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Daniel 8 – Part 1: The Ram and the Goat (Iran and Turkey)

Writer: ChristopherChristopher

Daniel is given a vision of a Ram and a Goat. The vision starts in Daniel 8:2 and runs through verse 14. Then, beginning in verse 15, Gabriel gives the interpretation to the vision.

I LOVE it when God does that! He doesn’t want to have us guessing at this stuff as many teachers would like you to believe. His desire is to INFORM us, so that we can watch for the signs, be alert, awake and sharing what we know with others to encourage them as we enter the 70th week of Daniel.

From this vision, which we are told repeatedly is for “the time of the end” (8:17) the “appointed time of the end” (8:19) and “many days from now” (8:26), we understand that the ram with two horns represents Media and Persia (Iran), Daniel 8:20. The goat represents Greece, Daniel 8:21. The ram takes over the Middle East, then the goat comes from the west and destroys the ram.

Many try to make this vision fulfilled in history by Alexander, the Great (Greece) defeating Darius III (Persia) in 330 B.C. They further extend this idea into making Antiochus Epiphanes the “little horn” of Daniel 8, who does, in fact, fulfill many of the actions of the little horn.

However, Gabriel states three separate times that the vision is for the “last days”. We have hadMANY days, months, and years since that event in history. 2,179 years to be exact. So, this vision cannot be referring to Antiochus. However, the similarities are striking and we should pay attention to them.

Taking a look at the geopolitical landscape of today, we cannot help but be amazed as we see the pieces falling into place once again. The ram (Iran) makes its way across the Middle East, heading west, north and south, Daniel 8:4.

If you are paying attention, Iran actually has soldiers stationed in many Middle Eastern countries for the purpose of fighting against ISIS. The soldiers of Iran are in places that would have been thought impossible even 5 years ago. They extend all the way to Libya and completely surround Israel. All they have to do is decide to act unilaterally and they would have troops already in place to control the Middle East.

Iran has been at verbal war with Turkey for years. The NY Times wrote an article about this back in 2012. Iran is populated with a majority of Shia Muslims, who are very radical and fundamental to Islam, while Turkey has pursued a more modern and secular direction. Iran disapproves of this and would like to conquer Turkey, removing its influence over Muslims.

Should Iran decide to come against Turkey, they are properly placed. If they did, this would fulfill the “ram” portion of the vision. Turkey would then defend itself, most likely destroying Iran’s forces quickly. This would fulfill the “goat” portion of the vision.

If we continue down this path, the vision reveals what would happen next. The leader of Turkey would be replaced with four kings. This would be handled by dividing the Middle East into four regions, each having its own leader, Daniel 8:22.

A map from the Sykes-Picot agreement from 1916 actually shows the Arab Middle East divided into four areas, not including Israel. Interesting! Could this be the way it would be divided?

Then at the latter end of their kingdom, another leader will arise. This king is the Anti-Christ. He takes over one of the king’s territory and the other 3 yield to his authority, Daniel 7:8, 20; 8:23. That brings us into Daniel 11:21-39, when the Anti-Christ goes about conquering and to conquer. (Also, Revelation 6:1-6)

This king (the anti-Christ) is broken, but not by human hand (Daniel 8:25), alluding to the stone of Daniel 2:45, which was cut out but not by human hand. This stone is Jesus, who will come and destroy the Anti-Christ’s kingdom as we see in Revelation 19:11.

Thus ends the vision and interpretation.

We should be watching to see what Iran does and how Turkey responds. Erdogan from Turkey is NOT the Anti-Christ, but could very well be the one who conquers Iran’s army, then is replaced by someone who divides the Middle East into 4 parts. This person will not hold power long according to Daniel 11:20, 21 and Revelation 17:10. After that, the leader of Turkey would be replaced by another leader and THAT person is the Anti-Christ, according to the vision.

Do you follow? Not Erdogan and not his immediate replacement, but the next one – THAT’S the GUY!

Are you watching?





Thank you and God bless you!

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