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Leaving a Lame Duck Legacy

Writer: ChristopherChristopher

Unsealed - Leaving a Lame Duck Legacy. This weeks US elections have handed the Presidency and the Senate back into Republican hands. We now enter the "lame duck" session where before they leave office in January, the defeated can leave a permanent leacy by Disclosing the truth, no matter what the Pentagon, CIA or anyone else thinks! You can encourage this instead of being a partisan.


Hey welcome back this is unsealed official podcast of wings of the eagle Christopher Mantei is me you find me on twitter the x platform excuse me at m-a-n-t-e-i-f-o-r m-a-n-t-e-i-f-o-r and you can find out everything that we do at wings of the hit the donate page there if you can please we are brought to you by your offerings and gifts only no other support no elon musk here sorry we apparently you have to pay him and his company uh but anyways brought to you by you so please share this you hit the share button right now whether you are on youtube or the x platform facebook even instagram yep we're live streaming on instagram right now uh please say hello there please ask whatever you want make a comment question express a concern what have you throughout our time here uh we do have the audio version of course on spotify and Everywhere else. wherever you get the podcast that you like. Go ahead and find it, get it, and we love you just the same. You just can't interact with us live if you're participating that way, but that is okay. You can definitely still share that and tell someone else about it. Yes, Wings of the Eagle is pretty cool. We talk about the end times. We talk about Israel. We talk about the unseen realm and the UFO issue, which falls into that as well. So, of course, if you are following along, we just had an election here in America, and I don't know if you know that, uh but we did and um hey there my sister's shaking in a bond servant trying to dig out of the snow there in her neck of the woods and uh tyrannosaurus was up she's checking in from the x the x file um I can't believe I never said that before uh Right, so we just had an election, and we did a little bonus podcasting last week, just giving some input on that and what Christians should do or at least think about as they go to the polls or not. And hopefully that didn't rub anyone too bad. And, of course, I did vote myself on Tuesday. because I wanted to, not because I had to, not because it would make me unchristian if I didn't. But anyway, so that happened, and I made a little follow-up video on that, and I wrote in for president because I couldn't vote for the two that were there. And, of course, I went down ballot as well. Point is, we had an election, and the country decided, and they decided that the presidency and the Senate may be, well, the House is already Republican-controlled. So I don't know if that's going to be affected or not. But for sure, the that's because it's not done yet. Counting the victors there. But the Senate and the White House are now Republican controlled or not. Not now, but will be. In January, January twenty at the president takes office. the oath of office and the transition completes from one for the previous elected officials to the next. So what we are in now is the period between the election itself, when the choice is made and when the actual new crop takes office, that is called the lame duck period, lame duck period or session, lame duck session. Um, I guess I could have looked up where that expression came from, what exactly it means. But it's been around for a while. Basically, it just means like now Joe Biden is the president. Believe it or not, he still is. We haven't talked about him in. about six months um because he was going to be out no matter what in january uh six months ago he thought he was going to be around for four more years and then he said well okay I won't be bought my vp will and anyways so I think this is a surprising a shocking situation for them and not only the white house but the senate so what you're going to have is a new um Uniparty. You're going to have one party control over all the executive and legislative branches. And Supreme Court, if you want to look at it that way. That's usually not good for the country. But, just generally, either party. But, the ones in there now, the ones who just got kicked, right? Until January, the end of January, you still have a Democratic... You have Biden in the White House and you have a Democratic Senate. Control Senate. So they still govern. It's not like they. OK, November six, everyone out. They're still there to the January. So this lame duck period, November, December, January, basically two months and a half or whatever, is a very important time. It's not just, oh, well, let's just go through the motions and don't do anything of consequence. Well, you can. And maybe you should, because if just from a partisan view, and I don't want anyone here listening to have a partisan view anymore. Okay, just enough. This disclosure, this UFO issue, this hiding and this lying and this stealing money and the secret government stuff got to end. And so my view is it seems