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My thoughts on #Iran and #Israel

Writer: ChristopherChristopher

Hey there, friends. Just felt like going on if anyone cares about my view about what happened last night. Phone centered there. I'm on a gorgeous morning here out for a walk in my part of the country, United States, where we don't have to worry about Iranian missiles At any moment or jihadists well not that bad at this point My feeling is obviously what you saw last night was Per the Iranians they felt like they had to do something and so this is I they're doing something clearly 100% ineffective. Some folks want to say that's the Lord protecting Israel, and I don't want to deny that. But at the same time, I think we're missing the point if that's all we think happened. We are not seeing prophecy fulfillment yet. We might be getting close to that Persian invasion of the Middle East, which is not this. This was a spectacular failure. And part of the reason why was, yes, Israel has lots of weapons and defenses to do this with, but they did not do it all. We don't know exactly the percentage or whatever, and we might never know, but The United States and Great Britain, at least, and possibly France, actually took down many of these missiles. There were drones and missiles last night. A lot. Apparently 300 of some combination of those things. So America and Great Britain at least helped a lot. Now, who else helped? Jordan. jordan um the military of jordan actually was defending israel you know they say one thing when they have to say things but then when they have to do things it's another story um and of course now I don't didn't hear about saudi arabia actually doing any connect things in other words shooting at iranian weapons or whatever but it was clear that they were um 100% ready to do anything they needed to to stop Iran. So the big takeaway for me was the fact that this is exposing not just the mullah, the government of Iran and the crazy leadership they have, their hatred for Israel. We know they hate Israel. They want it to disappear. They've said it for decades. But so does the Sunni world. They just might take a different approach. But the point is, what this is doing is exposing the Sunni and Shia rift in the Middle East. That Iran is completely alone in this. They might have... Hey guys, I see your questions. I'll get to them in a second if I can see it. It's very bright out here today. They had very weak support just in words from, what was it, Kuwait and Qatar, I think. Maybe UAE. I think it was Qatar. Probably Qatar. And Kuwait said, yeah, we're not going to allow any... defense basically from our from our territory big deal and um Turkey put a little token support out there saying you can't use our airspace to attack Iran with or through okay fine whatever none of that was needed because clearly that's where the weapons weren't going in those directions right it was going over Iraq and Jordan and But not from Lebanon. From Lebanon is Hezbollah. They're not Iran. They're separate. I understand they're connected, but they're not Iran. And that's what you saw. So you're seeing a very isolated, no one's willing to shoot at Israel except for Iran. And they only did it because they were embarrassed. They didn't really want to do this, I don't think. It's not in their plans to conquer Israel first. You're seeing that very clearly. That there's a rift being opened up that the world does not want to acknowledge. In that even Arabs, the Jordanians, and the Saudis are against Iran. Your average person doesn't even understand that Islam is divided. The Sunni and the Shia don't get along, and they're going to have a major war to settle the differences soon among themselves, not Israel, not America, not Europe. That's what the Bible says, and that's what common sense tells us and shows us. That's what's happening right now. Anyway, those are my thoughts. I think that's about all that I had in the brain. Let's see what you guys are saying. Imran Khan, how are you? Hey, Imran, I am from India. Well, praise God. All followers of Jesus Christ are my brothers, no matter where you're from. Mary Nan says, before I go to church, I just wanted to say I've learned a little bit about Israel from this horrible war. A friend of mine keeps showing me anti-Israel propaganda, but I should pray for him. Yes, you should. Certainly. That's one of the things God is doing. Yeah. Pray for all those who hate Israel, including those in your country, because there are a lot of them. Whether you know it or not, they're going to come out of the woodwork. And this is just one of the ways that they will do that. You saw it after October 7th. You see every time Israel does anything to defend itself, you see it now after this. And when the Sunni world actually goes and defeats Iran, that's going to shock everyone. And that's why we should be scripturally educated and not just, you