Unsealed: Disclosure is guaranteed by Jesus. Nothing will remain hidden. From UAP government coverups, to Christian ministries collapsing in scandal, to false doctrines of every kind, the Truth is coming.
Yeah, indeed, this is Unsealed,
the official podcast of
Wings of the Eagle.
I am your friend.
Christopher Mantei and your
host for today's activities.
I hope my voice isn't too messed up.
Feeling a little throat action going on.
Just wanted to shout out
because I always forget is
the voice that you hear is
on the intro to this podcast
is a man named Stephen
Buckley in the uk and he's
a friend and we met
surreptitiously you know
god thing um several years
ago in israel and um he's a
great dude so I said you
know what your voice would add
Maybe credibility,
because everyone who's
British sounds credible.
that's the voice you hear on the
intro and the outro
sometimes on the podcast here.
So just wanted to throw him
a bone there and say thank you, Steve.
Appreciate you very much.
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I think that settles the
housekeeping here.
Bonservant, hello, as always,
the ubiquitous one.
Greetings to my friend and sister.
And if you are not my
brother or sister in Christ Jesus,
I strongly advise you get
that taken care of today.
You don't know how much longer you have.
You could require your soul tonight,
And that's really the bottom
line of this whole thing.
But what I wanted to talk
about is some kind of crossover today,
So I know we've been doing a
lot of UFO stuff.
I know we've been doing prophecy a lot,
obviously, since the beginning.
of this podcast and and
sometimes you get crossover
and this is this is one of
those things one of those
times about this word
called disclosure disclosure
is a nice word.
It's bandied around a lot,
especially in this UFO topic.
But it's to reveal something,
to disclose is the opposite
of withholding or concealing, right?
Hence the name of the podcast, by the way,
Unsealed, right?
That has to do with the book of Daniel,
et cetera.
But the principle is from Jesus himself,
about things being revealed or disclosed.
And it's not to be taken lightly.
We should take it deadly
serious and be encouraged by it.
If we find ourselves thinking, wow,
when is this going to actually come out?
Or when's the truth going to come out?
Or when's this going to be disclosed?
Whether it's a secret, this evil,
this whatever.
Nothing will remain hidden, friends.
That's guaranteed by Jesus.
I'm going to read you the
scripture on that in a second.
So it doesn't matter what it is.
He's talking to Pharisees at that moment,
but he brings it into a
very large category of everything.
Nothing will remain hidden
from UAP government cover-ups,
which is true,
and you're seeing that
begin to unravel even today,
to Christian ministries
collapsing in scandal.
We're seeing that happen today.
I mean, literally today, last night,
another big revelation of
not only sin or wrongdoing,
but criminality by Mike Bickle and IHOP.
But just to false doctrines
being uncovered and exposed of every kind,
of every stripe,
the pre-tribulation rapture,
dehumanizing of Israel, you name it,
and all the other false doctrines,
every false religion,
every false belief is going bye-bye.
And so that should encourage us.
First of all, where do we get this from?
Actually, Matthew, Mark,
and Luke all mention it,
or in those Gospels,
Jesus says it in all of them.
I'm going to read from Luke
12 with the full context of
In the meantime,
after so many thousands of
the people had gathered,
they were stepping on one another.
Jesus began speaking, first of all,
to his disciples.
That means sharpen up,
if you call yourself his disciple,
first of all to you,
be continually on your guard.
This is the amplified version.
Be continually on your guard
against the leaven of the Pharisees,
which is hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy is...
Justifying themselves.
They say one thing and do another.
They say they're sinless,
but they're full of sin.
But there is nothing so
carefully concealed that it
will not be revealed,
nor so hidden that it will
not be made known.
There it is.
For that reason,
whatever you have said in the dark...
will be heard in the light.
And whatever you have
whispered behind closed
doors will be proclaimed on
the housetops.
That is a promise.
That's an encouragement.
And it's also a warning.
First to his disciples.
First to the church.
The church worldwide,
no matter what your denomination,
if you are a disciple,
if you follow Jesus,
if he is your Lord and Master,
if you confess that he is
the Son of God and he is
raised from the dead, and you follow him,
that's your Lord, that's him,
that you're his disciple.
First of all, to you, know that.
There is nothing that you
have spoken in secret in the dark,
maybe to one other,
that you think is going to be secret.
