It’s impossible to overstate the importance of prophetic geography. Here are some simple questions you can ask people who are looking in Europe for the Antichrist.
IF the Antichrist is European, why is Jesus coming from Bozrah in Edom (Buseirah, Jordan) covered in blood after His return? [Isaiah 63:1-6]

IF the Antichrist is European, or even Jewish, why do Micah and Isaiah say he’s Assyrian? [Micah 5; Isaiah 10]

IF the Antichrist is European, why does Daniel call him the king of the north whose kingdom includes parts of modern-day Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran? [Daniel 11, Zechariah 6]

IF the Antichrist is European, or even Jewish, why does Ezekiel say he’s from Magog (a part of modern-day Turkey)? [Ezekiel 38-39]

IF the Antichrist is from Europe, why is a returning Jesus waging war in Moab against the Sons of Sheth (parts of Jordan and Saudi Arabia)? [Numbers 24:14, 17-20]

You can surely substitute “American” for “European.”