like most folks are just zooming right over and say, well, I guess the disclosure president is going to have to be Donald Trump. Well, no, it doesn't. Doesn't have to be. He's not there yet. Biden's still in office. It could be him. He's eighty years old. He's doesn't care much, really, about anything other than. He doesn't have to win an election anymore. He doesn't even have to support anyone else winning an election. It's already over. He's never going to run for anything again. This whole generation is over. I mean, him being the Cold Warrior. I mean, Trump's actually the same age almost, but he's not what you would call the Cold War generation. So this way of looking at the world is ending. And so what they're really afraid of or worried about is an unchecked Donald Trump presidency, which it will be. So if they're really concerned about that, leave a legacy. That's why I'm calling this leaving a lame duck legacy. Leave a legacy of getting the secrets out. You're really about transparency. You're really about honest government. You're really about being straight with the people. This is all Democratic talking points, right? Your money's being spent wisely. It's not being stolen from you. We're going to reveal corruption. These are all very Democrat type of things, right? You hear from them a lot. So let's do it. Don't do it, Joe. Do it. OK, so don't I want you out there to not look at this in a partisan way. But if you really think the and like I told you all. For weeks and months now, whoever wins the election is not it doesn't matter because it's not the biggest issue. Bigger than Trump, Harris, Biden or anything is. This issue, this the real deep state, which is the UFO cover up. So who's going to tell the truth about it? Who's going to spill the beans? Now, I'm not saying it's the only component. A lot of people are like, oh, well, you know, why are you waiting on government to disclose this or that or the White House speech or whatever? It's not the only component, but it is one. And it's only going to happen when they feel pressure from you. It's not a TV show where we just turn it on. Oh, what's the latest episode of White House Today? And oh, look at that. They talked about the UFOs now. Oh, they're actually coming out with it. You think that's just going to happen? Look, it's either because of you doing it, you putting the pressure on, or another country doing it and putting the pressure on, or where the intelligence behind the UFOs does it. So which do you prefer? And frankly, you're going to have to have a role in it anyways. Even if it does come out from one of those other ways, you can't just sit this one out, right? What is up from the other side of the globe? And everyone at Wings of the Eagle, thank you. Thank you, thank you. Everyone watching, please feel free to say hello. I see you all out there. Just say hi. Share it, please. Tell someone else about it. Okay? Anyway, so leaving this legacy is a big deal. And you can do it. Don't just assume, let's just wait until January and see what happens with the next guy. No, do it now. We have a huge mega hearing here happening in six days. And it was very intentionally put on after the election. I get it. by Nancy Mace and the crew, what you would call the UAP caucus, which is like an unofficial caucus. But they all won their elections because, you know, the House of Representatives every two years is up. You get reelected every two years. And so they were all on the ballot this week too. And they all won. Right and left. Matt Gaetz, AOC, Nancy Mace, Tim Burchett, all of them. even though they're despised by the other side, their people in their district said, yes, please. We want more of this. And the most important thing any of those names that I just mentioned can do is this. Now, they might not be leaving, by the way. I guess it's still mathematically possible that the Democrats get the House, but I don't think so. But the point is, do it now. You waited till after the election because you want to put that first. Okay, mistake. That was dumb. It was dumb. But maybe you thought if you talked about this, you're going to lose support and you're not going to even be back at all next year. I think that's weak and cowardly, but fine. It is weak and cowardly, but fine. Okay, so we're here now. We're here now. You won. Okay, you boys, the Burchetts of the world and the Gateses and all, you all won. So what are we going to do about it now? We have a hearing in six days. I will be there. I mean, I'll be in D.C. I'll be outside the building. I don't think I'm getting in, but it'll be in the same. I just got we just got official announcement from the House committees that are hosting it, that where it'll be, which is in the same room that the David Grush hearing was in last year. So same place, same very limited amount of seeds. But it will be, of course, on C-SPAN and any decent news organization will carry it. So it will be live. We do not know. I would advise you to not assume that anyone is going to be a speaker there other than... Was Tim Galladet confirmed? Perhaps. But that's it. I wouldn't hear anything else right now. so yes the who you're going to hear from is is going to be