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Writer's pictureChristopher

As Christmas approaches, remember Bethlehem in your prayers

From the newest newsletter from Ari of MAOZ messianic ministry in Israel, let us read of the true state of Bethlehem: Christian no more, Satan has a foothold in the city of our Lord’s nativity.

Poor little town of Bethlehem

When I was a child decades ago in Israel, we had issues with Islamic terrorists, but the Palestinian Arab community at large was focused on their jobs and raising their families. Towns like Nazareth and Bethlehem had a Christian Arab majority and we would often take friends visiting from outside the country to have a meal and buy from their olive wood shops. As Yasser Arafat, considered the father of modern day terrorism, gained power with his Palestinian Liberation Organization, a deliberate agenda was set in place to radicalize the children in their community. Today, both Bethlehem and Nazareth are Muslim majority towns. Most of the Christians have fled. Textbooks were created and teachers were hired who would ingrain children with a sense of victimhood and hatred towards Jews. “Martyr cards” with images of Palestinians who had committed terrorist attacks were created for kids to play with.

This week an article came out about a school in Bethlehem that is showcasing a teenage terrorist girl who had killed 2 and wounded 28 others in a Jerusalem grocery store. It goes without saying that this school is hoping young children attending daily will look at her in admiration and aspiration to follow in her footsteps.

  1. Abba Father deliver Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank from the hands of grown men and women who would use and abuse young children in such a way.

  2. Deliver Palestinian Arabs from their leaders who only teach how to destroy but not how to build.

  3. Open the eyes of the everyday Palestinians to question how their leaders always mysteriously become billionaires while they live in squalor.

  4. Bring revival to Palestinian Arabs through Your followers who love You and love Israel Your people.

  5. Protect those who are risking their lives to bring the message of the Gospel to the Arabs in Gaza and Judea and Samaria (West Bank)

  6. Continue to bring about unity for Jewish and Arab believers and provide opportunities to work together.

  7. Let Israeli Jews recognize the supernatural nature of this unity.


If standing with the Jewish people is something the Lord is pressing upon you right now, please connect with like-minded Christians at


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