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Confessing my unforgiveness for hurts over the past 4 years

Writer: ChristopherChristopher

Confessing my unforgiveness for hurts over the past 4 years. All the ugly details - pray with and for me so Jesus may be magnified!


Hey, good afternoon, everyone.

Pastor Mantei here, your friend, hopefully, Christopher Mantei.

This is a little different today.

Actually, it's a lot different.


we have been saving this time of

the week for prayer,

and certainly that should be happening,

and I want to do that here today,

but in a different kind of way.

I don't know if anyone's

going to watch this.

I don't know if it's going to stay on.

I may delete this.

Um, in a few minutes, uh, who knows?

Um, but it's been really laying on me to,

to address something that, um,

a lot of things that have

been building up for about

four years now since COVID basically.


And so I just want to get it out there.

And maybe it'll just be therapeutic.

I don't know.

But in the world,

in the larger Christian world,

we've been seeing a lot of

Sin problems and lack of

confession and lack of

transparency and lack of

repentance and showing

works consistent with that repentance.

So this is my effort,

at least on this topic,

to do that for me and for

the ministry that God has

And that means the people that you guys,

whoever does watch this,

you guys who have in one way or another,

at one time or another,

may have been impacted by

anything through Wings of the Eagle,

through End Time Church, etc.

So yes,

I'm taking responsibility for those


And for the people that God has drawn,

I want to confess some things to you.

unforgiveness basically is

what it is um because of

hurts because of look I

understand as a as a

christian we've got to have

an understanding and a tough skin um


because we know that to follow

Jesus is to expect trouble,

is to expect persecution,

is to expect just trouble generally,

including from the people

who are closest to you,

your family and friends who

basically don't like that

you're following Jesus.

So there's that.

And I get that.

and I accept that.

And that's not this,

this is from Christians,

brothers and sisters who, yeah, or were,

are, were very close, um,

friends and like family.

And, um,

things have happened the past

couple of years that I just don't,

I do not understand how they got there.

And I'm going to get

specific here in a second, guys.

I'm not teasing anything.

I'm just, I'm going to say it.


But it just it boggled my

mind at the time.

I was just flabbergasted.

OK, I was floored.

I don't understand why this

would come to this.

And so I guess I just never

forgave the whole situation.

Them personally,

the results of their

actions and my actions.

I don't know,

but I do feel like there's

unforgiveness around.

So I want to confess that now.

And against who and what?

Here it is.

Okay, so again, going back a couple years,

I'm not going to get

super-duper detailed.

I don't want to call anyone

to the carpet or anything like that.

And the names that I'm going to tell you,


I am not expecting them to do anything.

I'm just telling you these

are the hurts and these are

the issues of –

unforgiveness perhaps that

I'm dealing with or refuse

to deal with um obviously

in the year 2000 we had a

whole bunch of bad stuff

kind of call come together

and this is why I believe

god made sure end time

church was was going doing

live online church and had

an online app obviously app

um available before that but

We have COVID.

We have a ridiculous

election and all kinds of

fake news and propaganda

and all this stuff.

And the church is involved with all of it,

you know?

And so, of course, as a Christian,

as someone now with a church,

this is going to

come to a head sometimes

with people who you know

and work with and are in ministry with.

So the first incident

basically was with Daniel Seccombe.

And Daniel, if you know him, you might.

He's from Australia.

He has the Israel, Islam,

and End Times ministry,

and he's all over the place.

And I think he pastors a

church locally now.

where he is, but we got very close.

I can't even be sure when we first met,

but I had intentionally

reached out to several

folks years ago who were, I thought,

traveling in a similar way.

We came close with Daniel, um, uh,

for my part, um,

at least I thought from his,

we were friends, good friends.

Um, he would travel to America, um,

several times.

And one of those times he

was in my home and he's, you know,

I invited him and he slept over, you know,

like we had, um,

we had things to do and he

stayed here and he spoke at my church.

my local church, uh,

Iron Faith Fellowship where I was, uh,

I am, uh, associate pastor.

