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Believe what is True

Writer: ChristopherChristopher

Unsealed - Believe what is True. People have asked: "Do you believe in UFOs?: I tell them "I believe what is true". Share and Support this Podcast now please! -


Hey, welcome back to Unsealed, official podcast of Wings of the Eagle. I am Christopher. Welcome to or welcome back to our channel. Hopefully you have subscribed to the Wings of the Eagle YouTube channel. That's the place to be at this time. Please don't forget to enable notifications and subscribe to the channel itself so you know when new episodes appear. And if you are around when you see the little notification go off, then boom, we're live right now. You can go jump on like Brother Mokul here. He's from the other side of the world. Good evening to you. Okay, well, amen. I hear you. Very exhausting for you. I know you work hard and labor emotionally as well. So thank you for making the time to be here. And we do want to encourage you to share this right now, which I know at least someone has done. Dear sister out there, a couple of them now, praise the Lord. Amen. And so I want to invite you to invite somebody else and get it as far wide as we can, because obviously at what we do here, we're focused on three areas. Number one is what we call eschatology or end time stuff, right? Prophecy. Bible studies stuff. Number two is Israel and the Jewish people. Number three is the unseen realm. And part of that is obviously things that are not seen and then are seen and then disappear again, like literally. This is the UFO phenomenon that so often shows up like that. And so the more open-minded, like legitimate study or research or just historical time you spend looking into the true history of these things without ignoring the stuff that you don't like. Because honestly, a lot of UFO history and researchers and writers Almost all of them fall into one category or another of the part that they can understand or think is valid, and then they throw out other stuff. Like a very scientific reporting mechanism and nuts and bolts crafts is... just fine with some people but the other weirdo stuff the the psychological the the spiritual side maybe the the way it affects you mentally um dreams and precognition and all this poltergeist activity um you know creatures in your bedroom type of stuff they don't want to have anything to do with that so they never even bother And then the other side of it kind of goes the other way, which is, yeah, I'm very interested in this consciousness side of it and the more abstract esoteric things. But, you know, I don't even think they're real devices or technologies. It's all just a spiritual thing. And there may be sometimes like the Christians like me. Or like my side of the discussion, you know, a lot of what you call Bible-believing Christians are very reflexively all they, all we, I say we because we're a family of Jesus, but like we as a family generally, not everyone clearly, many here who don't agree with this, but many of us just automatically, like knee-jerk, think of a UFO as a satanic thing. We don't think it's a real craft. We think it's some kind of sign or some kind of trick, some kind of deception. And now, I'm not discounting that. Hopefully, we've done this for almost a year now, talking about this topic at all the angles. Right? All the different ways to look at it. Every angle. Not dismissing any of it. To say it's a deception or a trick... is a different statement than saying it's a physical craft or not. It could be a physical craft with a deception on the pilot's behalf. Whoever's controlling it or controlling what you're seeing However that works, that individual or entity may be deceitful. They may not be telling you the truth or they may be showing you what you want to see versus, you know, whatever. Maybe some entity comes to you and says they're alien life when in fact they're not. That's a deception. It doesn't necessarily mean they're not physical beings. Or they could just be generally not honest with any person who they contact. And again, if you think that's a real thing, then you don't throw that out. If you think people have been contacted, then you have to take that into consideration, whether that be actual communication or abductions, right? Like forcibly taken and all that stuff. So we're combining all this and looking at it from all the permutations and all the... you know, the angles of the, of the jewel, so to speak, you're looking at the different sides of it. And so I was, I've been asked more than once. You probably have maybe two, but specifically in a Christian, in a church setting, you know, and somebody as a teacher, as a pastor kind of gets both ends of it. You know, you kind of get deferential, like, well, you know, like, What do you think about this? Just because you know or you think you know about the Bible, then you get deferential. But then it's the other side too, which is you don't know anything. You're a trickster. You couldn't possibly understand. I know more than you, blah, blah, blah. You get both of that. But anyways, I got a question in very church settings, whether it be in person. Yes, it happened or online. It happens all the time, which is do you believe in UFOs? That's the question. Do I believe in them? Do I believe in them? That's the wrong question. We know they're being seen for a long time, even if, and this is a big mistake, but even if you want to go back to the 1940s or 30s, even if it's only