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Study your Bible in 2025

Writer's picture: ChristopherChristopher

Unsealed: Study your Bible in 2025 - if you have never studied it before, NOW IS THE TIME. If you claim to know what it says BACK IT UP. -


Welcome back to a unsealed podcast, the official podcast of Wings of the Eagle. Christopher Mantei is me, your humble host. We're going to talk about, well, first of all, do this thing that you should do, which is share this, please. Subscribe, like, hit the bell on YouTube, all that stuff. If you're not subscribed to Wings of the Eagle on YouTube, it would be very helpful for this organization of me, one, LLC, to have you subscribe and watch and share on the Wings of the Eagle YouTube channel, even if you're watching somewhere else right now. OK, much obliged. Also, the X platform is good as well, although I don't have people subscribing on that. It is available. So please go to Mantei for M-A-N-T-E-I for on X to find me there and correspond that way. Hello to all who are checking in already. Mukul and Bronze Servant. These beautiful people are everywhere. I love them. And I love you just the same. So I want to talk about something today that reaches across basically every universe, every community that I am touching on a daily basis. which is somewhere along the way, either people are claiming they know the Bible or just flat out admit that they don't. If you're a Christian, it is required. Read your Bible every day. It's really not that hard. It's really not. And it's, it's, I mean, if it helps you personally to have a schedule to have a, the Bible app is awesome for that. It'll keep you on track. You, you, they have plans in there that are year long, a year long for the whole Bible year long, just for the new Testament. I mean, if you can't read the new Testament in a year, you're not dedicating enough time, not nearly enough because it's minuscule. Um, But if you think it's really God's word, if you really think that your Lord has written that book, are you insane that you're not reading it every day? Right? And this is where we get our doctrine from. This is where we get our beliefs from. This is where we believe it's true. We believe it's real history. We believe it's stuff really happened. And yes, Jesus is a real person, and he really did these things. And all those other people are real people and really did those things. And they're for our benefit. And we believe the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is in us, and he wrote that Bible. So why would you not? And then the other end of the spectrum is people who are not necessarily believers but think they know what it says anyways, which is extra annoying. I don't know what's more annoying, actually. Let's not be annoyed. Let's just say I'm not sure what's worse, a Christian who doesn't read their Bible or someone who's not a believer who thinks they do know what it says, and they don't. Clearly they don't. And I'm not being mean about it. It just happened this past week. for example, where somebody in the UFO community was saying something about Moses not being a real person and Mount Sinai is actually the Great Pyramid. I'm not kidding. But this person has tons of respect. I mean, people look up to him. They're retweeting him like crazy. I'm not trying to diss the guy, but it's clearly he doesn't know the Bible. He doesn't know the scripture. He has no idea. He's just going on what somebody else claims about the Great Pyramid being Mount Sinai and Moses being a composite character, not a real person. not only are you unfamiliar with the passages you're referring to about Sinai and about Moses and about the Torah but you're ignorant of the whole Bible because all of it says Moses was a real person and none of it thinks Mount Sinai was in Egypt and the Great Pyramid was always in Egypt Right? I mean, just elementary, elemental things. But frankly, yes, I said something to that person, but the ninety nine point nine percent of the responses assumed he was right. And there's nothing I can do about it. There's nothing you can do about it. unless that person feels convicted to go back and correct themselves and actually do study the scriptures they're claiming that they know. It's like the old, what's the old saying? What is that? I don't know if it's Churchill or somebody else, right? What is it? The truth, a lie makes its way around the world before the truth gets its pants on in the morning or something like that. So anyway, There's that. And frankly, a lot of folks in the kind of sort of believer community are everywhere. They're everywhere. And it's clear they're not reading the scriptures and they're certainly not being discipled. They're not studying it under someone else, like keeping them on track, which is what all of us need. All right. I've got a couple of comments. So as we're going, I'll go ahead and deal with these. not reading the bible on daily basis there are too many distractions in my life at the moment which I need to curtail well