Um, and so I don't know how much, you know,

closer you could be.

We had a years long relationship,

ministerial and again, friendly,

many appearances together.

We, we shared, uh,

many online things together.

He's been on End Time Church.

We got together anytime we could to

share the stage as it were.

And we actually were in Tyler, Texas.

And, um, he was,

we shared a stage there and on, um,

in Tennessee the year after.

So anyway, the point is it was,

it was multi-year, you know,

deep type of things anyway.

And then in 2020, it all went to hell.

It all went to hell.

Um, I think,

I think as best as I could figure,

it was because of my

opposition to Donald Trump and,

And my insistence that the

conservative Christians,

like obviously he is, and I am,

and most everyone in our circles is,

that we had confessing to do,

that we were sinning,

that we were in idolatry

just as much as the left.

Or as believers,

we should be focusing on

ourselves and not non-believers.

Between that and – Daniel

was himself and through his

pages advancing a lot of

conspiracy theories about

COVID vaccines and things like that.

And I sent – I mean

obviously I expressed my

opinions publicly.

freely you know I do my

thing here um and uh he

didn't agree with it and

that's fine I don't have to

have a total agreement with

people I work with and my

friends and ministry

partners there's the gospel

okay anyway one time I can

recall one time I i

messaged daniel about hey

maybe you should tone it

down about these

conspiracies about the

vaccines and stuff let's

just you know concentrate on the gospel

and I guess that was it um

we we've had no

communication since then

other than again I don't

want to cut communication I

didn't want to stop

anything but he hurt me a lot and um

To this day, I don't know.

There was an email exchange

where it was very not friendly,

like not the same person, you know,

quizzing me,

giving me like a litmus test

for don't you agree with this, that,

and the other thing.

And that was it.

Since then,

I have reached out because I

was asked to by, you know,

Alfati and stuff.

We've had conferences and he

wanted to invite Daniel.

So I did the inviting and

Daniel never replied to me on the invite,

but he ended up talking to

Al-Fadi about it.


That's fine.

But all of that hurts.

Again, it's not just I like the guy.

I like them a lot,

and I thought God was

moving us together in

ministry and doing a great thing,

and I supported him.

I supported him in his work,

and he was writing.

He wanted to finish a book

that he wanted to complete,

so I helped him with tools to do that.

I'm just saying.

I'm not trying to

God forgive me if I'm trying

to do anything else other

than give everyone a

complete picture of why I was so hurt.

I certainly never felt any

of that was reciprocated.

But that's really not the issue.

The point is there's a lot

of hurt that came from his

just turning off of the

relationship completely.

Now, Daniel is very also well connected.

He knows people in a lot of places.

I don't know for sure how

broadly he told others not

to communicate with me or work with me.

But I know of one instance for sure,

and that is an extremely

tragic situation because

there's a group called

Generation to Generation

Daphne and Andrew Kirk.

They reached out to me.

Actually, I reached out to them, I guess,

originally because they

were doing this like virtual, you know,

church thing and trying to

gather people from other countries and do,

you know, like Zoom calls together.

Like, oh,

this is kind of what this is my


You know,

this is what I'm trying to do

with End Time Church.

Like, how can we work together?

We had a great call.

for a while you know just

just us and and we had a

follow-up call and then

he's like hey why don't we

do a pot we have a podcast

why don't we interview you

for your book fleet of the

mountains awesome you know

fantastic for some reason

it's no one wants to

interview me about this

book seems um maybe three

or four interviews maybe

half a dozen in the past

five years um but anyway

okay this is great so let's

do it so we had a long

ranging interview two parts

I mean it was hours long

all about it.

And it went so well.

It went so smoothly.

They're great people.

We got along great.

It was a tremendous podcast.

But then it never was released.

To this day,

you've never heard it because

they never released it.

And when I finally, and I was not told why,

they just never happened.

So I had to do the digging.

I had to do the

investigating through the

bull and the hurt of it.

Why would you do all that

and then not release it?

I was told that Daniel is

part of their board,

and he recommended that

they not work with me.