been 100 years. or 80 years or whatever. To say believe or not believe, if I've never seen it, for example, what does belief have to do with it? Just because I've never experienced it or seen anything doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Many, many, many, many, many people have. Civilians and military, government and private. Rich and poor. Christian and not Christian, right? Like, it runs the gamut. So I'm never going to say I don't believe in it. Like, I want to believe what's true, which is the purpose of this episode today on Unsealed. Believe what is true. And that sounds like a cop-out, maybe, but it's not at all to me. That's exactly what I want to believe. I want to believe whatever is true and not believe what's not true. It's very simplistic, of course, yes, but it's a principle. It's a way to live. I want to be very careful about something I'm not sure of. If I'm not sure if it's true or not, you want to be very careful about what you invest in that. Time or... Energy. Certainly not telling others. If you're not sure about something, why would you say something is true when you're not sure? Oh, Mrs. Rex. Does that mean you're in the car right now? Okay. Praise the Lord. So anyway, there is some Bible on this just for you believers out there. Philippians 4. Verse 8, in conclusion, brothers, focus your thoughts on what is true. That's the CJB version. Focus your thoughts on what is true, noble, righteous, pure, lovable, and admirable, on some virtue or something praiseworthy. In other words, occupy your mind with good things that you know is right and loving and righteous and holy and true. Right before that is a very famous verses, the peace of God or God Shalom, passing all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus or the Messiah Yeshua. Amen. And that's what does it. By the way, we are on Instagram, but I never know what's going on. I never get notification if someone's making a comment or whatever. So if you do want to make a comment, please go to YouTube or the X or Facebook. Thanks. But anyways, yeah, so if it's true, and that's what I tell folks who ask me. I'm just thinking of a specific situation a few months ago in local church where I'm teaching through Revelation and whatnot. And one of the questions, it kind of came up with the, you know, there may be a UFO or UAP aspect to the end times, to these last days, to what the Bible talks about. And it's maybe not necessarily what you heard or what we've been told to think about it by other Bible teachers. It could be wrong. So it's healthy to exercise that discernment. So I want to know what you think, okay? And if I had to say I want to believe what's true. So yes, I believe the testimony of many witnesses over time and the historical record of because, and we've had to really dig and put a lot of effort into it over the decades, because it's a state secret, right? Conspiracy theories are conspiracy theories. They have no evidence behind them. It sounds good, or it sounds scary, or it could, might be true. There might be something to that, or you see evidence that's sort of halfway saying what the theory is. Like, I'm not interested in that. I'm saying when you actually go and look at the real deal history and documentation and claims and revisionist history like on Roswell or just thousands and thousands of pages of redactions, right? Official documents with blackout all over the place every time UFO comes up right from the beginning. even if you do get them released through the Freedom of Information Act and whatever, you still see half of the information is not for you. Well, you don't have to be a genius or political or anything to know that that means you're being lied to and it's being hidden from you. So yes, to me, it's very clear when you go through the history of it, there's definitely something to it because it's always been concealed. So yes, I believe in that. I believe it's true then. Sure. Why wouldn't I? Why wouldn't you? It doesn't mean you don't make the lazy mistake, intellectually lazy mistake of saying just because I believe that what is being seen is actually happening and is being covered up by the government, it doesn't mean that it's aliens from a thousand light years away. That's your mistake if you think that. And that's your mistake if you assign that to me. And it doesn't mean that it's demons. Just because I'm a Christian doesn't mean I think that. It's your mistake to assign that to me. I want to know what the heck is really going on. I want to know the truth. And by the way, again, as Christians, what's the truth? The spirit of truth is the Holy Spirit. Jesus, the truth is a man. The truth is a man, a Jewish man. And he didn't do anything wrong, but he went to the cross because I am a sinner. That's the truth. And it's way more to it than that, obviously, as a Christian who has experiences with the Holy Spirit apart from UFOs. Yes, it's a very real ongoing spiritual situation, calling Jesus the truth. Anyway, but yes, aside from all that, I want to believe what's true. I believe other people when they say they've seen or experienced things, I just reflect, you know, it's like I just assume that they're not lying to me. if it's a credible person and credible people over decades and decades and decades, decades, especially if the stories are so similar, um, not every detail, but basically very similar stories over and over, even about what has been, what is known by the powers that be that are keeping it covered up. Even those