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Writer: ChristopherChristopher

Updated: Mar 8, 2022

In chapter 1 of Flee To The Mountains, I wrote a section with a step by step of events laid out in the Holy Scriptures to the best of my understanding called "How Do We Get There From Here?". For the past 2 years, several folks have asked for that "plain spoken" breakdown of what the Bible says to watch for. This post will delve into that once again with the text of the book as the jumping off point.

Before we begin, if you find yourself led here to this topic I do recommend you get the book and take the accompanying on-demand online course to see the opinions presented in full Biblical and applicational context. Also to be in fellowship with like-minded Christians 7 days a week, get the free app for Christians by Christians here: App.Endtime.Church. Connecting the Church worldwide is the Father's heart, let's not fight Him anymore on that! I look forward to meeting you there. :)

The return of Jesus is not is "Imminent"

Many in the western Church expect the "imminent return of Jesus", even putting that phrase in their ministry's statement of faith. Problem is, the Bible doesn't teach that. Jesus never says that. To the contrary, there are many SIGNS along the way to tell us where we are and what is coming next.

Imminent (adjective): about to happen, impending. "they were in imminent danger of being swept away"

If the return of Jesus was "imminent", it could happen today. It would mean there are NO signs to occur beforehand. Both of those statements are patently false. Could we individually die today and therefore face Jesus "imminently"? Yes! But He is not coming for the Church, saving Israel, or ruling all the nations with a rod of iron today or at any time for at least 7 years. In fact, we can say that with 100% confidence each and every day that Daniel's 70th week does not start. The words of Jesus, Paul, Peter, John, Jude and every Old Testament Prophet are in perfect harmony: there are signs to come and we are told what the signs are. For example, Paul tells us plainly in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 that Jesus cannot come until after the Antichrist is revealed and the Great Apostasy is fulfilled. That has led many to believe and teach that the arrival of the Antichrist could happen at any time...

The arrival of the Antichrist is likewise not "Imminent"

Unfortunately, that belief is also false. We tend to think these things just happen in a vacuum, with no reasons or rationale. Thankfully, God has seen fit to give us the signs of his arrival also. He tells us where he comes from, exactly how he takes control and very helpful bits like he has no power at all before his time on the world stage comes (Daniel 7:8). He cannot be a former head of state or have any previous national or international authority at all. It is "fool's gold" to try and identify or name him now.

What about the Rapture?

Perhaps you think there is no point in watching for Signs even though many are given because our Gathering to Christ (IE the "rapture" event) can indeed happen at any moment and is somehow distinct from the Return of Christ. Pages could be written on this but I think it best to refer you to a word by word breakdown of the relevant Scriptures in this video:

The events in sequence...

Now let's proceed to how we get there from here! We live in a generation that has grown up with Israel as an independent nation. As we see unreasonable animosity towards her from every side, including from elected representatives in the United States congress, the ancient winds of persecution calling for Israel’s destruction are blowing again. Not just from Iran, though Iran is the next step in this prophetic journey, but also from NATO member Turkey, from leaders throughout Africa and Asia, and, increasingly, in Europe. Stunningly, the most consistent support for the Jewish state is now coming from Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula and the Kurds. Once we re-visit, re-examine and re-commit to understanding what God is saying, we can now see the “big picture” of Bible prophecy, and this all starts to make sense.

This is a scenario that stays true to the best of my understanding of what God’s Word says will happen next. These will be “Breaking News” events to the world in the coming weeks, months and years, but hopefully these events will come as no shock to those of us who know their Bibles. We are given 4 major signs that occur before the Antichrist is revealed and the Great Apostasy comes - both of which we know must occur before Jesus returns.

1. Iran will launch a full-scale invasion of the Middle East. Specifically, Iran will push into the nations of Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and possibly Turkey. Iran will not attack Israel or even attempt to do so. Iran will advance into these territories and nobody will be willing or able to stop this

campaign for a time. The pretext Iran uses may be helping the Kurds, destroying Sunni terrorists, protecting Shia like Assad or Hezbollah or annexing the Saudi oil fields. Iran may be led in this campaign by a man who is hailed as the 12th Imam/Shia Mahdi. The world will be plunged into deep panic. Peace of mind will be taken from us all (gas lines to the extreme) and Islamic terrorism—specifically Hezbollah and IRGC cells around the world—will spread like wildfire.

See Daniel 7:5, Daniel 8:2-4,20, Daniel 11:2, Zechariah 6:2, Revelation 6:4.

2. Turkey will lead a coalition of Sunni nations (Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, perhaps Pakistan) to fight back against Iran. Turkish dictator Erdogan may well be the very visible head of this counter-attack. Israel will not be involved. Iran will be completely defeated by this Turkish led coalition. The government of Iran and their Mullahs will be overthrown, the IRGC apparatus will be dismantled. Israel will be thankful to this coalition that the Iranians have been stopped. Turkey will then assume de facto control of nearly all Middle Eastern land and oil, and the world will experience severe economic trouble.

See Daniel 7:6, Daniel 8:5-7,21, Daniel 11:3, Zechariah 6:2,6, Revelation 6:5-6.

3. The Turkish leader (potentially Erdogan) will want to rule it all and may even declare himself Caliph over the “proper” Ottoman Caliphate but he will be deposed or killed quickly. Turkey will oversee the re-drawing of the map of the Mideast into four new nations. This geographical quartering may break into something that very roughly resembles: “New Turkey” to the north, “New Iran” to the east, “New Arabia” to the west and “new Egypt” to the south. There will be dissension

and several military confrontations between this new Turkey and new Egypt allied with new Arabia. Eventually a formally unknown leader will emerge from this northern division and subdue and unite them all. As a united Caliphate, 10 leaders of various Islamic nations will act as one and make peace with Israel via a seven year agreement and the issue of Jerusalem will at long last be “settled”. The Jews will finally build their new Temple alongside or around the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount. The world will formally recognize this resurrected Islamic Empire and its peacemaking leader. Muslims around the world will begin calling him the rightful Caliph – some will even call him the long-awaited Mahdi.

See Isaiah 28:15, Daniel 7:7-8, Daniel 8:8-9,22, Daniel 9:27, Daniel 11:4-23, Zechariah 6:3,6-8, Revelation 6:8, Revelation 13:1-4, Revelation 17.

4. During the first 3.5 years of the agreement, the Caliph will curry favor by dividing up oil riches among the Empire, but Egypt will resist him and want to leave the confederacy. There will be a fierce war between these “kingdoms” of north and south—this is the “kingdom against kingdom” Jesus Christ warned of as a sign of His coming (Isaiah 19)—but as He told us, the end is not yet. This quarter of the earth will be cursed with war, disease and starvation. Egypt will finally be conquered by this King of the North and then the Caliph will turn to Jerusalem as the new seat of his power. 3.5 years after the agreement was made, he will break the deal and invade Israel. The Great Tribulation – the last 3.5 years before the return of Jesus when two-thirds of the Jews and untold numbers of Christians are killed – will then commence.

See Isaiah 19:1-4, Daniel 8:10-12,23-25, Daniel 11:24-31,Ezekiel 38-39, Revelation 13:5-10.

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