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Disclosure Day is Coming
Unsealed - Disclosure Day is Coming. What part will you play in it? It IS coming soon, like it or not, ready or not

TicTacs and Zechariah 5
Unsealed: TicTacs and Zechariah 5 - USS Nimitz, Guadalupe Island and more.

Help pass the UAP Disclosure Act
Unsealed - Help pass the UAP Disclosure Act. If you care, do something about it. NOW Details in the podcast. Share with others ASAP.

"Anomalous Phenomena" evil? What does the Bible say?
"Anomalous Phenomena" evil? What does the Bible say?

Iran using Nonhuman weapons = prophecy?
#Iran #Prophecy #NHI #UAP #UFO #Bible Unsealed - Iran using Nonhuman weapons = prophecy? Not as crazy as it sounds! Let's...

Lue Elizondo
Lu Elizondo. What we should make of him and his story now that we know he has been physically threatened as a whistleblower.

Estimate Of The Situation
After 9 months of deep diving, here is my "Estimate Of The Situation" - K(ingman) (Ariz)ONA and so much more.

It is time for a Christian council on UAPs/UFOs
It is time for a Christian counsel on UAPs/UFOs

A reading list and new document releases in National Archives
A reading list and new document releases in National Archives

What if "they" are not aliens or demons?
Unsealed: What if "they" are not aliens or demons? Let's consider the possibility that the UFO/UAP phen

Unsealing SCIFs and SAPs
#UAP #SAP #SCIF #Grusch
Unsealed: Unsealing SCIFs and SAPs. What Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities and Special Access Programs

Aliens? For Real?
The whole world is about to be disrupted and shaken in a major way. Are you ready for this?
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