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No Christian should ever vote for Donald Trump – Part 2 (he will win anyway)

Writer's picture: ChristopherChristopher

This is not a prophecy, but a prediction based on my experience. It is also not an official “WingsOfTheEagle position” (there is none), but simply one man’s thoughts for your consideration. When I wrote the original “No Christian Should Ever Vote For Donald Trump” back in February after the South Carolina Primary, I said his odds of being the nominee was 99% and would take an act of God to prevent it. I also said that if an election were to happen as scheduled, he would “very likely” win the Presidency. Nothing has changed. The Church is still asleep at the wheel, and that is what we have chosen to be.

I know FULL WELL that many disagree with my opposition to Trump. Many Brothers and Sisters in Christ who I know PERSONALLY and respect GREATLY strongly disagree with me; I love you deeply and forever but please do not waste your time or energy trying to persuade me. I will not be voting for Donald Trump, I will not be voting for Hillary Clinton, I probably won’t be voting for Gary Johnson. In my humble opinion, this is the correct course for a Christian to take.

Even if Trump were the Born-Again, arch-conservative he claims to be – which he clearly is not – ​he cannot under any circumstances “make America great again”. America is a corpse because her people are dead inside. We turn to self-preservation, personal comfort, escapist distraction, cultist nationalism and outright denial of the Great Commission instead of crying in repentance to the Cross of Jesus and serving HIM ALONE. The country you believe you live in – or believe can be restored – simply does not exist. It is high time to awake, my friend.

And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. – Romans 13:11-14

Are we waking each day asking how we can win souls to Christ? Or how to “save America”? Do yourself a favor and take inventory of how you spend your time each day. See what the Holy Spirit will reveal! And maybe, just maybe, reconsider your support of Donald Trump. What if he really is as I said 7 months ago: a bully, an egomaniac, a liar, completely untrustworthy and maybe not even a Christian. As I also said then “it may even make you feel good to see him destroy the Democrat challenger” – you are seeing that play out now and he will ride his name recognition to victory in November. Friends, cast off the works of darkness before it is too late!

(PS: It is also possible that President Obama will suspend the elections – or the results of them – to quell violent social uprisings in our cities. Let us pray unceasingly regardless…)


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