yes you do brother right we don't want to fall into that uh category of the you know the four soils and the one who gets choked out because of the worries and cares of this life there are no distractions there's um we choose to let them be there that's not coming down on you it's true of everyone there's an old teacher that he's passed away now, but really good things have stuck with me, like what you focus on, you make room for. What you focus on, you make room for. In other words, don't tell me you don't have time of day to do X, Y, or Z. You just are choosing not to have that time. You're doing other things instead. Twenty-four hours is a long time. every single day even if you sleep for eight hours of that you still have sixteen hours that you're conscious um that you can dedicate twenty thirty minute whatever it is ten whatever it is to whatever you choose and there's always a way to put god first there's always a way to be a disciple before anything else always right okay so just want to encourage you in that it's absolutely it's not a it's not impossible it's the furthest from impossible it's just prioritizing that's it I'm not answering generic questions, friends, today. This is just about this particular topic. All right. I just want to get it out there, please. Look, we have an awful, for example, we have a terrible fire. Los Angeles is literally burning to the ground, at least some parts of it. And think about what you will, like why it occurred or is this God speaking or allowing things or whatever. The point is a lot of innocent life potentially being lost or certainly lots of stuff, animals and the creation itself and all that. And it doesn't seem to be letting up. It's a terrible situation. And I haven't heard it specifically yet, but you know it's coming if it's not out there already that this is in the Bible. Right. The fires of Los Angeles somehow are in the Bible. OK. I don't think so. But if you do think that, back it up. You better be ready. Everything you say, everything we claim. If you say this is fulfilling of the Bible or this is prophecy or this is that, right? Jesus spoke of these times. I don't like, I hate that. Actually, I despise that people who say that or that phrase, those types of phrases because the Bible speaks of this. Jesus spoke of that. Well, then show me where he spoke of that. Give me chapter and verse. Because my experience after fifty years of life on this earth, I'll be fifty this year, certainly my teenage through adulthood life, in reading the Bible and hearing what other people say about it, the vast majority of the time when someone says Jesus is referring to this or that or the Bible says this or that is incorrect. Most of the time. I mean, your average person on the street, on your YouTube nowadays, wherever you go, your grocery stores and whatnot, I'm not saying people everywhere doesn't, you know, everyone's ignorant. I'm not saying that. Usually when you hear those things, you are more than entitled to say, what do you mean by that? I need a chapter and verse to confirm that. And even if you do get one, a lot of times it's like, that's not what it says. Or there's a lot of controversy actually about what that says, right? Many Christians over the years, maybe over the decades, over the centuries, millenniums maybe have disagreed about what that says or is unclear. So we shouldn't just make pronouncements like this is, you know, the Bible says this. Fine, if you think you know what it says, you better be able to back it up, right? And, right, and for those who may be, how did I put it? Hey, what? I don't want to ask commercials. If you've never studied it before, now is the time, right? And if you claim to know what it says, back it up. Now is the time. I don't care if you're a new Christian, if you've been in the faith for decades. I go to church every week. Well, that's not good enough. I mean, that's not even close. That's not it. I don't care who you are. I don't care how strong your faith or how long you've been. in the church, meaning you're a Christian, you're born again. Hopefully you've been baptized your first thing, first day that you're a believer, or you made the plans immediately. And if you haven't been baptized, please just drop everything, drop everything. Find someone who will do it for you and do it. There's no excuse for that, okay? But then once you do that, if you've never, I'm even talking to non-believers. Especially if you're out there It's the greatest book of all time in terms of sales. Nothing is even close. It's the most influential book of all time. It's not even close. The Quran has got nothing on the Bible. Even if you believe it's full of lies and made-up stuff and mythology, you should still read it. Know what it says. Because the less you know, the more you're fooled. The more you can be deceived. Anyone can trick you. And not even maliciously. You're just passing along incorrect information by someone else who told you the incorrect information. And they were told the incorrect information. It's