stories are very similar and it really has never changed. Um, over again, decades. So that's a reason to believe it. Yeah. Evidentiary based. Okay. Not, not claims by outsiders, but actually insiders and publish things, things that you can look at and dissect and interview people to their face, like that kind of evidence. And yes, of course, The truth never hurts us, but it sets us free, even if the truth is hard to accept. Jesus, for example, spoke many hard truths, hard truths, not fun. You may even say it hurts, but it really doesn't. It may hurt your pride, right, or our fleshly nature, the part of us that doesn't want to die. um or give up or give over power or control yeah well those things have to go if you're if you're a christian that you have to let go um but anyways uh bondservant is saying uh lies are becoming the new norm whether it be ufos or car repairs and shit yes true um yeah we're at an upside she's obviously making a very specific Example of what is happening to her right now in her life with the car repair, which is ridiculous. But I mean, what's happening is ridiculous. So, yeah, it's the truth is not a thing that is very respected anymore. Right. It's do your own truth. It's like whatever your truth is, that's not the objective truth is a thing. That means no matter what people's opinions are, there's something that exists for real. If you believe the earth is flat, that's fine, but it's not the truth. It's true to you, but it's not the truth. It's your truth, but it's not the truth. So believe what's true. And yes, in my particular case, just one last aspect of it from my personal answer to people who will ask this is, yeah, I'm not only am I looking at it as an observer or a historian or someone who's my common sense tells me this or that or I believe witnesses and stuff like that, but I'm an experiencer. It's been a long time. I don't see UFOs all the time. It was a long time ago. Mid-1980s. 84, 85. Somewhere in there. So what year is it? 40 years ago. 40. And there were two other witnesses at the time. You can find that full story on a previous episode of Unsealed. It was about... the end of last year sometime, November or December. Just go through the archives and you'll find it. It says my UFO experience or my UFO story for the first time or something like that. It's not really dramatic at all or very detailed even, but that's just the story. So I can say I believe what's true. I know what happened that night. I know what I saw then. And then other people who are watching, I know are also experiencers, even though they're Christians. And again, like the fact that those things are in, are in, I don't want to say conflict, but many people think they are in conflict. And I, I obviously I don't like that. I think that's ridiculous. But yeah, that's where we're at and to the point where a lot of and I see you bry hang on one second and my servant too all right hey what's like uh what's I gonna say well maybe it'll come back but um yeah Oh, I got distracted. We're not distracted. I want to answer your questions. By the way, if you have any question, comment, or concern, please go ahead and post it right now, whether it's on YouTube, Facebook, or X. Thank you. Where is this Book of Revelation study you are doing now? Yeah, it was live. It actually just finished two days ago. It's at my local church. It was for in-person only. Yes, the most recent one where I went through the whole book was from two years ago. You can find it on Wings of the Eagle channel and also End Time Church app or site or channel, et cetera, et cetera. Yeah, I went verse by verse through the whole book at that time two years ago and also just now this past six months locally. And it took a while, but it finally is done. And actually, I have pretty much the same notes. If you're interested, if you want, or maybe you never went through it before with me, if you would like. the notations, at least, for the Revelation study. It's a bunch of references to other books of the Bible, basically, as you go through chapter by chapter through Revelation. There's some charts and graphs and pictures and stuff. So if you're interested in that, you can let me know, and I can send it to you. You can email it or... whatever if you're on the end time church app just hit me up there if you're on x just private message me there um or you can just leave a comment down on youtube here um probably not good on giving your email address but you can only email me christopher at wings of the if it's for a specific thing like that send me this thing that's we can do that pretty quick if it's a big old question about but that's probably not going to work I like the green light in your office. Thanks. Are you simulating the throne room of God with the green rainbow or just mint loving? Well, can I say both? And I can say it, so I will, even though it's really not the purpose. But now that you say it, I like it. I don't know. Whenever I think of UFOs or... Stuff like that. It's always green, like the X-Files. That's why. But I also love Mint. And the throne room being a green rainbow. It's in the Bible. Check it out. Well, Kool says, just bought Taryn's piano instrumental album on the ETC app. Praise God. Yeah, that's available, and thank you for doing that, brother. Speaking of Revelation, our sister Taryn has a full... original music piano composition that goes along with each chapter of the book or at least segments or like multiple chapters in one movement of music and it's a big long