So I'm saying I don't care

how personally you don't

like me or don't think I'm worth it.

This is a book that has

nothing to do with me.

This is like life's work kind of stuff.

This is about the Jewish people.

This is about preparing for Jesus.

This is about, you know, prophecy.

It's about Bibles, about God's word.

It's about us doing things.

It has nothing to do with me

at all or my opinions on anything.

We can't overlook this stuff,

just at least put out this

podcast so other people can

see and maybe read it or

bring it up in their

congregations or their whatever.

Obviously, as you can tell,

it still hurts.

And maybe I don't even want

to forgive that.

Because it seems so brazenly stupid.

Like antichrist stuff.

So it's not good to justify

our unforgiveness.

Okay, so I don't want to do that.

So there's that.

We've got Daniel.

We've got Daphne and Andrew Kirk.

We've got Dana Crosby after that.

Best as I can figure, again,

she didn't like that I

wasn't super Trump man.

Dana and I have, again, shared a stage.

She's been in my home.

We did filming together.

We did filming.

She came to my area.

We went around my town and

my area here where I live

to do filming for a

documentary about the rapture, okay?

It had nothing to do with nothing.

Politics, Trump,

had nothing to do with anything.

We had a great time.

Again, we're hanging out.

We're friends.

You know, we have families of similar ages,

you know, our kids and all.

And it was like, you know,

we're becoming closer and

we're doing things online

together and so forth and so on.

And, you know,

I'm introducing her to Sonia

Azam and like the

relationships are building.

This is what I love to do.

This is what God has gifted me to do.

The documentary, as far as I know,

was trashed.

Never got made.

Never got released.

Again, I've shared a stage with her.

I introduced her to the

people who were doing the

Understanding the Times conference.

Of course, that ended after COVID.

But the last one of those

that we had in Texas,

she was on the stage for that with me.

So this is things that I

take very personally.

just because we can't agree

on a candidate or something.

And, and, and I just, I, again,

I don't even recall

specific incidents of what

the problem is or was, but like,

she just couldn't handle

the fact that I wasn't on

board and that I would call out, you know,

antichrist things were happening and, and,

and false, um, you know,

calling out the Bible for

political reasons and like,

Anyway, again, not my decision.

I'm not associating with

this person or that,

or I'm not going to make a

documentary with you anymore,

or don't come on my show.

Nothing like that, ever,

because I don't believe in that.

But anyway, as far as I can tell,

because of that opposition that I had,

and she is, again, one of many,

many Christians who is

tying your Christianity to

your support of Donald

Trump and the Republican Party,

I'm like, no, I can't go with you there.

But let's... Can we go on?

Like, can we proceed and do something?

No, that was it.

That was it.

To this day, I haven't heard from her.


she's reached out a couple of

times to my pastor, Randy.

And... But... Randy Scott.

But, like, never to me.

And his... God bless him.

He is...

on point every time that

happens it happens a good

amount with him people will

come to him instead of the

person who they have an

issue with immediately he

will say why are you

talking to me you have a

problem with them go to

them which I applaud him

for and I wish she would

but she hasn't I don't even

know how big her ministry

is now I don't even know

she's still in it um I hope

she is but a point this is

now incident number three

since 2020.

And before I get to the final one,

because it's the one that hurts the most,

is there are many others

who are not going to be named or,

you know,

who weren't as confrontational or just,

you know, cutting everything off.

But many other, many,

many other people have

were fans or you know love

the book love the courses

yada yada was that end time

church you're faithfully

there every week and then

they're gone they're like

gone gone there many others

just went quiet they don't

engage me public or in

private anymore they just

they're gone I don't I have

no idea what is up with that no clue

other than I'm not stupid.

I think I see what's

happening because we share

some of the same folks that we admire,

like Daniel second, like Dana Crosby,

like the last one I'm going to mention.

So a lot of them just went

quiet and disappeared.