not because they know it's wrong. It's just they don't know any better. Because they never actually bothered to check. Well, check. There's no... I don't care, again, believer or not, if a Bible in a year is not a big deal. It's not. And this doesn't mean you have to study in, I mean, when I say study, I mean really read and absorb it. Don't just speed read through it. Okay, done for the day. But even that's better than not doing it. um but to absorb it yes but how much time does that take a thirty minutes a day you we don't have thirty minutes a day to digest the the greatest book ever written whether you believe the message in it or not whether you believe the old testament or the new testament or neither you can't dedicate that you don't you don't think it's worth your time at least to relate to People like me who will claim to know it or teach it or whatever to challenge people or maybe to learn a little something. So, yes, this is going to be a major year, a prophetic year, possibly. In Bible prophecy, a year of tragedy and hardship and great deceiving and deceived and being deceived. Yes, guaranteed. It's not going to get any better, as my old pastor Randy used to say, right? He still says it, pretty sure. It's not going to get any better out there. No matter what you think is coming, it's not going to get any better before the Lord returns. So, with that in mind, please... If you have never done it, don't feel any guilt about it. If you think you are coming up short, like Mokul said earlier, don't feel any guilt about it. Just change it right now. Just change it today. Don't live in the past. Don't dwell on your failures. Because, yeah, you failed. So have I. So what? If you're a believer, the Lord is right there with you. He will help you. He will get you up. So get up and start today. Don't wait. Don't even wait till Monday, okay, or whatever. Get your plan going. Use the Bible app or something that's, whatever's convenient for you or that will help you and do it. One thing I do not want to encourage you to do, I want to encourage against this, discourage. I want to discourage this end of it, which is please don't do some type of somebody reads the Bible to you and then gives their opinion about what it means. That's not what I'm talking about. You read it yourself. And sometimes that means, by the way, talking to the Bible app and different applications have this, you can listen to the Bible. There are, there's audio versions that you can just plug in and go. Maybe you're driving to work or you're whatever. That's okay, too. You're still getting it. You're still listening. I mean, you're still applying it, right? You're still remembering it, hopefully. Listen two or three times or whatever. Maybe that's faster or easier for you. Great. All I'm saying is don't have someone do that and then do teaching on top of it. Like, this is what this means and this is what that means. And scholars say this or that. Just don't even worry about that. Just get it done. Get it in your head. Get the story. Get the Get the details in your brain. Settled. This is what the Bible actually says. Doesn't mean you know every detail. Doesn't mean you're an expert on this or that or the Hebrew language or the Greek language. No. It just means, look, I know the general story. I mean, more than the Christmas story. Or more than Egypt and Moses because I saw that in the Ten Commandments movie. No. Because you read it. you know what it says you know this haven't you ever read a story book and you know what the story is now because you read it no it's not short you can't finish it in one night but you can dedicate to it there's no problem to do it so just do it okay thank you uh bond servant says she does it at bedtime that works for her great if it works for you great I will never do it that way because I will go to sleep. It does not work at all for me. I won't remember it. Maybe I will. I don't know. But reading before bedtime is not helpful for me, especially not when I'm trying to remember stuff. But works for you? Perfect. Many rely on what others say instead of checking it for themselves. Sigh. Yes, yes, and yes. even at the this is what happened to me personally like personal testimony you know it's been quite a while now it's been two decades plus but that's where I've really fell into a bad way is when I listen to someone else teach it and have their opinions first and then I went and said oh yeah that's what it says I read it myself that's what it says but you're already tainted you're already biased Don't take what they say first and then go read it. Go read it first and then see what other people say about it. Okay? Because that's fine. You need a teacher, frankly, at some point. Okay? You read it, but now we need a teacher to maybe help to understand what's going on in there. Fine. Okay? But do that second. You should read it regardless. I ask for proof all the time when I hear this stuff. The sick thing is, well, a prophet declared it. Oh, that's the worst. Okay, there ain't no