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Writer's pictureChristopher

Massacre of Muslims vs Martyrdom of Christians

The world – rightly – knows all about the heinous attack on innocent Muslims praying in their Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2 weeks ago. Though the head of one of the Mosques now blames “the Mossad” (Jewish secret agents), the guilty man was an anti-immigrant Nationalist. He – like so many others in the west – are drawing the faulty connection between immigration and Islam. There is no justification for acts like this, it is not understandable or excusable in any way, shape or form. Frankly, this attack is what happens when there is no CHRIST and no CHURCH to keep the evil of man at bay. I say this as a conservative “right wing” gun owning Christian Pastor who loves my country, hates injustice and believes Islam is literally Satan’s religion. Hear this loud and clear: anti-Muslim, anti-immigration nationalism IS NOT OK. It’s not part of Christianity, it takes the place of Jesus and the Church. It is idolatry!

The Muslim is just as loved by God as you were in your sin. Give them the Gospel – most have NEVER HEARD IT. That is our duty as Christians, not to oppose them or fight them or hate them. By all means, be bold and snatch them from the fire (Jude 1:23)! By all means, pray fervently in the Spirit for their bonds to be loosed, for strongholds to be broken, for lies to be exposed, that they would encounter Jesus Himself in a dream or vision! BUT that does not remove our responsibility in the equation. To preach the Gospel to ALL who God puts in your path, even if it means your suffering or even death.

Now there is a parallel massacre that the world is NOT being told about. Nigerian Christians are being slaughtered – a death toll much higher than in the New Zealand attack. We should know why, it doesn’t fit the “Christians are hateful, Islam is a religion peace” narrative our leaders (including the Powers and Principalities of the air) foist on us daily. Truth be told, nobody much cares about African Christians. Ever. After many years, the plight of Middle Eastern Christians is finally getting attention, and there is some exposure of China’s Christians and what they are facing. But all told, per OpenDoorsUSA, every month simply because of their faith:

  1. 255 Christians are killed

  2. 104 are abducted

  3. 180 Christian women are raped, sexually harassed or forced into marriage

  4. 66 churches are attacked

  5. 160 Christians are detained without trial and imprisoned

Last year ALONE:

  1. 3,066 Christians were killed; 1,252 were abducted; 1,020 were raped or sexually harassed; and 793 churches were attacked.

  2. Islamic Oppression fuels Christian persecution in 8 of the top 10 countries.

So now hopefully we see that we are ONE body in Christ? That when one suffers we are all supposed to suffer? And yes we know the devil doesn’t play fair! Never has, never will. So why do we expect “fair news coverage”?! Expect unfairness, malice, false accusation, all the things your Lord TOLD YOU to expect. Also as He commands, let us love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us. That we may have the chance to give them the Gospel and save them from the fires of hell – the very same love of God that saved us from the same fate.

~ Christopher

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