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Prophecy News Update

Writer's picture: ChristopherChristopher

Prophecy News Update! Assad has fallen but it's not Turkey's turn yet. Get the book and support this ministry! -


hi there friends Christopher Mantei here wings of the eagle prophecy news update I haven't done one of these in quite a long time uh and that's because there hasn't been a reason to in my view but uh there has been some activity very interesting to a lot of folks in this space in this um people who are paying attention to Bible prophecy things, and the nation of Syria. And I just wanted to offer a couple of updates that what we know is happening and what we know from the word of God, what will happen. So the Assad crime family, the regime that has controlled Syria since the seventies between the current Assad and his father before him, are gone. All it took was some organization of opposition, I think. Folks are reading a lot into why, you know, all of a sudden or why, you know, how did this happen? I think it's just because they've been divided before because some of them are ISIS and some of them are different kind of jihadists and some of them are not jihadists. necessarily and want different things for syria they don't want syria at all they just want to caliphate all that stuff that they kind of put it aside um basically just to to make a push the kurds etc okay so that's what happened and you know you could see it coming for a long time because assad was had been pushed more and more and more towards his the alawite his his ethnic group or his his religious group basically um was becoming a smaller and smaller minority. And so he was getting pushed to where the coastline is between Damascus and the coast there. So that's where he basically was anyways. So the rest of them just organized and pushed him out. And that's that. Now he's in Russia. Big surprise. So we'll see with that. The thing that a lot of folks bring up, Christians who are into prophecy, is the prophecy about Damascus in the book of Isaiah. It's in Jeremiah, other places too, but there's a famous passage in Isaiah about Damascus being a ruinous heap, King James Bible, or completely destroyed, completely removed from being a city. It's pretty obvious. It has never happened in history. It's been continuously inhabited and not destroyed for thousands of years, and it's still there now. And so I do not believe that that destruction will happen before Jesus returns. I have evolved or learned more over the years, about ten, you know, fifteen, twenty years ago, twenty-five years ago, I had a slightly different view. I thought Damascus would be destroyed before this tribulation time or during the tribulation time, but then it just keeps sliding farther and farther when you compare it to other texts, and it's clear that the day of the Lord is when this occurs. Yeah. So it's the return of Jesus that Damascus has destroyed and not before. I know some people disagree with that. That's fine. Abon servant. Feel free to chime in here, guys, if you want. So that's number one. Yes, Assad is gone. Yes, that's because there was opposition. He is not coming back. He is not the Antichrist. People said that. And I know I could think of a guy or two who has said he was the Antichrist. And I said, no, he wasn't. And I had Bible to back me up. And now we see that he is not. So he's gone. And what replaces him? I don't know. We don't know. Is it ISIS has its own state? Are the Kurds going to get a cut of this? Are they going to unite with the Kurds in Iran? I'm sorry, Iraq and Iran and Turkey. Who knows? It's very unstable. It's like dynamite right now in Syria. So I agree with that. But I would not be looking for Damascus to be destroyed anytime soon. Not within the next seven years, at least. Plus, okay? So that's my view on that. Number two, a lot of Bible teachers who maybe some of you follow, I want to just, in love, say that those teachers are wrong when they are telling you that Turkey now is going to just swoop in and here come the end time events led by Turkey. That's false. That's not what the Bible teaches. And there's a whole industry. It's a sub-industry. It's a small subset of which I used to be a part, but they don't like me anymore. So they don't invite me to their conferences. I don't get to go on their podcasts. I don't get retweeted. I don't get bumped up and replied to at all, actually. That's fine. Don't care. Because I don't want to have anything to do with wrong teaching. And it is wrong to say Turkey can step in now and Erdogan can be the Antichrist and make the seven-year covenant with Israel and all these events and blah, blah, blah. It's just not true. So I just want to point that out. So even though it looks right now that Turkey is in a strong position, I mean, militarily, right? They look like they can do anything. A lot if they chose to, or more than they have been. Erdogan has escaped re-election again. So he might be in there until he dies. And so it looks like, okay, they can flex if they want a little bit, especially with Syria now in tatters. And Iran looks very weak. They do. They look incredibly weak. They had massive failures with Hamas and Hezbollah being defeated, basically. And then now with Syria, I mean, with Assad, the Shia, the only other real Shia government in the Middle East other than in Yemen and part of the Iraqi parliament. That's about all they got. And so I'm surprised kind of that they didn't say boo about it or maybe it just happened too fast where they couldn't or wouldn't do anything. But the point is they didn't. And they look very weak and ineffectual and like they have no influence over the situation at all. And they really don't. And again, I just want to caution folks as a prophecy issue, we have to study the book of Daniel and believe it. Take it seriously. Take it as prophecy, not as past history. I don't care what chapter you're in. If it's talking about the time of the end, that's what it means. All chapter eleven, all chapter eight, all chapter seven, for example. So what are we looking for? That tells a story. That tells a story about what the proper, the way it goes down is. And it begins with Iran, even though they're weak and they look weak, they're going to not be. And it has nothing to do with proxies. It has nothing to do with other governments. It has to do with them themselves. So that's why I'm always cautioning my friends in, you know, groups that I'm in and maybe who I'm not so close to, to not just calm down, but reverse course if you think that, you know, Hezbollah or the Yemen situation or these paramilitary jihadi groups that get money or funding or weapons or whatever support from Iran equals the Iranian army, which it does not, or the