Some of them,

have contacted me

periodically but it's never

to say hey how you doing or

you know this is you know

encourage me somehow it's

always to rebuke or bring

some kind of correction or

this is what god is telling

me you know in relation to

what you're doing it's like

what okay so that's some not a lot some

Um, and,

and the one that continuously

frustrates me even till

today is I would engage.

There are those who won't

engage back to me,

even though I initiate contact with them.

And we walk in the exact same circles.

We have the exact same audience.

We had the exact same friends.

will name these people

because I don't get it if

you know if travis snow or

alan kirchner is listening

what is going on I want to

engage I want to work

together they have podcasts

they invite me it's so

simple not to at least alan

does anyways the point is

there are all the

situations are happening at

the same time and now for

now going on four years

this and the final incident

that I want to talk about

is definitely the hardest

because not only because

obviously personal hurt to

me but many many others

have been hurt by it and my

way of handling it hurt

them hurt them or or hurt

their relationship with Joel Richardson

um or or fai and um I again

like this doesn't mean

anything but I'm just

telling you this is the

truth um years ago after um

after I read um

Mideast beast, I guess.

Someone 2015 ish area,

probably around 10 years ago now.


I made it a point to reach out to this

guy who wrote this book and

it blew my mind, you know,

changed my view on things and,

and really saw God working in him.

And, and right off the bat,

I just volunteered myself.

I kind of offered my service to him.


I said, I said in emails, I said, uh,


I said to him to his face when we

were in Israel together, I said,

what do you want me to do to help you?

I will help you.

I'm offering my service to you.

What do you need me to do?

What do you want me to do?

And that's kind of where I'm

at with Elfati, by the way, today.

Because I'm such a believer.

I feel what he's doing.

I feel the Lord using him.

And it's like,

I feel like we can be partners in that.

Anyways, so I reached out to him.

I volunteered my service.

I volunteered my airwaves, as it were,


This stuff that I do.

When I did write my book,

Fleet of the Mountains, I'm not an author,


I don't have a half a dozen

books like Joel does.

I have one book that's about this big.

And I asked him to participate in it.

And he gave me an interview for it.

And it was more difficult

than I thought it would be to,

to finalize that,

but that's not really the issue.

Obviously I grew very close again,

for my part to him, we texted, you know,


I was totally on board with

what he was doing.

And then we,

he got involved with FAI and this,

you know,

the missions end of it to the

middle East.

I was totally on board with that.

Obviously, Joel,

I support him every way I could.


Again, yes,

he wanted to come to my local church,

so I hosted him in my home.

He slept in my son's bed.

Obviously alone.


I'm not insinuating anything.

He was here.

I spoke at my local church.

He spoke at a friend's

church where I introduced

him to in another town by me.

Years long relationship,

many appearances together.

All those understanding the

times conferences were, you know,

we were both there together.


I don't mean to say anything by this

other than it's the truth.

I financially supported him

and his ministry a lot.

From my perspective,

for someone who doesn't have money,

for a young family who

really is not making it to

try to sacrificially give

to a work of the Lord,

I felt it was important that I did that,

and I did, and I did it a lot.

All right.

I won't, I won't give any more,

any of that, but not only that,

but referring everybody I

knew and you all who've

been around with me for a

while can attest to this.

And I still do it.

I don't bad mouth the guy.

Always have recommended his books,

his videos, his, you know,

what he's doing, his, his character,

like always,

always like the free advertising, right?

It's just go to Manti.

He'll do that.

Um, and then again, like personally, yeah,

there were incidents like,

I don't understand.


he was supposed to interview me about

flea to the mountains

because he was in it, you know,

he was part of it,

but that never happened.

It was just very difficult.

And, and, and again,

I was trying to be as

flexible as possible,

but it just never happened.

There was some kind of barrier up there.

Something was going on.


Anyway, and then 2020 happened.

I flew to Israel to be at

the FAI Maranatha conference in January,

right before COVID was a

thing around the world.

And actually,

I believe I was on the

airplane that flew back the

day it was declared a

pandemic from this conference.