important and and meaningful and what they're going to say obviously is meaningful and they're going to hopefully and have said kind of like this that there will be someone new people that you never heard of before um revealing stuff that you never heard before so this is all good right again um so this is a major thing it's happening in six days you've got still almost three months before the new crop comes in so you can affect this disclosure um and whatever you want to call it now you can do something now you can come to dc meet me if you want uh if you're nearby or whatever, uh, next week, some people are coming in the whole week. Some folks are flying in the day before and leaving the day after. Um, and if you're not in America, by the way, I'm not talking about you, but you got to keep your pressure on too. And don't assume it's just going to happen. It's not magically going to happen. You have to be involved. Um, So we are in this session called a lame duck. Yes, it's wild. But let's just crow. And we're talking about so many birds, ducks and crows. Don't crow over Biden. Ha ha ha. He's an old man and he lost or ha ha. Harris lost or all the world is over. Trump won. Just get over it and do something. The world didn't stop spinning, okay? We still have UFOs. We still have NHIs. We still have somebody good, bad, or indifferent. And we got to be willing to talk about all that, right? It's still there. And they're still keeping themselves pretty much a secret. Why is that? Don't you want to know? Don't you want to at least know what our theories are as a government? Don't you want to know what our plans are? Because we have plans. That's the job of the military. The Pentagon's job is to draw up plans for all contingencies. Anything that might go wrong, anything that might necessitate a military response. And guess what? If you have superior air, water, transdimensional, whatever craft of every size and shape and that can blow the doors off everything we ever made, We can't compete with that. Can we? Isn't that you need to defend against that potentially? Even if you think they're friendly, they could be lying. Right? I mean, military has to be in on that. So I think that's part of this. Okay. But it still has to come out. It's been too darn long. You're stealing billions of dollars. You're committing illegal acts. You're anti-constitutional. You set up your own unelected government. And they don't care about elections, by the way. The folks holding the UFO secrets and the MJ-XII or whatever you want to call them, that group is not – they refer to elections as temporary employees. Even presidents, even senators, they don't care because they are not leaving elections. They are not spilling the beans. They are gonna be made to. That means whistleblowing. That means, hey, wait, I've worked for these guys. I'm in it. Maybe I'm one of them. And I know it's wrong, immoral, it's illegal. Maybe even it's evil. And I have to say something. I have to tell the world. even if it has negative consequences for me and my family. Yes, you should. do the right thing so um that's where we're at so there is more than enough time don't give up on joe biden spilling the beans because he might hey he might just whoops it might just slip out at he's coming on oh my gosh he'll be on in a few minutes actually uh right now it's ten fifty two a.m he's due to arrive at eleven a.m do some address to the nation I guess we should get off by then just in case don't want to miss anything I kind of don't think it's gonna happen today but the point is it could it He could go off script. Even if it's not in the script, right, he could still do it. And it still counts. So don't give up on that. We still got through January with the Democrats in the Senate in control and the Democrats in the White House in control. So think in that way. Act in that way. See you next Wednesday. So before we podcast again, I may, I'll try, I could see how it goes. Maybe give a little mini video updates as the trip progresses on Twitter or X. Perhaps that's probably the easiest way. Anyway, we'll think of something. So let's get to questions if we have any. or concerns or whatnot, Brother Mokul, who's not an American, says, that doesn't mean anything, just telling you, it does not seem much of a, I do not see much of a difference between Republicans and Democrats now. Both are for abortion, that's correct, and homosexuality, basically, including same-sex marriage now, that's true. Republicans are only against transgenderism for now. That's true, and most Democrats are, by the way. That's one of the lessons I think that's going to come out of this election, is that they went too far on that. The extreme left went too far. L.A. Marzulli, he's a Christian, but a UFO guy from decades now. He's been in the game for half a quarter century probably, right? Over twenty years for sure. L.A. Marzulli claims that UFOs are fallen angels. and that rape occurs frequently during UFO abductions, reminiscent of the sons of man, daughters of... You mean sons of God, right? Daughters of man, Genesis six. I'm guessing he means the occupants of the UFOs are fallen angels. And sexual assault is a thing that if you