It's not.
And whatever you whisper
behind closed doors,
it will be proclaimed on the housetops.
So not only will it come out,
it's going to be the very
opposite of what you intended.
You thought it was secret?
You thought it was between
you and one or two others?
It's going to be proclaimed to millions.
Nothing is concealed that
will not be revealed.
Nothing is so hidden that it
will not be made known.
Everything is coming out.
First of all,
if you know Jesus as God
himself in the flesh, you can say, well,
okay, I get that.
If you don't know him that way,
you're going to say,
how would Jesus possibly know that?
What is he talking about?
He must be delusional.
Or those words must not be from him,
Well, it is.
And he means it.
And everything is coming out.
I'm going to touch on these
two areas that are overlapping here.
I'm not going to get into
the false doctrine stuff
because it's just too much.
I mean, too many to name.
But I don't care if you
think I'm crazy on this.
By the way, I had to disassociate.
It was apparently becoming a problem.
I have one of the partner
channels that I've been on all along.
who I was, you know,
coming alongside with the
Islamic Antichrist paradigm
and a lot of other stuff.
And, you know,
I was helping them do their
thing and whatever.
And then all of a sudden,
one or two folks who were
involved in that didn't
like what I was talking about with UFOs.
So I think I'm crazy.
All of a sudden, boop, you're right.
I don't know.
Lord, again, just like last week,
I put out a thing about things I've got,
like unforgiveness and things,
because things were
happening from other
ministries and ministers
and brothers and sisters.
I had no idea why.
What is going on?
Why are you choosing this
particular issue over
fellowship with me or what I do?
It's ridiculous.
I still don't get it.
But anyway,
this is another one of those things.
And so that just happened.
It just happened.
So it continues.
But everything's going to come out.
The UAP stuff is not fake.
The UFO stuff is not fake.
I was told more than once by many people.
Hey, Tiki.
What's up, brother?
Dreads orbital.
I plead ignorance on that.
What does that mean?
Going in orbit, going in a circle?
Sounds spacey, right?
That's cool.
Oh, sorry, Bonservant says, yep,
already we have seen some
revealing already.
It's going to be crazy when
it's all revealed.
Yeah, and it's going to take, you know,
it's not an instantaneous,
like everything's coming out tomorrow.
But it will.
Eventually, by the day of the Lord,
the judgment, okay, the day of the Lord,
that's it.
You can't hide anything.
Whether it's in a believer's
life or you're some nation
or government or church,
you're all exposed.
So you better expose yourself to God now.
You better just lay it all
out there right now,
especially if you're a believer,
if you already claim him, right?
you know,
to be his child and to be his disciple,
then you might as well get
it out there right this second.
You just do it yourself.
Cause when, if he has to do it,
it's going to be way worse
for you and the people you love.
And, um, so to leave the UAP thing.
Like there's something there.
I've dedicated a lot of time,
especially the last year or so,
doing my due diligence on this stuff.
Because I never want to
promote anything that's false.
I never want to believe
anything that's false.
As a teacher,
I know I'm held to a stricter account.
So I don't care what the topic is,
whether it's the Bible or not.
I don't want to do a podcast
on something that might be incorrect.
And if it's speculation,
I'm going to say it's speculation.
Or if it's something I don't know,
I'll say I don't know.
But I think it's important.
I think the Lord is, you know,
the Holy Spirit is leading
me to talk about this,
and I'm not going to apologize for that.
Because he's always right.
I'm wrong, but he's not.
Anyway, yes, it's all coming out, okay?
Disclosure on the UAP thing is happening.
and we can go back to that if y'all want.
You can guide this conversation today,
whoever's watching or listening.
But literally, last night,
a new revelation came out
about Mike Bickle trying to rape,
basically, a 14-year-old.
Had a grooming relationship.
Said the same crap to her.
This was a long time ago, granted.
but no one knew about it.
Now, I think it was the Kansas City Star,
one of the local newspapers
where the IHOP KC is located,
did some digging and found
someone who was just coming out,
but this woman was 14 at the time.
She's been with IHOP this whole time.
As recently as December...
You can go read the article for yourself,
and it's penned by her.
She gives her real name, not a Jane Doe.
It took her this long to
come out of such a deep
delusion and deception when
you think a man of God is
with you or supporting you
or speaking kindly or
romantically to you or whatever.