prophets out there that are going to contradict the Bible. So you might as well just read the Bible and then go from there, okay? And like Ponservative is saying, you get faith that way because then you know what's coming. Faith is something that hasn't happened yet. Faith comes from hearing, hearing by the word of the Lord or by the word of God. Yes, that's how we know. He told us beforehand, so we'll know when it does occur that it was him. That's faith. So I believe it now before it happens. Because God said so. That's faith. That's walking out in faith. Anyway. Oh, she says, I should have said when I'm busy, I read the word at bedtime, but I also read it early morning. Okay, there you go. Then I think on it all day and night. It calms my mind. Well, that's great. Yeah, morning time is definitely beneficial to me, and it lets me mentally check off that. Okay, I did that. I'm not going to forget it because I forget a lot. If I don't do it first thing or I'm not doing it in the morning, chances are it may not happen at all, so I'm not willing to take that chance because I know myself. Mokul says, all scriptures God breathed. Yeah, that's why you can be, as a believer, you can rest and relax in that you're not wasting your time. Moses, a composite character. Yeah, that was stupid, honestly. It was atheistic. Yeah, the Great Pyramid, I just don't. I mean, I love Egyptology. for a long, long time. I love ancient Egypt. Not just when the Israelites were there, just like that whole period and the very, the mysterious hieroglyphics and how the pyramid was, the pyramids were built and all that. It's super, super interesting. And by the way, super relevant still. But there is no, zero reason, no evidence, no reason at all to think that the Great Pyramid is Mount Sinai. It's just ridiculous. Um, so don't fall for that stuff. Okay. Uh, there's my sister. What's up? She says, well, taking in good teaching through Scripture is important. We're not automatically able to understand everything better than those who have studied it for years when it comes to difficult passages. No doubt, no doubt. And so like we're trying to say, maybe I didn't do it good enough, is make sure we're having a baseline of we are individually reading it because it's just what we do. Right. And again, like it doesn't mean we have to understand everything perfectly clearly doesn't mean things aren't difficult or I don't know where this fits in the story or I don't really yet doesn't jive with me like all that stuff is fine. Yeah. but just have the baseline of, yeah, I read that already. And then to say, you know what? I need help with this. What are my pastor or what are some other teacher or what's the general historical understanding of the church been on this or that? That's perfect. You know what I mean? All right. And yeah, and some of us, some teachers are, yes, we're hopefully following this, spirits that lead and the lord's leading and to kind of zoom in on different or certain specific aspects or certain books of the bible or topics within it that um are really interesting to us and need more attention or desire you know we desire to give it more attention and really become educated and and studied or whatever I don't want to say experts but just like you know well familiar and Yeah, and yeah, definitely consult those folks. I love to hear what ideas are about this, that, and the other thing, especially if they're different. The church doesn't agree on it. Okay, well, this is opinion A, and here's opinion B, and this is why we think that. Okay, well, this is why we think that. I'm like, okay. Okay, cool. Yeah, I never thought about that. Maybe I'm looking at it a different way. Maybe I come to an agreement on person A or person, you know, view A or view B, or maybe I don't. And maybe there's a view C. Individual agree, individual reading is important, Taryn says. It's just never been good for me to assume I understand difficult stuff better on my own. Yeah, I wouldn't assume anything for sure. As long as it's there. If it's in there, we need that. It's about asking the Holy Spirit to lead me to good teaching with the hard stuff instead of bad teaching. Once we got that, for sure. If we're dedicated already, if we're giving our time and we know it's important to do and we're doing it, we're plowing through it, sometimes our heart... Look, I'm not going to sit here and say every part of the Bible is just as enjoyable or easy to get through as every other part. I don't think that at all. It's not. It's much easier, for example, just to read the Gospels or just concentrate on... even Paul's letters, even though we're cautioned that they're sometimes easily misunderstood and sometimes difficult to understand. But some churches are really good at that, or just the Torah, right? Just the stories of Moses, or Genesis, and the beginning, and the creation questions, or the revelation stuff, or whatever, or the prophets. It's not all the same, like easy to get or to, you know, some stuff is harder to get through than