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“Flee To The Mountains”

Our first ever book “Flee To The Mountains” is complete and available to pre-order now!

The Title obviously comes from the words of Jesus when telling of the signs of His return. The city of Jerusalem WILL be invaded by the armies of the Antichrist and they WILL be successful! This is a message many don’t want to hear, but it must be said and this book provides the full details about the WHAT, WHERE and WHY and the next steps you can take immediately. Jesus Christ Himself will hold the Church responsible for our actions to Israel in her trouble, it is high time to awake and begin this great work!

With important contributions by friends Joel Richardson, Pastor Jake McCandless, Pastor Israel Pochtar and Fred London, you don’t want to miss this. Go to now and get the 1st chapter sent to your email FREE and place your pre-order now – the release date is September 1st.

Your Brother,


Flee To The Mountains is not a work of fiction. It’s not a novel. It’s not a theory. It’s real, and it’s coming. What is our responsibility to Israel? Written by Pastor Christopher Mantei with contributions from Joel Richardson (Islamic Antichrist, Mideast Beast, Mystery Babylon), Pastor Jake McCandless (Spiritual Prepper), Fred London and Pastor Israel Pochtar. The Church needs to digest this message, and soon.

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