I don't know.
And it's not the end.
This is not the end.
But that's not the point.
The point is it's all going to come out.
There's not been one
confession by Mike Bickle
or IHOP to this point.
It's all been forced upon them.
That's exactly what's
happening with the UAP thing.
Nothing has been admitted to
without it being forced out.
The Air Force, the Pentagon, the CIA,
they will never admit anything
until they're forced to.
And these videos that have
been released the past
couple of years have forced
them to admit they were
lying for decades about not
caring about UFOs.
They actually care a lot
about them to the point of
classifying everything so
no one knows about them.
And yeah,
these videos that you saw are
actually true.
They're actually unidentified.
That means we don't know what they are.
They're not American.
They're not anyone else's stuff.
And we can't explain it.
And that's why they're the same.
Nothing is being volunteered.
There's no righteous stuff happening.
They're self-righteous,
like the Pharisees.
They say one thing, but do the opposite.
And that can be any one of us.
That can be every single one
of you watching this right now.
And me.
And all your families.
And your friends.
And your governments.
And all the people you hate.
And all the people you love.
So, yeah.
IHOP, KC, has to close.
I thought this for right
after I heard this stuff.
And I kind of sort of have
said it once or twice.
And I'm just there's no
reason to hold back anymore.
Obviously, it should close.
Because it's still an
environment where abuse
either is happening or can
happen at any time because
the leader was an abuser.
Put whatever name in there you want.
But he allowed other abusers
to serve in leadership and on staff.
And we don't know how many
actually there were because
every time it comes up,
apparently the people are
told to hush it up and do
an internal Matthew 18 and
never tell anyone.
What's that?
That's the same crap, garbage, bile, gross,
satanic stuff that the
government is doing with UAPs.
And, by the way,
private industry is doing with UAPs.
They deny, deny, deny.
If anything ever comes up, oh,
let's talk about this internally.
Don't let it come out.
where our brand is too
important there's too much
money involved in this too
many millions national
security right it's it's
the the church is always oh
but the church is doing
good work and the
government's always
national security they're
phony they're made up those
are excuses those are
easily um they say that
because most people just
believe it and then leave them alone
It's an internal affair.
We've got it from here.
Yes, self-policing.
This is the same.
Bickle needs to be behind bars.
Yeah, he does.
And again, I mean,
I didn't I didn't I chose
not to read the whole article.
I'm just there's no reason to.
It's not going to change any
opinion of mine or be get
informed more other than
the specific allegations,
whether there was actual
whatever you can.
How much was actually
occurring sexually between
them and what not or what
did or didn't happen?
I don't care.
All right.
He was 20 some years old.
He was almost 30 years old.
This was his babysitter.
This 14 year old babysitter.
He just had he had a two
year old son and he had
little babies younger than two.
And he's propositioning his
14 year old babysitter
saying my wife is going to
die and you can be their their mom.
It's more than gross.
I mean, it's evil.
and um and okay well that
happened and then other
things happen and then
other things happen and
then you you hire people
who do the same things and
and not just to women
there's homosexual rape
okay going on in our house uh so or abuse
Hey, Mokul.
Welcome, brother.
Thank you.
ETC meaning End Time Church.
That may be a case of... I
don't know why I didn't see
your earlier comment.
It's not on my list.
Mokul, I'm sorry.
I don't know.
But anyway, yeah, I should.
But guys, it's not just Mike Pickle.
It's not just IHOP.
Dalton Thomas Dalton Lifsey
his real name finally got
himself booted after
multiple affair is not even
the right word abuse abuse
incidents over a decade and
it's only because he got
caught from what I
understand this has
happened at least four or five times
And the issue is, oh, well,
that's a bad apple and
everyone else is peachy.
You know, no problem.
No problem with anybody else.
It's just one person.
Like, oh,
it's just Bickel or it's just Dalton.
No, you can't.
First of all, that's a stupid comment.
That doesn't make sense.
That's not the way things work.
It's always a culture,
and the evidence is
extremely strong that it is
a cultural issue within
those organizations because
the ones who are the guilty
ones are the founders.
So it's baked into the whole organization.
What do I mean by that?
When Jesus himself says,
a little leaven leavens the whole lump.
he's likening it to the kingdom of God,
but it's the same principle.