But I left the conference

very down and just spiritually exhausted.

in a very bad state because

of what I had experienced there,

which was a kind of a lot of shunning,

a lot of like, this is weird.

Like what's going on.

I don't see working together.

I had my,

you know, issues with Dalton.

Not personal, like me and him issues,

but just like he was just weird,

wouldn't talk.

And I knew there was some

kind of history of something,

but it was all kind of vague.

Anyway, point is,

I got back from there thinking,

I don't know.

It just seems like there's

separate paths going on.

I don't understand.

And then my friend, Mark,

called me one day and said, hey,

did you see this

There's this thing about

Dalton actually being in

adultery years and years ago,

and you never actually, you know,

no one knows about it.

But here's this blog from a

guy who was involved,

and him and his wife,

and Dalton and his wife, like,

what the heck?


I'm not going to go into details of that,

but I said, wow, nope,

I never saw that before,

but this is interesting.

Why is

The ministry is still kind

of carrying on and like

nothing ever happened.

And like, why didn't I know about this?

I thought I was friends with these guys.

I should know.

I'm a supporter.

I'm referring people.

I'm giving money.

I'm screening films.

I've screened FAI movies

like Sheep Among Wolves, et cetera,

in my church, told everyone about it.

I wanted to live stream it.

Like, you know what I'm saying?

Like, I was all in.

I didn't know none of this.

Like, I should have known.

At a certain point, right?

I mean, not just me,

but anyone who's supporting

should know the history of

the organization and the leader.


so I shared with some of my friends

who I was in Israel with.

Steve Buckley,

who I was in the original

Israel trip with in 2011.

19, 2017, and then again in 2020,

we were there.

we hung out and nick franks

also uh nicholas franks who

again I just kind of

reached out on a whim a

couple months before and uh

he didn't think he was

going to be able to go last

minute he actually got it

it turned out that he could

go so we all met up in

israel it was cool we hung

out whatever so I'm I'm

sharing this now new

information with them and

they can't believe it

they're like this is like a

betrayal I can't believe all this um

and then we found out the

way it was handled.

So we go to the, I go to Joel,

I go to the board of FAI,

anyone who will listen, you know,

what's going on.

Long story short.

Um, I did my due diligence.

I'm satisfied with it.

I went to, again,

a personal friend who was

like a third party, um,

to find out what he knew.

And then I talked to Joel directly and,


Apparently what I read was true,

at least mostly admitted to

even four years ago.

And I know how these things go.

I've been in a culty church.

I know cult-like ministers.

I'm not calling Joel that.

But I knew how it was going to end.

And especially if it's adultery,

it's going to happen again.

He's probably still doing it.

That was what I felt then.

And the point is this

process that they went

through with Alton and this

alleged restoration process.

Mike Bickle was involved.

Boy, that looks bad now, doesn't it?

And all this.

And it was like super fast

and super in the background.

No one saw it.

And anyway, it wasn't handled right.

And no one knew about it.

No one's being informed.

The donors were not being informed.

The supporters didn't know

anything about it.

And all of a sudden there's

this revelation and me and

Nick and Steve went back

and forth with them in private many,

many times to try to get some kind of,

Hey, can we do this over?

You know,

can we have an investigation or

can we just do this the right, something,

some kind of changing course somehow,

maybe just be more transparent,

tell everyone what happened

and let's just let it roll from there.

You know, something,

but they would not agree to any of that.

And so the three of us

co-authored a letter,

and we just posted it on

our respective blogs that we had.

Very small,

to be perfectly honest with you.

Between me and Nick and Steve,

we reached practically nobody.

um compared to fai people

it's not even close it's

like 20 to 1 50 to 100 to 1

audience size okay so I

just did it because it's

the right thing to do I

thought the holy spirit was

convicting me on it you

just have to do this it

doesn't matter you know

anything else because it's

the right thing anyway so I

did it um joel at that

point totally cut me off

all communication, um,

all friendship to the point

where he's saying,

take my name off your book.

Like I could sue you if you don't,

you know, lose my number.


