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Preparing for the Tribulation, Part 2: The 2020 Paradigm

Writer's picture: ChristopherChristopher

The 2020 Paradigm- Biblical and modern day Prophets align?

This is something we very rarely – if ever – have done at Wings Of The Eagle: refer to extra-Biblical sources. The reason for this is our belief that God still speaks to His people today (yes that means new covenant prophets, see Acts 21:10) and that per Amos 3:7, He will always inform His servants the prophets of His plans. We have all seen what immature and false prophets look like in the Church, but that does not mean we go to the other extreme and dismiss the reality of how God works. We know that God will NEVER contradict His Written Word when speaking to us, so always test a prophetic word. With that understanding, what I want to present to you today are 3 examples of mature Christian leaders who by all accounts have heard from the Lord and through them a picture is emerging of a time period we are are in – right now. In PART 1 we asked “What if we only have 4 years to prepare” – now we will see if there is alignment with Biblical and modern day prophets around the year 2020 and around a fixed point: Donald Trump.

Example #1. John Paul Jackson

Mr. Jackson died in February 2015 but had become very well known for his proven prophetic voice and Biblical dream interpretation. In 2008, he released a long-form prophecy called “The Perfect Storm”; he said it is specifically about events that would occur between the years of 2010-2020. Watch it here:

Aside from the several things in it that have already come to pass, here are the parts to focus on now: – There will be a “Bubble of hope” in the USA, but it will be short lived. This is to give enough time for Godly people to prepare financially. (That seems very much to be the current condition since Donald Trump was elected.)

– Most US troops brought home. (Trump desire)

– Most International aid cut. (Beginning now)

Then in 2013, there was a dream interpreted by John Paul on Daystar television. Immediately he said it is about Last Days: it is a bulldozer coming to crash through Obama White House ushering in “Refreshing of America”. Watch it here:

NOBODY in 2013 thought Donald Trump would EVER become President of the United States, but there is no question he could be described as a bulldozer – wild and destructive, but sent to the White House for a specific purpose, to knock things down. Taken in concert with his previous prophecy, this “refreshing bubble of hope” is to be short-lived and will end by 2020. The last year of Donald Trump’s term is 2020.

Example #2. Loren Sandford

Loren Sandford is from a well known prophetic family and has been an author and pastor for many years and currently pastors a church in Denver, Colorado. He is NOT known for flowery feel good messages. I interviewed Mr. Sandford for Wings Of The Eagle in June, 2016. Five months later, after the Presidential election, he received a vision from God: The “4 sticks” prophecy. The first 3 years of the Trump presidency, there would be prosperity/a window of opportunity, then in the 4th year it will begin to fall. This is now specific to time: 2017-2019 = 3 years of prosperity to prepare, some time in 2020 = the fall. This fall is likely speaking just about the USA and our economy, but it may be wider than that as all world economies are now intimately linked. In Loren’s words, the Church has “4 years to shine”. If taken literally, we are looking at a 3-4 year window then great shaking internationally.

Then four months later, he received more details. In March 2017 he said there are “2 Storms Coming”. During this time of 2 Storms (one Holy Spirit refreshing the other great shaking of the nations), places of Refuge begin to be built. This speaks to preparation time for God’s people during this 3-4 year window. (watch him describe both prophecies here:

Example #3. Jonathan Cahn

Most American Christians know who Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is or at least know of his books. “The Harbinger” exploded onto the scene in 2012 and catapulted Cahn into the spotlight and has led to him addressing the powerful and elected officials in Congress directly (in public and private) and even Presidents; praying publicly for repentance in the most historically significant locations. If you haven’t read it, that book presents extremely convincing evidence of a “pattern” played out on September 11, 2001 when satanic terrorism struck America to the core. (Now I know many Christians are skeptical of that work and Cahn himself. Let me just tell you I have driven Jonathan around in my car, I have been to his church, and we had great, deep conversations – the Brother is 100% genuine and has a servant’s heart and is a “regular dude” – no pretensions, he is just relating what he has seen.)

God was not done however, and in 2016 another pattern emerged tied to the Harbinger – Cahn calls it “The Paradigm”. Using the template of Elijah/Ahab/Jezebel/Jehu/Elisha from 1 and 2 Kings, AMAZING parallels are revealed, even down to specific dates – there are far too many to write about now, but I highly encourage you to at least watch Cahn detail it here:

Basically, there is a “Paradigm” showing the forerunners of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Donald Trump in the Jezebel story. Wild Warrior Jehu (Trump) defeats Jezebel (Hillary) but the chaos he brings leaves uncertain results. Of course Trump did defeat Hillary in the 2016 election to the shock of the world, and as previously noted, the last year of Trump’s term is 2020. As with the eerily specific details in the signs of “The Harbinger”, this cannot be ignored in my view.