You put a little in there,
it's going to spread everywhere else.
You're the baker in that scenario, right?
You're sprinkling in the yeast.
It's going to expand.
It's going to grow.
It's going to go to every
part of the bread.
That's what it does.
It's not just the kingdom of God.
That's why Paul says sin is
the same thing.
It ends up in death.
When it's fully conceived, right,
that whole thing, it's a process.
If it's going to grow and grow and grow,
it'll kill you.
So why would you want to
salvage such a rotten organization?
That's not casting
accusations on anyone else
other than it's probably
true that other people are
engaging in things that the
leader engaged in.
It's common sense.
And it's all going to come out.
just to tie it back to this thing
that's coming out now,
because they're being forced to.
They're not going to admit it.
Self-policing is a lie.
It's a fallen man trying to
cover his own butt,
saying we're going to self-police.
Do not believe anybody who
says they're going to
self-police our organization.
especially if it's a giant
multimillion-dollar operation,
international, tons of, you know,
so many different people
involved and different
tentacles and all this
stuff where you can't
possibly have your finger
on who's doing what all the time.
There's no self-policing.
That's why Jesus, even in the church,
he demands accountability from others,
As a pastor, I'm accountable to my elders.
My pastor is accountable to his elders.
And if you're in a big denomination,
that's part of the reason
why there is a denomination, basically.
You're accountable to someone else.
They're accountable to someone else.
They're accountable to someone else,
Because that's... Just that
principle should tell you God does not...
You cannot rely on one leader.
And if the organization is
so too big to fail, that's a thing now.
Too big to fail.
Our brand is too good.
We're doing too many good things.
It's too much invested in this,
too much time, too much money,
national security.
It's all invested.
We can't change it now.
We can't let someone else,
a third party come in and
really do find out what's going on.
That's why IHOP has to this
day said no to third parties.
For example,
that's why the Pentagon always
fails their audits.
Because they're playing funny.
They think it's hilarious to
spend money on things that are illegal.
That they're not telling
their accountability
partners in the Congress about.
Same thing.
And the only asterisk to
anything that I just talked about,
whether it's the UAP stuff
or the IHOP or FAI,
the only silver anything is
– I don't say the fact of
because it's not a fact yet
– the possibility –
that FAI is bringing in a
third party a true third
party to get to the bottom
of all this if it was just
but from what I understand
and yes I'm still
tangentially kind of trying
to keep tabs on it because
obviously I have a lot of
personal experience in that
but and the people there
but like as far as I know
this third party thing even
though it was promised in
November I guess has not begun yet
Mr. Lipsy has said he's gone
from that organization,
but as Tiki just said right here,
he just posted a few days ago,
first time since November.
My sister pointed this out
to me yesterday.
I'm not going to talk about
what even it is,
but I don't know if it's
supposed to be some
Christian venture or what,
but he's rounding up the same old
promotional machine again
and talk about intensives
and getaways and and and um
media projects and film
like come on me just anyway
whatever it's his soul um
Tiki also says Dalton needs deliverance.
His first message after all
this was to monetize his
followers for a new
endeavor instead of
speaking to his failing.
That's a good point.
We all deal with feelings, failings,
excuse me, and feelings.
We all deal with failings he
needs to do as well.
Well, I mean, to this point, he's still,
you know, blaming the someone else.
He's blame shifting.
It's honestly, it's just typical.
Call it what you want.
You know,
I'm not going to get into
psychobabble or whatever.
Like you said, deliverance,
that's probably the right answer.
I mean,
demonic is certainly maybe part of it,
but you don't need a demon
to be in the flesh.
And that's what basically this is.
Your flesh has taken over your spirit,
and there's no spirituality
at all in any of this,
even though you claim it.
And that's the issue, right?
That's what Jesus has a big problem with,
like with the Pharisees.
If you want to be this way
and be a business person,
Still bad, still wrong.
You're not right with God, but whatever.
You still have to face judgment.
But it's worse.
It's way worse when you claim God,
when you claim the truth,
when you claim to be doing
things for the right
reasons and you're lying about it.
You claim to be a Christian
organization or a church or
a ministry or the Pharisee
defending the God of Israel
and the temple or the
nation of Israel or the
nation of the United States.
That's all lies.
to cover up your behavior of choice,
your sin of choice.
