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Syria and Wings Of The Eagle

The following is a truthful recounting of the past 28 years…

I was a 14 year old kid just trying to adjust to High School when Iraq’s Saddam Hussein invaded and annexed Kuwait on August 2, 1990. I couldn’t explain why, but the Holy Spirit was speaking very loudly to me, saying “watch, this is important”. Over the next 5 months, a phase called “Desert Shield” was created for the nations of the West to protect Saudi Arabia. Again, explanations were not there, but He was speaking life into what would be my Ministry. As the coalition of nations was gathering military force to evict Hussein, one of the last pieces of the puzzle remained – one highly coveted by the West – the assent of Syria.


1991 When Syrian dictator Hafez al Assad agreed to join the coalition against Iraq, a strong…”disappointment” came over my spirit. Maybe that’s not the right word, but I knew (supernaturally) this was not the time that would usher in the return of Jesus. Not that I had an understanding of much of anything, I was just starting to study the Word of God for myself. It was simply reinforced that I needed to watch Syria as the catalyst for the End Time events.

A sign of that time would be the opposite of what I was seeing – a union of the lands of Syria and Iraq. When that happened, my Ministry would have be in full swing.

2000 In June 2000, Hafez Assad died and the dictatorship passed to his son Bashar. At that same time, there was great hope for Middle East peace as the “Oslo Accords” were agreed to at Camp David by Israel and the palestinians. For many Christians – myself included – there was a temptation to view this is as the “7 year covenant” that would indeed would begin Daniel’s 70th week and the return of the Lord Jesus. But as the Holy Spirit was teaching me a LOT in that year on the personal and ministry level, He had me look away from Camp David and once again to Damascus. I learned about the Iranian Shia plan to set up governments from Iraq though Syria to Lebanon and their move would be the one to begin those events. Syria, it was reiterated, was the central piece. More “disappointment” set in as I knew the real “covenant with death and hell” was still very far off. Indeed, it was then that I took a long “vacation” from being a Watchman and instead of Ministry I concentrated on my career and delved into getting conservative politicians elected.

Thankfully, God drove that desire out of me forever on November 6, 2012: election night was when He revealed the country I was trying to “save” didn’t exist and we were getting exactly what we wanted and deserved. The Word came: “YOU WORK FOR ME NOW”.


2013 The “Arab Spring” was ongoing for 2 years, and Syria was in the middle of it. Unlike other nations, the Assad government was not overthrown but efforts were well underway. A civil war in Syria was now a reality and the calling of the Lord to launch my Ministry was growing more intense. In mid 2013, a group calling itself the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) emerged and was proving formidable. The words from the past rushed back – the union of Iraq and Syria was here, and Iran couldn’t wait much longer to act to protect their client Assad. The Ministry known as “Wings Of The Eagle” was started in July and the website launched in August. Immediately afterward, a large chemical attack was launched against Ghouta suburb of Damascus – sound familiar? After establishing a Network for Christians around the world to join and communicate in, the message of the Ministry was: the Caliphate is the Beast and it would begin in Iraq/Syria. ISIS made it official 10 months later.

2018 More depraved chemical attacks, American military action, Russian threatening, Saudi intervention, even France is kinetically involved…Syria is now the center of the world’s attention. And after 4.5 years, Wings Of The Eagle is entering “Phase 2” on May 1. Could Iran’s move be far behind? Indeed this Ministry is intimately tied to the events in Syria, only God knows why, but after 28 years, we are now fully ready to answer the Call. Pray for Wings Of The Eagle! Pray for Syria! Pray for revelation of YOUR role in all this! Please watch and share this 30 second video:

Your Brother in Christ Jesus and Ministry, Christopher

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