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Just 30 days left to register for Understanding The Times!

As believers in Jesus Christ, many of us feel that the return of Jesus is not far off. However, the subject of His return and spiritual preparation for the times ahead are rarely discussed anymore among our churches. Jesus spent a considerable amount of teaching time teaching about specific preparation needed for the time of the end of the age. In fact, He commanded believers to keep watch for the signs of His return.

With this end in mind, we have invited an amazing group of international Christian writers and speakers to address the topic of the biblical “end of the age,” how Israel and Israel’s neighbors (Islam) fit into this scenario, how we as believers should be preparing ourselves and our families spiritually, and most importantly, how this affects the way we disseminate the Gospel.

The Texas conference 2017 drew 850 participants from 17 states and three continents. The upcoming conference is expected to draw close to 1000 people from all over the world. This is a multi-denominational event (no one church is sponsoring the event) and is an effort by local believers to focus our attention on the coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ. The highlight of these conferences is hearing the true stories of how God is working in the Middle East and Israel to draw more people into the Kingdom of God.

This two-day conference will host some of the world’s leading writers and teachers on end times and the Middle East.

The Five-Fold Purpose Of This Conference Is To:

  1. Draw attention to the eternal Abrahamic Covenant of God regarding Mount Zion, Israel, and the eventual restoration of the Jewish people.

  2. Encourage believers to learn more about the persecution of Christians in the Middle East today and listen to reports from workers on the ground in Islamic countries regarding the massive revivals taking place.

  3. Compare and contrast the Islamic end-time mindset to the spirit of antichrist in order to warn believers of deception.

  4. Work through scriptures that instruct believers how to respond in order to regard end time events with Biblical hope rather than fear.

  5. Learn how we, as believers, can pray for those being persecuted.

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