And yes,
we all sin and fall short of the
glory of God and we need
the blood of Christ, of course.
But then there are sins that
involve others and abusing
others and underlings,
people who are under you in authority.
That's what God really hates, I must say.
It shall not be this way among you.
Don't lord it over them like the Gentiles.
If you're in charge, if you're the leader,
serve them.
So it's the opposite of what you think.
Look at me.
I didn't come to be served.
I came to serve,
and I'm going to wash your
feet right now.
That's the truth.
But when you use his name and you say,
you know,
you're actually not only abusing,
not only sinning, not only in adultery,
you're actually doing it
with someone who's under your authority?
Or in the case of the government,
you're threatening people
and hurting them and saying
you're going to go to
Leavenworth if you speak on this ever?
And by the way,
I'm not just making these words up.
I'm choosing them for a specific reason.
Yeah, it's not good.
And God's not going to let
you get away with it.
You have to know.
Especially, especially,
and I got to just come back to this.
If you're a Christian,
if you're really trying to
serve Jesus in IHOP,
in any other ministry, in the government,
in the Pentagon, in the CIA,
in any other letter agency, wherever,
and you know the truth and
you just won't say it
because you signed an NDA
or because you signed a
whatever the military version of that is,
classified information.
They have an abbreviation for everything,
as we know.
Um, once these,
anyone in intelligence who
gets classified information
has to sign one of these
stupid things that says, if you ever,
ever speak on what's
classified that you were
told you go to jail, no trial,
no appeal because we said,
so you go to jail.
Okay, I mean, I get it.
That's kind of strong-arming stuff.
And if things can destroy
the country and you don't
want people saying that,
I understand that.
But common sense, again, would dictate,
and if you're a Christian
and if you see something evil going on,
and if you don't break that agreement,
God will make sure you're in jail.
His jail called hell.
Or whatever, the Lord would say,
until you've paid every last penny.
of what you owe.
So don't make it worse by, oh, well,
I signed this paper.
I agree to this thing.
I can't expose this darkness of
this evil or this sin or
this pastor or this leader
or this government official.
That's not God's way.
There's no secrets.
Everything in the Bible is revealed,
revealed, revealed.
After Daniel, yeah, that was sealed.
you claiming the book of Daniel is yours?
Like, what are you talking about?
Even that's going to be unsealed.
That's the point of this show.
That's the point of this podcast.
It's to say, yes,
actually God has unsealed it.
He's unsealed it already.
There's literally nothing
that has anything to do
with God or the scriptures
that he's trying to hide.
I mean, certain things are for him.
We understand that part of it.
But everything about Paul is,
I'm going to reveal you a mystery.
I'm going to tell you this mystery.
I'm going to get it all out there.
I'm going to tell you what
the Old Testament meant.
I'm going to tell you what
God is all about on this.
The kingdom is that, right?
It's all about answers,
not about hiding things.
so if you're a Christian in any of
those organizations,
if you really are trying to be obedient,
And if you see this evil,
I don't care what the topic,
if you're in the government
or ministry or whatever, say something.
Don't keep quiet anymore.
Go public.
Go public.
Blame me.
I don't care.
Blame me.
let's see what we all are saying here
in the comments.
So remember, disclosure is guaranteed.
Read Luke, Matthew or Mark,
but I was reading from Luke 12 today.
So there's scriptural proof, okay?
It's not somebody's opinion.
It's guaranteed.
All right.
What do we all got here?
Tiki says,
and people stay in that
congregation because they
make men their idols.
Well, that's definitely part of it.
Yeah, hero worship, basically.
That person, that minister, that pastor,
that leader, whatever, is idolized.
by the other people,
by this person maybe who is
being victimized or abused
or someone who's not,
but they're going to cover
for the guy because, oh, well,
he's godly.
He can't possibly be guilty
of this or that.
He can't possibly be covering up.
So dumb.
Mokul says,
why wasn't Dalton removed earlier?
I've heard he's had affairs
while being FAI.
You heard correctly.
He got caught.
Now, why wasn't he removed earlier?
I had the same question four years ago.
I don't see, there's no,
if you're actually in adultery,
you have a wife, you have children,
if you're in adultery with
another woman who is your subservient,
they're under you,
they're under your authority,
on the mission field...
In another,
literally halfway around the
world in Turkey.
And this is just the one
incident that happened in whatever, 2012.