others. There's no doubt. No doubt. Mokul, I don't want to skip over anything you were talking about. I didn't really want to answer questions right here today. um uh are you a literal six twenty four hour day creationist or are you old earth creations I I'm really not gonna answer that right now only because it's a really long answer um let's just say the bible's always true if god said it it's true As a believer, that's what we think, right? If God says it, it's true. The creation itself is kind of said very quickly, like that whole, you know, God created the heaven and the earth, boom. Oh, we don't get really any details about that. Like, how did that happen? How long did it take? Yeah. Because we know there are other planets around. There's things in the heavens, right? There's both objects like planets and stars and beings like angels or whatever. There's a lot of stuff around that God created. So there's things that we just aren't told specifically. And yes, then, of course, then there's heaven and the earth, and we're told that there was a six-day process about... when that happened and how it looked and how life came about and all that stuff so I'm not gonna say any of that is wrong it's not um this I guess just depends when you you know when does that week begin and are they twenty four hour days or not and whatever and this foul I'm not saying you have to believe this or that it's fine um Uh, then local says Genesis one and two says first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth day morning and evening. I believe days literal day creation, beginning of Genesis that would lend to that understanding for sure. Um, whoops. Already got that one. And then McCool says, why do Catholics and the Orthodox Church include the Apocrypha as part of the canon and not Protestants? Well, they include it in the Bible. I don't believe, I know the Catholics don't believe this, that it's Scripture. Um, could be mistaken on that but it's just kind of oh it was always there and uh and it makes it easier for that denomination to teach certain things about let's say purgatory so they kept it um the apocrypha are again like I think it's important to read them. And you can buy them separately. You don't need a Bible with them included. But again, we have electronic Bibles, so everything's free, basically, and available to whomever. But I have a separate edition of Apocrypha with a fairly recent English translation on them. It's in the... Septuagint as well. And that's basically why you have that in the Orthodox and Catholic Bibles is because the Septuagint included them. Septuagint was before Jesus appeared on the earth or was born. So it was just part of the Greek collection, Greek language with the Old Testament. So That's why it was kept basically. Okay. All right. So anyway, just to review and to circle back to the beginning here, please, this is the year to study the Bible. If for some reason you don't have one, again, it's free. It's online. In fact, you can get paper Bibles for free, a lot of ministries and churches, and we'll just hand you one. Just walk in and get one. If a specific translation is important to you or whatever, again, the Bible app, for example, or there's a lot of websites that have free Bibles everywhere. The Bible app is great because you can put it right on your phone or your tablet. For me, I like the tablet. The iPad size is perfect. like a large book. So your eyes don't strain and it's really easy to keep track and it's not big and bulky. You don't have to carry the heavy things everywhere. I love it. But the MyBull app has dozens and dozens and dozens of different translations. Pick the one you want. No big thing. It's free. So there's really no excuse to not do it this year because either you're gonna think Bible things are happening right this year you're gonna be told Bible things are happening or Jesus said this or the revelation says that or Moses was on the Great Pyramid and when he said this or whatever um so you're gonna have to be equipped okay armed if you will with that sword especially again if you're a Christian there is no excuse You must, you must, you must read your scripture. Must, must, must, must. Because if we don't have that, you don't know what to believe. And you're very, we open ourselves up. You're vulnerable, okay? We're vulnerable to wrong teaching, even if it's about the Bible that you claim to know or like or follow. If you don't know what it says, people who are telling you wrong stuff about it can easily pull you away. And that's what we're seeing at a massive, massive pace right now. Just a massive pace. And if folks just read it, it would alleviate tons of that. Not all of it. It's still, even if you read it, you're going to fall for stuff or you're going to have a bad read on things or a certain cult or whatever will mislead people. And that's just inevitable. But take responsibility for yourself, for your own mind, for your own heart, for your own personal walk with Jesus if you are one of his. And if you are, that's just