This is one of the things I

have to confess in not only

having unforgiveness for being, for going,

you know,

not forgiving them for doing this,

but for me, for making basically idols,

especially Joel.

And like, it's totally my fault.


I, I always looked up to him like a,

not like a dad, but like a uncle or

He's only a couple of years older than me,

but he'd been on TV 15 years ago.

Glenn Beck and New York

Times bestselling author

and this and that.

But he still came across as a normal dude.

So I totally respected that.

And he was writing awesome

stuff and doing awesome stuff.

So I'm like,

I just kind of made an idol

out of the guy.

And that was wrong.

That was so dumb of anyone

to ever do that to any man.

Okay, regardless,

but he wasn't even a pastor or anything.

He wasn't in my life.

He wasn't a personal, you know,

like he doesn't live in my town.

I didn't see him at the grocery store.

This was just what it was.

And so I made him into too much.

And for that, I was wrong.

I am wrong.

I was wrong.

I got hurt like extra because I did that.

So that's not on him.

Okay, that's on me.

And I know I've hurt my friends.

I was so hurt by him.

And then when my friends who were not

part of it but saw what was

happening and who were like

mutual friends you know

that they liked him they

liked me and maybe they had

you know common converse

you know they still talk to

both of us but they

couldn't get why this was

happening I agree I don't

get why it's happening the

closest I could

come to understanding just

in direct conversation was

when I did have that final

talk with Joel before we

went ahead and published

that blog was he couldn't.

I was trying to say there's

a difference in my mind.

I'm not trying to gaslight you or whatever,

but there's a difference in

my mind between being a

board member of an

organization and you as an individual.

I thought that Joel,

the individual and his

ministry and work were

awesome and there's no problem at all,

but there is a problem with

the way this FAI situation

and the board was handling it.

And as a member of that board, yes,

I think you're wrong.

And like he put those,

he conflated and put them

things together.

Maybe they should be together.

I don't know, but I didn't do that.

I separated it out and that

was where it began.

And again, for my part,

I had no interest in when

people mean to me,

when they're cursing me out,

when they're saying I'm a

blankety blanky blank and

I'm a false this and that

and take my name off

anything you've ever done.

And I'm not going to associate with you.

And I'm going to recommend

people not associate with you.

At that point,

I'm not interested in having

that person in my life.

You've that's what you think of me, then.

Good luck,

but I'm not going to have that

person around to disrespect

me and chop me down and treat me like a,

you know, be abusive to me.

I'm not going to be abused.

So, yeah, I lost his number.

He blocked me on Twitter.

I did the same.

I don't know what else to do.

And that was a couple years ago.

And so I'm confessing that

with those names, with Daniel Seccombe,

Daphne and Andrew Kirk, Dana Crosby,

Joel Richardson,

that I have unforgiveness

towards those situations.

Again, not to justify the unforgiveness,


The reason why you don't see

interaction with those

people right now is because

they don't want anything

with me and it hurts a lot.

And, um,

With the FAI business, it's not just,

again, something in the past,

10 years ago,

Dalton did it again and got

fired finally a couple months ago.

But that's, like with IHOP,

usually with these situations,

it's not just one person.

It's not just one incident.

It's not just one person getting hurt.

It's a cascade of sin and

hurt and Christian on Christian crime.

And for the name of Jesus,

now he's sullied.

And I want healing.

I want solutions.

I want righteousness to be done.

I want Jesus to be glorified.

I don't want to sully his

name with my sin or anyone else's sin.

If we need discipline,

then let's do discipline.

If we need to reconnect,

then let's reconnect.

If we need to trash it and start over,

trash it.

I put my ministry on the line, public,

on the altar, I hope, every day.

I don't want Wings of the Eagle,

End Time Church,

or anything else to do

anything if it's disgracing God.

Or if my personal actions bring disgrace.

Yes, I desire healing with them.

Of course I do.

I don't want any of this to happen.

I can't believe that in my mind,

I can't process how my

opinions on this or that

all of a sudden they took

personally and won't associate.

And not only that,

but bad mouth me to others.

I'm nothing.