So now we have 3 different types of prophetic words given to 3 different mature Christian leaders at 3 different times that all seem to point to the exact same events. Some of it has come to pass, some not yet. But all 3 point to our current 4 year time period: 2017-2020.

As I said in PART 1 and repeat again here: we don’t endorse date setting and we rely on the Bible ALONE for God’s sure and certain prophetic word. That said, our eyes do need to be open, right? We have seen the “pattern” of Exodus 12 and Matthew 25 and Genesis 37 and even 2 Kings 9, but there is one more bit of Scriptural evidence we should consider if we are to prepare for Daniel’s 70th Week and the Tribulation:

Hosea 6:1-3

1 Come, and let us return to the LORD; ​​For He has torn, but He will heal us; ​​He has stricken, but He will bind us up. 2 ​​After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up, That we may live in His sight. 3 ​​Let us know, Let us pursue the knowledge of the LORD. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, ​​Like the latter and former rain to the earth.

This is a passage I have thought about for over 20 years – it seems almost “too good to be true” – just so obvious, it can’t be a time-specific prophecy right?? Some other mature and sober teachers like Tim Warner and Reggie Kelly have starting bringing this up the past few years, but this past year – especially while in Israel talking with a dear Brother from England who happens to be a messianic Jew – this came up again and it may in fact be just what it looks like…so let’s sketch it out:

The context is physical Israel rejecting then returning to Messiah, ending with a resurrection at the 2nd Coming. So IF 1 day is as 1,000 years with God:

Jesus crucified/resurrected in 30AD. Daniel’s 69th Week ends. Kingdom opens to Gentiles.

2 “days” = 2,000 years until Israel accepts Messiah and her people resurrected. 2,000 years from 30AD = 2030 (from His resurrection until theirs/ours) Daniel’s 70th week would then have to be the 7 year period of 2023-2030.

*AGAIN WE DO NOT ENDORSE DATE SETTING – this is just looking at the possibility and the ramifications of it!

Something “earthly” to consider. Dictator of Turkey, Recep Erdogan has for years touted his “2023 plan” for 100th anniversary of Ottoman Caliphate abolition. In recent days he and many other pro-Caliphate government officials are openly calling for the re-establishment of the Caliphate under Turkish rule to finally bring peace to the Middle East. So what does this all add up to?

  1. A 4 year period of time of preparation confirmed by multiple modern day prophetic words coinciding with the Trump presidency ending in the year 2020.

  2. Per this reading of Hosea 6, the final 7 years of this age are 2023-2030.

  3. Anti-Christ, Anti-Israel forces intentionally targeting 2023 for a Middle East “peace deal”.

Scenario 1:

Our 4 years of preparation for the Tribulation are 2017-2020. We have approximately 2.5 years left to prepare for what is coming. The final 7 years can begin anytime after that.

Scenario 2:

The time of preparation more closely follows Joseph’s story and 2017-2023 are the “7 years of plenty”, then 2023-2030 is the “7 years of famine” IE Daniel’s 70th week with the official establishment of the Turkish-run Caliphate – this is the Beast kingdom who makes peace with Israel and then breaks it in 2026.

Scenario 3:

Both scenarios 1 and 2 are essentially correct. Our 4 years of preparation are 2017-2020. Economies/nations start to fall in 2020 (but Church who prepared is provided for) paving the way for the official establishment of the Turkish-run Caliphate 3 years later in 2023. This Caliphate is the Beast kingdom who makes peace with Israel and then breaks it in 2026.

Or, none of this means anything and we just continue to watch. Will you who are reading this join me in prayer about this possibility we have laid out??

Meditate on this: As of today, March 5, 2018: What if you KNEW we only had 2.5 years left to prepare spiritually (and maybe economically)…or what if you KNEW we only had 5 years until Daniel’s 70th week begins…

So if we are truly at the doors, what shall we do NOW? Like RIGHT NOW, LIKE MARCH 2018? In Part 3, we will examine the possibility that the Lord Jesus already told us what this step is. Would you participate in a Passover prayer vigil?

~ Christopher

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