an act of being with him. We should be praying, of course. You pray literally any time of day or night, for however long, in whatever place. There's nothing special about a church building or any of that stuff. Just do it any time, any place. That should happen several times a day, I think, maybe all day, every day. That's prayer. But to actually sit down and read what he wrote is something we need to do. Okay? And this is a great reason right here. Brother says, no doubt, twenty twenty five twenty to twenty five is the year to study the Bible before the Iranian ram charges out. Daniel eight, et cetera. Yeah. And I'm not saying when that's going to happen on neither of you, brother. Right. But yeah, before the major things do end up happening, it would be great to know what it is before it happens, because then you can glorify God. And point others to it and say, look at that. Chapter and verse. That just happened because he told us before. And even maybe you personally just read that. Or you told someone the month before, the year before, the day before. This is coming next, and then it does. That glorifies God. That will save souls. All right? That's awesome. Bond servant says she has the news on Los Angeles surrounded by fire. Yes, it is. She also says Jesus' first warning to the disciples is do not be deceived. Yep. Yeah, I mean, in his final sermon, right, in his end times sermon, that's the first aspect to it, which is make sure no one deceives you. No one. No one. Yes, that's your religious folks. Yes, that's your churches and pastors and YouTube prophets. But it's also politicians and folks who mean well and, you know, all that. All that. Make sure none of those folks deceive you. And the way to guard against that is to know what the Bible actually says. And you can get that by reading it. Tyrannosaurus says, reading on my own helps me recognize bad teaching. Yeah, that's right. Good teaching opens up a difficult passage with greater clarity, enhances private reading. Well, yeah, you're right, of course. And that's exactly what it does. And no matter where you get that from, you're getting the churches helping and God is using teachers to teach what he's trying to say or help to understand. And we all need that. including Wings of the Eagle courses. There you go. There's a free commercial. We do have those available, Check out all the courses that we have there. If you support us on Patreon, go to slash wingsoftheeagle. You can find all of that and the level that you need to give to get full access to everything we've done. And there's a lot of stuff. if you're interested deceptions like a little leaven spoils the whole bunch yeah like uh if you put a little yeast in there though right you'll need a little bit and the whole thing is affected infected really um but right that's jesus point on that exactly which is if you put a little you got a bread of true doctorate or you know what the bible actually says and then you sprinkle in just a bit of false teaching it'll spread everywhere so like that's really not in there but now everyone believes that it is um and that's what's that other what's what I'm what's that making me think of also Paul, it spreads like gangrene or like cancer. This specifically is teaching that there's a preterism, that there's no future, that there's no prophecy, that there's no millennium, that there's no all that stuff, that the resurrection's already happened. It's poison, evil, wickedness, yuck. Anyway, that's just an example of that, what happens. Okay, so please do yourself a favor. Do your family, your household a favor. Do the ones you love a favor and get to know the Bible. Be the Bible person in your circle. Right? It doesn't mean you'll know everything at all. But you get to the point where, okay, let's ask so-and-so. Let's ask Taryn about that because... know she's always in that thing all right all right my friends that's it make this the year make this the year especially even if you're not a believer if you don't care about christianity you think it's dumb and we're all we're all tricked here those who follow jesus as the jewish messiah and we're stupid So you should still know what you're talking about when you reference the Bible or the teachings of Jesus. And yes, the Bible, not the extra Bible, not the gospel of Thomas or these things that clearly are not in, they have never been accepted as the Bible or scripture. Just stick to your, whatever version you want, know what's in there, and then we'll have a discussion and proceed. All right. Sound good. All right. Sounds fair to me. See you next time on Unsealed. This is the official. Podcast of Wings of the Eagle. If you love what we do, please share this video on our YouTube channel, Wings of the Eagle YouTube channel. If you are not subscribed to that, please do so now. Thank you. And hit the bell to get notified so you never miss anything. That's the easiest way. And I'll see you all next. All right, friends. Till next time.

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