believe that abductions occur, yes. Rape, male and female, by the way, not just women, local women. sexual assault and rape is happening. Yes. And again, people have opinions. I'm not dismissing much of anything, but we need more info. L.A. Marzulli does not know that. He's speculating. Marzulli also claims that there are modern-day, twenty-first-century Nephilim. Yes, I don't That's a hard case to make. They live amongst us. They're being created from rape human women during alien abductions. I mean, that's much harder. I need evidence. Okay. I know claims, but I need something here. The Nephilim were physically giant. Physically giant. Like way bigger than normal people and stronger than normal people and made themselves famous. The Bible says men of renown into gods basically. So I don't – that's a totally different scenario than what – that would be the suggestion of Marzulli there. And I'm not blaming him. I haven't – I mean I believe something like that is what he believes. But we're the giants here. I have all Marzulli's DVDs. There you go. So Taryn can double check all this stuff. And feel free, by the way, if you're on vacation, if you're on vacay, feel free to do that and report back. I'd love that, actually, to get an executive summary. Like, okay, this is the deal. Give me a one-pager. These are the belief systems, and maybe something has changed since DVDs came out, and maybe they didn't. But this is basically it. It'd be pretty cool. I have had relatives that are about seven feet tall. Wow, NBA players. They are not Nephilim. That's true. That's true. Well, we hope not. No. South American giant skulls have features with anomalies that aren't human. Yeah, there's lots of skeletal remains for sure. That's more like evidence. That's more like it. um you could dvd I still got dvd player we can do that if you like don't involve me actually spending time though for someone else spends time no that's cool man whatever uh bondservant is vertically challenged yes and that's okay god made you that way Okay, okay, okay. So there, Taryn is a small business owner, and she has excellent does excellent work with B&Bs. So she has multiple locations, and some things have some tech and some don't. Anyway, if you're in your per way, you can ask, send her a private message, she will hook you up, I'm sure. Okay, I think that's about all I want to say about this. So let's stay on it, okay? I mean, it's fun to speculate, right? It's fun to read stuff and watch DVDs and all for it. We should still do that. But at a certain point, if you know something's going on, if you know all the details or you don't get the whole story straight exactly, that's all right. But we know something's going on. And so to reveal what it is and what we know as a nation and a world needs to happen, then collectively we can decide what to do about it. And we don't need twelve people or whatever it is deciding what can be said and not and spent on and not. And people can have the right to know. We're going to determine what your rights are. That's not how it works. We all can know and then we all can decide. So again, don't sit this one out, okay? And of course, we join in the prayer that there's no unrest during this transition. I kind of don't think there will be. I'm not feeling that, which is great. So let's stay about it. Okay, stay on it. Don't give up. Don't just leave yourself to watching something happen on TV. Do something, even if you're in India. Petition the Indian government. What are they doing about this? Do you see what's going on in the United States? Are we going to let them do all the good work and make all the pronouncements? What do you know, India? What do you know, Modi? What are you hiding? There's incidents in India, I promise you. Do UFOs appear in a snowstorm? Why not? I don't know. I don't know. Why not? Why wouldn't they? They're what we call transmedium, right? No matter what condition, they've been thunderstorms for sure, right? Volcanoes? I don't think they'd be affected by that. Why not? Might be harder to see them, though. anyways all right guys so keep it up don't give up on this lame duck period pressure biden pressure the chuck schumer the democratic leaders uh especially if they're in your district if they're in your district and these uap caucus members in the house for next week all that if you live there find out who they are get the list and follow up with them pressure them okay that's your job And if you can make it on Wednesday to DC, I'll see you there. All right, guys, till next time. This is Christopher Manti for Wings of the Eagle and the Unsealed Podcast. Please, we can, not only can we use your support, we need it because eventually we won't be here anymore because we'll run out and it's getting close. So please, please, please, if you can give something, please do today. slash donate. And even if you can't, please just share this to all your friends and your networks. That opens up the possibilities. Okay? All right, my friends. Thank you so much. Till next time. I was going to say watch the skies, but watch everything. Right? Have discernment. Open your eyes. Bye.



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