I'm nothing.

This is a nothing ministry.

I'm sorry.

I mean, God is good,

but it would be better if I

never started it.

for my family situation, for my income,

for my friendships.

I'm just trying to be faithful.

So I repent of my unforgiveness.

And so now hopefully people

can watch this.

If I leave it on, I don't know.

But if there's any confusion

about what has happened

with these other folks who

I used to be tight with and now I'm not,

this is what happened.

And maybe it sounds like no

big deal to folks here.

I seek some comments.

I bless you all for saying something.

Maybe it seems like no big deal,

but in a ministry setting, this is...

Really bad.

And so I've got to get to forgiving.

And what that really,

how that looks and what that means,

maybe I don't understand.

So pray for me.


Father, I want to forgive like Jesus does.

And willing to be hurt.

like he was for the gospel

for the mission's sake I

know I don't enjoy it I'm

never going to enjoy it I'm

sure you didn't enjoy it I

love you and um I hope I've

done some good here somehow

jesus name amen uh

Alright, is there anything?

Hey, Tracy.

Mercy is new every morning.

That is the truth.

I claim that.

I stand on that every day.

I heard as deeply as I can

be put into words what

happens in the family.


And I know you know it too, bondservant.

You know.



Hey, Justin, parents, especially dad,

and it's hard to not grind on it.


I mean, I didn't even talk about that.

I mean,

that's another issue with my father,

my real dad.

I mean, excuse me, my fleshly dad.

It is sad when people turn

their backs on us.


I believe it is good to take good

memories, keep moving forward,

renew the mind.

Renewing of the mind is what?

Paul says, yes.

Thank you.

There could be new missions

and colleagues on the way.

You're investing more than

the required time on a situation,

investing emotional energy.

Well, I have.

It's true.

you gary uh forgive myself

that's a tough one anyways

thank you all um for the

comments and for sticking

around that's all I've got

to say it's gone on too long already

So hopefully this time can

be constructive somehow in

the body of Christ.

I'm not looking to relitigate anything.

I'm not looking to change the history,


I'm not looking to change the past.

If there is wrong,

I want to be forgiven for it.

I want to acknowledge it.

um and and like you said

move on yeah fine you know

apologies would be nice in

the flesh right might make

me feel good but in the end

it doesn't really matter no

the gospel is what matters

salvation is what matters

serving israel for example

is what matters why can't

we just rally around this

we got this is too darn important


All right, guys.

Love you so, so, so very much.

hey susan um don't believe I

met you before hello um so

where the jewel has been

outspoken about mike pickle

yeah from what I can see

and again he's blocked me

so like it's kind of tough

sometimes to find out but

um he has been outspoken

from what I know about

pickle and I hop he's doing

exactly the right thing and

it's almost funny because

what he is taking the stand

against Bickle and IHOP.

I feel like just saying, dude,

you're me in that four years ago.

This is exactly what I thought.

This is exactly what I felt.

This is exactly, I was,

I thought I was doing the right thing and,

you know,

exposing a fraudulent situation

and something that wasn't happening.


And we need to, we need to get,

do the right things and

transparency and make sure

victims are recognized and

healed and all that stuff.

Like that's all I was trying to do.

So it's not, I wouldn't say it's weird,


I mean, in, in Joel's mind, he,

he was defending his friend

four years ago and now he's,

you know,

following the Holy Spirit with

the Bigel situation, which again,

I think he is,

I think he's doing the right thing there.

So I just, this good faith, you know,

I try to, I just act in good faith.

I don't want anyone,

any harm to come to anyone.

I don't want any minister to suffer.

I don't want anything bad to

come to Joel or Daniel or

Daphne or Andrew or Dana.

I just want you to love with the truth.


Love you all, guys.

Until next time, who knows when that is.


Friday at some point will be

on for some Q&A time.

Thank you all.


I love you guys so much for

being here and commenting.

It means a really lot.

So I bless you in Jesus' name.



1 Comment

Jan 31, 2024

Praying for you.



Thank you and God bless you!

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