That's it.
You go work somewhere else.
You go back home.
You're not coming back here.
In fact, you founded this organization.
We're going to scrap it right now.
And we're going to start a
new one without you.
If we care about missions,
if we really care about this,
you're not important.
God is.
So you're out.
We're going to start over.
Cleanse our, you know, wipe our hands,
that whole thing.
We're going to be right before God.
That's what should have
happened 12 years ago, but it didn't.
He was allowed to come back.
His home church pastor covered it up.
I saw the alleged video of
this confession where there
was no confession by Dalton.
He wasn't even on the camera.
It was his pastor saying
Dalton have confessed to
this affair and let's just move on.
That was literally it.
So nothing public was ever said.
The organization never
admitted it until what?
Like we just opened the show
with when they're forced to.
So anyways...
I'm not trying to pile on the guy.
I'm just saying, yes,
he should have been removed
10 years ago plus.
But he wasn't.
He was restored by this
local pastor and by a man
named Mike Bickle.
So, yes,
he came back and he got super
popular and he went to the White House.
He went to talk to Donald
Trump's administration.
He's on Fox News Channel.
He's literally raising millions,
millions in the tens of
millions of dollars.
And then it turns out, oh,
he's been doing it more.
And I think, I mean,
the timing was way too perfect.
It was definitely not a
coincidence that after the
Bickle stuff came out in
October that they finally said,
you know what, Dalton,
you're out of here.
So he was put back and God
knows what happened those
intervening years other
than a lot of money happened,
a lot of publicity happened,
a lot of fame happened.
And now whatever.
Now we see the ugly truth.
That's a long answer there, Mogul.
Mogul says,
there is a photograph of Mike
Bickle choking two young women from IHOP.
Well, and it's more than just that.
There's many photos like that.
And he would say he's just
playing around and he was
smiling and it was just the
way he does things.
And of course, we know that's bogus now.
As I point out, Bonservant says,
the idea of good works or
security being done,
they just self-justify hiding the crime.
That's right.
This is not new.
You should know.
This is oldest time.
This is oldest Cain and Abel.
After the murder of his brother, he says,
what am I, my brother's keeper?
Am I supposed to know where he is?
He's lying to God to cover up his crime.
That's what fallen man does.
M on X. It's not an exaggeration for
the audio folks.
That's all the name is.
There is the letter M and
the X is on the old Twitter platform.
So M says, actually,
I believe FIA has already
started a third party investigation.
my information is that they have
claimed that.
But the person I know who
would be a part of the on
the interview list has
never been contacted.
And it's a really critical central figure.
That person should be called
immediately and interviewed.
But it's been three months and nothing.
So I don't believe there's
been anything started at all.
My opinion.
There's certainly no evidence of it.
And this is part of my issue.
I don't want to go back to
anything and be a guy who has issues.
Um, but just so we all know, right.
Truth comes out disclosure.
Um, is that, yeah, it was, it was anyway,
it was promised.
But then immediately,
we're not shutting down.
We're continuing with the Bible studies.
We're going to just roll on
like nothing ever happened
was the immediate announcement.
So it doesn't give off the
impression of we're really
going to look into this and
we're willing to put it all on the altar.
We're willing to lose it all
if we find out lots of evil
things were happening.
I mean, I don't know what more you need,
so I don't think there's
been anything yet.
um I feel for his kids and
his wife I have five I
think what a mess for his
family plus all the others
outside the family affected
yeah and I mean just being
honest his wife wasn't
guiltless either by the way
she was part of this whole
infidelity thing too it's
just a mess but yes he is
responsible primarily yes
When you let the flesh have, Tiki says,
when you let the flesh have control,
you're pushing the Holy Spirit out.
And making it to where he
can't operate in a submissive,
willing soul.
You short circuit his
ability to deliver you.
Basically, I can't argue with that.
Don't grieve the Holy Spirit.
The works of the flesh are evident.
And here's the big long list.
And the works of the spirit are these love,
joy, peace, patience, et cetera,
et cetera.
Jesus is not pointing a
finger at him as holy.
Now I know it because I've lived it too.
Yeah, amen.
Signing NDA is immoral.
I agree.
Holy Spirit has power to
deliver if you want him to
and allow him to.
Basically, yeah.
M, again,
says FAI had a two-strike policy
that Dalton also agreed upon.