album of it and you can if you want to donate 15 bucks as we say in America bucks dollars US dollars you can download it directly just like a brother did here there you go save it on my phone boom It's really cool because you can actually read the book, read the Revelation, and then listen to the accompanying musical track. Like he says, it's instrumental. It's not like you're being distracted with vocals on it. It's just music. And so I think it's really cool. I mean, it's a really great way to read and study and even retain information. It's always very, very helpful, and it's an excellent investment on your part. Anyone who would do that? Okay, thank you. Very good. And by the way, feel free to chime in. We can definitely wrap this up here. By the way, why am I doing it unsealed is usually on Thursdays. Perhaps you're saying I had jury duty yesterday and I didn't know if I'd be on jury for two weeks. That's the time frame that I was given, and it turns out it was a very serious case, but it was only – like the charge was very serious, but there was only one case in the system yesterday to put a jury on. So that's a good thing because there were over 200 – of us in the jury pool to choose from. And so it was, you know, obviously you don't need nearly that many. And you didn't have to apply those 200 to two or three or four or five, sometimes five cases a day, you know, split them up into different groups. So I didn't get selected. I came home and I'm free for at least two years. So thank you, Lord. But anyway, that's why it wasn't yesterday. And I also didn't want to plan out in advance exactly what's happening. Usually we do our Q&A times for church on Fridays, but that was Wednesday. You can check out the End Time Church page for that. Anyways, that's why we're here. Looking forward to listening to the album. Sounds great to listen to in the background while working on my history blog or studying scriptures. Yes, of course, you can use it for any of that purpose. And I still want to incorporate, Mokul's got an excellent, um blog of bible-based history not necessarily bible history but like some of the uh today's important people groups and and empires and and kingdoms and stuff like that he's really really good I want to incorporate that into the Wings of the Eagle offerings as well. I keep saying that, but it's kind of a big job, but we'll get it done here. Okay, so that's my beef. I mean, that's my big thing. Is it true? Then believe it. Don't worry about it. You can't separate the weird spiritual or mental consciousness, whatever you want to say, connotations of this phenomenon called UFOs or UAPs. You can't separate that from – I mean, that's real, and so is apparently the actual physical – I don't like to say crafts. I need a better word than that, but technology, like actual things. They also exist. And claims are, and one day soon we may get public acknowledgement of this, is that yes, people, governments of the world, at least ours, maybe probably more, maybe two or three other governments, have in their possession physical craft or items from whoever the UFO creators are. So it's a fool's errand, as we say, to only focus on one side or the other. If they're physical things made by an intelligence from somewhere, we've got to find out what that intelligence is and what they want or what their goals or ambitions are. purpose is. So as long as we're good with both of those aspects and don't assume anything, just believe what's true. Maybe the truth will actually be something you don't want to be true or something you can't accept readily. I'm reading a lot of books nowadays. What the heck was that? I just read through a quote yesterday that was good. People are wedded to their worldview. That's it. People are wedded to their worldview. So you're going to view something extraordinary or different or crazy or world-changing through the lens of what you already believe. Sometimes that's good and sometimes it's not because your beliefs may not be right or you may have an incomplete view of, for example, your religion or what you're raised to believe or what you think the Bible says. You could be incorrect about what the Bible says. That's hard too. That's even harder. As a Christian, you don't think your understanding of the Bible is wrong at all. And it doesn't help when this subject, when you're preached at as a Christian, let me just say, when you're told by non-Christians what the Bible does say, that's a non-starter. Okay, you can't do that. You don't know what the Bible says if you're a non-believer. I'm sorry, you don't. Most of the time, you literally don't know what it says because you never read it. You have no clue. You never read through the whole Bible at all. You don't study it. You never read it. Maybe somebody told you about what it says, like Ezekiel and the UFO in Ezekiel. Look, that's why I'm teaching through Ezekiel now online for the world to see every Monday night when I'm on, when my associate pastor, Dr. Anderson, teaches, and I'm not talking about it, but... for several weeks now I've started in chapter one and we're up to chapter 10. Now, if you really, really care about what the Bible actually says, instead of just seeing this, these crazy works of art that show up old looking guy, that's supposed to be a prophet with the UFO in front of him. Like what is the, what is the book actually saying? Right. Can we get that right? Can we at least be on the same page? And then, okay, go from there. Because there is, I think you can