Iranian invasion that Daniel talks about, which it does not represent that. It has never represented it. It's not in the past. And so I do think there's another shoe to drop as far as before Iran can do this fulfillment. So Turkey, it's not Turkey's turn yet. That's the point. We just had Thanksgiving. And so I'm going to wrap this up in a nice little bow here within ten minutes and say it is not Turkey's turn yet to control the Middle East. It will be. But not yet. Not yet. Jesus had the same type of attitude with his listeners a lot of times, right? The end is not yet. You'll see this, that, and the other thing, but this is not the time for what you want yet. I know there's old ministries and authors and conferences and all that who are big on turkey right now, but they're false teaching on this. So just know that, and they're excluding people who teach otherwise. Just know that. God's going to sort it out. He's going to fight and get his word accomplished, and that's good enough for me. So that's your update, okay? It's not Turkey's turn. The Assad has definitely fallen. Syria is definitely a mess. It's a wreck. God knows what's going to come of it. can't be a good situation for Israel necessarily, but then again, they've, it looks like they've taken advantage of the chaos and basically put a real incredible destruction, uh, on any military capabilities that Syria had, which was very little. They can't, they, they had the worst air defenses in the history of earth. Um, And they couldn't do anything back to anybody. But that's all those traditional, you know, your tanks and any Navy, you know, not again, not much, but any ships and bombs and stuff basically were targeted by Israel and destroyed, which is good for them. Good for them. Because then whoever does take over in Syria won't be able to use that stuff. So that at least gives Israel a little breathing space and maybe a little time. So that's a good thing, right? Amen. All right, so that's the update, Prophecy News update. Please, please, please spend time in your Bible. Don't spend it on YouTube with... People with dreams and visions and statements and teachers who want Turkey to take over now. Just don't waste your time, please. Say prayer. Stay in your Bible. And that's the update. It's not Turkey's turn. And oh, we got a comment here. Yeah, it's exactly what I'm saying, Bonservant. Seems logical. Iran looks weak, but one day soon they will run out as the vision shows us. Daniel eight and eleven, I think. I teach, I believe. Yes. And they are weak right now. They are. I'm becoming more and more convinced as we go that this great sword, this great weapon that Revelation six describes the Iranians using. And yes, if you don't, have never heard that theory before go read fleet of the mountains okay fleet to the daniel revisited by mark davidson those are your source not source those are your best write-ups on this scenario okay um but yeah so the revelation six does describe the iranian invasion as well there you call it the second horseman they have this great sword it's a great weapon It's a great weapon that kills massive amounts of people, and it's so effective that no one can do anything about it. That's what Daniel says as well. It's so effective, no one can do a thing. Everyone's just running for cover. So that tells me I didn't really bother to think about that, I guess, much before, other than I just assumed it was a nuclear weapon because no one in that region has one. other than Israel right so whoever has one would have an advantage okay I grant you but it's been so many years now and it's always like well they've almost got one they've almost got one they've almost got one and we're still in twenty twenty four and they've almost got one still even if no offense but one nuclear weapon in a low grade is not going to do anything it's just not all it's going to get is you retaliated upon by the big powers of the world If they launch the nuclear bomb however long, not to Israel because that's not who they're attacking. If they launch it into Iraq or Syria or Saudi Arabia, great. You're going to have very limited damage. Those are big areas. They're not all concentrated in one city. You're going to get fightback. You're going to get pushback. You're going to get nuked in return. That's the reality. So I'm thinking that whatever this great sword is, this great weapon that is completely effective and to the point where at least for some period of time, some short period maybe, but some period, no one knows what to do about it. They can't do it and they just run away and give up. That's not the situation right now. They don't have that. Or at least they haven't revealed it. But I don't think it could even be a nuclear weapon. I think it's got to be even more powerful than that. So, stand by. All right? And remember, final thing on this. The only... Again, scripturally, okay? Not... ideas or theories or, you know, making hypotheses, and those are fine if you keep it scriptural. But even the actual text, what does the Bible actually say about, like, what precedes? Everyone's looking for the Iranian invasion. Well, what happens before that? We don't know hardly anything. The Bible says almost nothing about what happens before. It's just like that's the trigger. We see an overthrow of Iraq. That has happened already. And a caliphate attempt, whether that's Saddam Hussein, whether that was ISIS, the point is that's over. So the Iranian thing is next. Maybe the beginning of Daniel eleven is the only only tiny clue we might have, which is a series of rulers. And the last one gains great riches somehow. And that's the one that does the deed. That's it. Other than that, we have really no clue. So keep it biblical, keep it straight, and we'll come back next time if there's a... Yeah, I'm not going to get into that right now, Bonser. It is off topic for this. Sorry. I will have a Q&A in a couple hours, about three hours from now, so stay tuned to this station. But please do support Wings of the Eagle by the book, Any format you want, electronic, paperback, hardcover, audiobook, instant download um please support the ministry that way or directly at donate we have a patreon as well and subscribe or become a member right on the youtube channel here or x at manti four as you see below all support what we're trying to do here for the lord okay and for all the things we're into And the Unseen Realm, the UFO issue, very, very salient right now. This is very current event stuff. But anyway, this is the Bible Prophecy News Update here from Wings of the Eagle. So we'll see you next time. And as soon as events warrant in this Prophecy News Update field, we will be back. All right, until next time.



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