He resigned after the second strike.
I don't care about that.
So what?
Is that Bible?
Like, okay, but it's more than two.
It was more than two.
what I was again I don't
want to be a a gossip or
whatever so I'm not going
to say anything that I was
told as a fact but I trust
the person who told me um
that taught my great
insights but then through
research and study I
realized he lifted a lot of
his teaching from reggie
kelly well he certainly
agrees with reggie kelly
and I love reggie kelly
Very good and solid man of
God with good insights.
I agree.
Reggie is worth following for sure.
Reggie has a two to three
hour live Bible study with
other than Saturday night
called called God's
foretold work on YouTube
for edifying and like a
strategy session for operations.
I wish Reggie would come on
in time church.
Tiki, if you have a way in with him,
please let him know.
Cause I've invited him and
he's never come on.
So I want him to be better known too.
Anyway, the point is,
whether it's a specific
teacher or a ministry
leader or a government
official or a government
program or a special access
program or whatever,
nothing is too big to fail.
God's purposes are bigger
than you and don't need you.
He doesn't need us.
He doesn't need Dalton.
He doesn't need Mike Bickle.
He doesn't need IHOP.
He doesn't need FAI.
He doesn't need the United
States government.
He doesn't need the Air Force.
He doesn't need the CIA,
on and on and on and on.
He doesn't need me.
He doesn't need End Time Church.
He doesn't need Wings of the Eagle.
He doesn't need anything to
do what he wants to do.
He will find somebody willing to do it,
what he wants.
Not that he doesn't care.
We know he cares a lot.
He cares more than you could
ever care about anything.
But we have to have the
right relationship.
Lord, my God,
I will love you with all my heart, soul,
Love my neighbor as myself.
The first commandment,
don't have any other guys before me.
This is a different relationship.
It's not a peer thing.
It's not a peer.
He's your father, and he's willing to
to save you and he's willing
to tell you things and he's
willing to give you a
mission that's not a
one-on-one or one-to-one um
his way is not always right
thoughts are higher than
ours that's the quote right
it's exactly what it means
I'm not going to get argumentative here,
By the way, what's your full name,
What more are you asking?
I'm just telling you what happened,
what the truth is.
If there was a third party
supposed to investigate everything,
then that should be happening.
And until then, they should shut down.
That's what I think.
not proceed like normal and
keep the funds rolling.
All right, guys.
So that's the message.
That's just what I wanted to
put out there today.
Again, it does.
It's not necessarily about
any one thing or group or, or anything.
But that is disclosure is, is happening.
It's going to happen fully.
be on the right side okay be
on god's side um you would
the unsafe person would say
the right side of history
um hey emperor matthew
sweet thanks man appreciate
it dude um yeah so just
just be sure you're on the
right the right side of
this because it's all going
to come public it's all coming out
whether it's today, tomorrow,
the day of the Lord, um,
it's going to happen.
And so get your stuff out now,
be totally honest.
If you, if you're a leader, uh,
if you're on the Pentagon,
if you're in the CIA, if you're an IHOP,
if you're an FAI,
if you're in anywhere and
you know that you're in, um,
You're abusing.
You're in such a sin that
you're compromising your
whole mission and your
whole ministry or
organization or government.
Get in.
Do a YouTube live.
Do Facebook.
Do a TikTok.
Tell the world yourself.
Don't send somebody else to tell you.
Tell everyone.
Don't send a crisis manager.
Don't send a spokesman.
Don't send the ministry.
Send yourself.
Take responsibility.
Put your face and tell it all.
because God knows it already.
And so, yeah, that's my hope.
That happens before God makes it happen,
So don't force God into it.
Volunteer now.
It'll be better for yourself.
It'll be better for everybody.
That's the message.
Disclosure's coming.
This has been Wings of the Eagle.
Unsealed, the official podcast.
Please, again, subscribe, share this.
It's really important.
If you want me to continue to do this,
if you like what we're
doing as a ministry, we need your help.
There's no other help coming in, okay?
We are not like other places
with millions of dollars.
That's the understatement of
the millennium, okay?
This is on faith.
This is sacrificial.
This is us doing it because
we're the church, okay?
So that's it.
Love you very much, guys.
Until next time,
Christopher Manti for Wings of the Eagle.
This has been Unsealed.