make the case for sure. I mean, it is unidentified and it is flying and it is an object and there are wheels within wheels, right? We all like to, all the people who never read the Bible like to point that phrase out. Yes, that's part of it. And God is riding on it. I mean, Jesus is, let's be honest. Jesus is the God of Israel. He's the one who visited Ezekiel. Yeah, he's riding on a craft. He's riding on something. So that's really in there. So that's true, right? That's something that's true. I believe it. Does that mean that what we're seeing in the world today has anything to do with that? Is it the same thing? Is it similar things? Is it other entities besides Jesus? Is it completely different than that? Is it nothing to do with angels and demons or whatever? Is it another life form? Is it always been on the earth? Is it something about the planet itself? Is there another form of life that lives here with us and we just can't see because they traverse dimensions or something like that? Or they have this cloaking ability, this high tech that we can't. see all the time just when they choose to be seen or or maybe they live in the ocean maybe they live under the ground maybe they live on the moon maybe they you know like somewhere close by in the atmosphere I don't know um it doesn't have to be demonic or angels but maybe that's part of it too maybe that's what we're seeing all right And if it is, if it is bad and good angels, for lack of a better term there, if they are heavenly beings of some kind, why do we assume they're evil ones? People are listening to this right now who probably have told me, well, this is just demons manifesting. What does that mean? I would love to talk to you offline. But the point is they're convinced that they're not good angels. Why not? I'm really serious about that. How do we know this is not how angels travel? Good ones. And how do you know if it's a good or a bad one? By their vehicle? How can you tell? If they take them, if they actually need vehicles to get around, how do you know if they're good or bad? I use the car analogy. You see a Toyota on the road. I don't know if the driver is good or evil. I think it's a good car or whatever. Anyways, okay? So that's the thought for now. Take it for what you will. So I believe as a Christian, as a pastor, yes, whatever. It's neither here nor there. But yes, I believe the UFO thing is real because it is. And I think it's really important. I don't think it's a side issue. I think it's a major, major part of these days that we're in. Even if it's just the level of lies and cover-ups and untruths that our leaders are trying to convince us, the rest of the world, of when it's not true. Something else is happening that's big enough of a deal to them, to make a multi-decade cover-up out of it. So how could it not be a big deal? Right? That's where I'm coming from. Please, if this is a blessing to you, if you like this podcast, if you're an atheist who just thinks it's pretty cool and likes the UFO info or likes the Christian angle on this or that, please support us. Go to slash support unsealed. Support unsealed. That's just direct donations. We need that. and also we are building our patreon offerings up probably very late to the game in that but that's okay we've got several different options uh of support there including we're working on a new book called preparing the way or prepare the way um but also there's a group that we want to get up called the aviary you see the bottom of your screen this whole episode if you're watching um The aviary will be a secure private location where it doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not about this UAP issue and the things that are coming out about it. And we got new laws being drawn up in our Congress as we speak, literally. So this is not going to go away. So maybe you are involved in that and don't want to speak publicly. Maybe you are a whistleblower and you don't want to come out publicly. Maybe you just want to speak about this stuff without putting it out on social media for the world. Get among like-minded people. So join that. We'll provide that space for $5 a month. I mean, I think it's incredibly reasonable. So go to Patreon slash Wings of the Eagle, slash Wings of the Eagle, and you can find it there. Okay. We love you very much, y'all. Thank you for watching. Thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing this. I'm thanking you in advance for sharing this. And we'll be back, Lord willing, sometime in a few days. Maybe next week. We shall see. As we get into these summer months here, it'll be June tomorrow. And I just want to thank you all for your patronage, if you have done that, or for your time and your ears. Again, I think this is an incredibly important time to be alive. I think it's a very important time, if you're a Christian, to what we would call press into the Holy Spirit, to really rely on Him for your day-to-day instructions. Some things never, ever change, obviously, with God, which is love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Those things never, ever will change. Spread the gospel. That will never change. Love the Jewish people. That will never change. And then buckle up. Buckle up. And I really do think this UAP issue is part of that. So until next time, this is Christopher, hopefully your brother in Christ. Until next time, this has been Unsealed for Wings of the Eagle. Bye-bye.



Thank you and God bless you!

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