeah, I hear you. That's what I figured. It's just a possibility. And it is a possibility. But even within that, it could be true. But if you're talking about the theoretical physics and higher spatial dimensions and stuff like that, There's more than just one or two. Like there's second and third heaven. Okay, well, we've got one. That means two and three must be in other dimensions. Fine. But theoretically, there's 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 dimensions we're talking about. So, right? Do you know what I mean? Are you following? So, like, even if you could say the second and third heaven are, you know, live in these other, in these highest of dimensions, well, what if there's 14? That means they're in, potentially, for just the sake of argument, they would be in dimension 13 and 14, right? That means you got from, we have three dimensions and the fourth we say is time. So let's say four or five or six or seven or eight or nine or 10. All those are not the second heaven in that theory, okay? It's not the second heaven, but it's not human possibility either, right? as far as we understand. We don't know how to do that. So you see what I mean? So like it could be, that could be the explanation, heavens meaning other higher dimensions, but those higher dimensions could be way, way, way up there, way above where we're thinking. So it's possible that, again, dimension, let's say five through 10 or whatever, are neither heavenly or earth. And maybe those can be manipulated. by people, smart, really, really smart people who have maybe knowledge passed down from supernatural sources, like we talked about earlier, for example, or other creatures, maybe other creatures or forms of life have access to those higher dimensions, but still not the heavenly dimensions, not fallen angel level. or angel level, or God, right? Okay, that's really long. Multiple dimensions wormholes. Yeah, I mean, people say what they want about string theory, but that's a popularized way to put it. Now, that has a specific set of theoretical results and whatever, but the possibility that our universe is made of multiple other dimensions is becoming more and more accepted like is true so you can have many other dimensions that are not that are below the second heaven is my message on that possibly and a quick image of bill and ted traveling through time yeah right in the phone booth yep yep Or through a wormhole, right? I mean, yeah, that's maybe how you would go. But that would be a time-traveling thing. That's how you access the fourth dimension is to pop into different points in space and time. That's maybe how UFOs work. But that doesn't necessarily mean we're talking about angels or second heaven or whatever. Just saying. I mean, I don't know. And definitely be excellent to each other, right? Like when Ezekiel went up in a chariot, where did he go? is it possible that we see the second heaven in that instance when it was opened and there was possibly, yeah, possibly. But again, that's God, you know, getting him direct, right? So he, God has the, the, the wormhole or whatever, the escalator, however you want to look at it, he can go zip all of them, all 10 or 12 or 14 from the top to the bottom, no problem. You can bypass all those other ones, right? So even if you were seeing the second heaven, it doesn't mean there's others that weren't in between Ezekiel and the earth. You know what I mean? I'm just thinking out loud here, just thinking out loud. Right. Dimensions 5 through 10. Narnia, the Teletubbies, Spongebob, Atlantis, Dune, right? All the fantastic stories. What about Middle Earth is in there? It's called Middle Earth. Why not put it in the middle? No, super nerd. Don't you know Tolkien was talking about this Earth only in the past. Okay. Anyway, we're really getting off course there. Okay, that's enough for today, I think, guys. Be excellent to each other, as the wise men say. Please feel free to reach out. Please feel free to share this. We need your support. If you are a Christian, fill out that form if you want to communicate. Or, and I really kind of have been... delaying or not sure how to proceed or whatever, but I'm still very concerned and pretty convinced that if there is, even if it's just going as is here with UFO phenomenon and disclosure and this and that, But what if there is a major event, whether it be government announced or not, or UFO announced, or Russia, or China, or somebody else decides to disclose everything, and there's a crisis out of this, and there would be a major crisis. It would be a crisis of international importance and maybe the most significant event of this century or maybe in the past two millennia. Yeah. that would shake the faith of many believers. And it would put the church leaders, quote unquote, you know, those of us who are responsible for flocks of God's people to need to speak to each other. And so that's why just as a paper thin way of starting that conversation, there's a webpage called UAP council, UAP council.com. You can go there as a Facebook group, page and stuff like that. It's just a way again to connect to, if we want to have conversations, whether it be online or in person or whatever, as the church. Generally, especially leader dominations like that level, but any level. So look into that if you're so led. But anyway, here we go. This is exciting times. We love you. I love you. God loves you even more. Reach out to me on the X platform if you like. Manti4, M-A-N-T-E-I-4. Quick update of the poll. Got a couple more votes since we've been on the air. We've almost got a tie. Not quite. About 37% say never. Still now 30% say three or more times they've seen UFOs. 22% one time, 11% two times. So I'm coming up and bringing up the rear. Me and Jake, bro Jake. With us two times, us two timers. Anyway, friends, love you. See you next time. This is Wings of the Eagle. This is Unsealed. Please, please, please share this with somebody. And Lord willing, we'll see you next time. And for End Time Church, that means Monday night at 8 p.m. Eastern. And again, if you like what we do, think this is worthwhile, support us. Bye-bye. Thank you.