know, see what the breaking news of the day is. You have to look at it in the light of what God has already said. That doesn't mean anyone knows at all. I certainly don't. But certain things are pretty clear. Plato Monster. Hello, Plato Monster on YouTube. Imran says, end of time, all world. Well, I don't know about that. This world is not going anywhere. The age will change. Jesus will return and establish the millennial kingdom. It's going to be a lot of changes. And before that, it's going to be a lot of hard changes, like a woman giving birth. A lot of shaking, a lot of pain. And yes, suffering. But as Christians, we should be ready for that. Not to go to war and fight, but to endure suffering for Christ. In India, for example, you guys... Assuming you're a believer. I'm wrong. Know all about this. Anyways, that's my two cents. I do just want to direct you if you haven't caught either the Wings of the Eagle. It's my ministry. And End Time Church. We've taught a lot. I've taught a lot about this over the years. A lot. and it's never changed at all, in that my view has always been that there's only one successful attack of Persia or Iran against Israel, and that's not when they're alone, but when they're together as one nation with Turkey, Iraq, etc., what we call the beast, Ezekiel 38, Revelation 13, Daniel 7, etc. That is the only time that Iran is going to attack Israel, in any meaningful way. That's the scripture. So we can trust it. And we're not there yet, clearly. We're not there yet. We don't have a united Middle Eastern Islamic kingdom. We have a very divided one, and there are enemies right now. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, That whole situation in Egypt, that whole situation is not beast ready. The 10 kings are not going to pop out of this, okay? We've got to have a major war between the two powers of Sunni and Shia Islam. Iran and Turkey are the two ones that will be the combatants or the main ones, okay? That's what the Bible says. Don't be impatient. We're not there yet. We might be nearer. Might be a little ways off still. Have patience in God. Okay? Obviously, if this is a blessing to you, please go to Wings of the Eagle Patreon page. Yes, we have a Patreon page. You can support us there. We've got some awesome things coming up that you can, if you're not into donation, that you can get something for your giving and your support. And that's okay. Or if you're at End Time Church, we'll see you Monday. Get our free app, And, of course, that's brought to you by your tithes and offerings 100%. just because it's the right thing to do. Oops, I got some other things here, maybe before we go. Imran says, these GeoNext are mentioned in our Quran. Our Quran is a lie. The Quran is a false word. It is not from God. Allah is not the true God. The God of Israel, Jesus the Messiah, is your God. Follow him. Reject Islam. The Quran is full of lies. Shem says, what is keeping with Iran, a country financing all these terrorist organizations around the world, that should starve the terrorists of fire, power, food, health care, etc., and eventually make them stop? To cut them off from supply? Sure, I mean, in theory, yes, but... It's not just Iran. This is Sunni and Shia. If Iran disappeared from the world tomorrow and didn't support another act of terrorism, there would still be terrorism against Israel. The Sunni caliphate wants to take over. There's a caliphate rising regardless of Iran. And that's why they're viewed as a problem in the Sunni world. They're an obstacle. They're not a help. So when Iran goes, it's because the Sunni world defeats them. But I mean, I see what you're saying, but it's not the answer. It's a spiritual problem. It's a supernatural, satanic issue. No one country or one people group are responsible. It's a hatred that settles in your heart that you want to kill Jews and erase Israel from the map. That's not an Iranian problem. Specifically. And by the way, many Iranians, of course, are opposed to this and hate their government and hate that they're doing this. But guess what? As we've heard now for months and years, that, oh, at any moment, the Ayatollahs are going to lose power because of protests in the streets. Well, you saw yesterday, there's no way that that's happening. They are not. They are not there. The population of Iran is not ready for a revolution. Yeah. Aditya, Bobby, hey, Sunday law enforced is the mark of the beast. No, it's not. Stop it. Stop it. There is no mark of the beast until the false prophet arrives, and that's only three and a half years long, friend. Read Revelation 13. Come on. We've got to get serious here. Enough of this nonsense. All right. Love y'all. If you need to contact me, X is the best way in public to do it, or the End Time Church app. Get away from the insect in Jesus' name. And I bless you in Jesus' name. Talk soon. Love you. Bye.




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