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A Deep Burden for my Brothers
A Deep Burden for my Brothers: Why I am pastorally persistent on rapture timing, UFOs, politics and physical Israel.

Daniel's 70th Week: Practically Prophetic
The pre-tribulational view of the rapture has done much to cloud the practical nature of this climactic "70th week of Daniel"...

The 7 Trumpets Revealed
The 7 Trumpets. Visually all together, broken down one by one and how they overlap with the Seals and the Vials.

The Image and the Mark: Some Quick Thoughts (Daniel 3 & Revelation 13)
The Image of the Beast Can we glean some insight into Revelation 13 from Daniel 3? Let’s see. In Revelation 13 we are told the False...

The 7 Seals of Revelation - visually
The 7 Seals of Revelation. See them with you own eyes so you can know what is coming before Jesus returns.

Shepherd, the Time of Jacob's Trouble is still to come...
Shepherd, the Time of Jacob's Trouble is still to come...

In part 5 of 5 of our interview with One Voice Magazine, we conclude “Why Should Israel Matter to Me?” with the a pressing issue on the...

Below is part 3 of 5 of my extensive interview with One Voice Magazine focusing on the Church’s role in the end times. It was posted...

The Rapture: When does it happen?
Our new teaching on the divisive yet critical topic of “The Rapture”. Below is Part 2 – When does it happen? This ministry is 100%...

The Rapture: revealing the purpose
Our new teaching on the divisive yet critical topic of “The Rapture”. Below is Part 1 – Revealing the purpose. This ministry is 100%...

Are you a Prepper?
Are you a Christian Prepper? Limited “Prepper Bundle” now available to prepare you and your family. Order ASAP at...
Rabbi Eric Walker interview on “Igniting A Nation” about Flee To The Mountains
Watch and SHARE! Get the book in paperback, digital download, Kindle or Audiobook now at And take the...

Interview by Chad Harvey of Faithful Performance on Flee To The Mountains
Watch and share this great interview with dear Brother in Christ, Chad Harvey. We delve into the purpose for, and importance of, the book...

Why The Silence in our Churches about the End Times?
Why The Silence in our Churches? Daniel Secomb of at Understanding The Times 2019 cuts to the heart of the...

Is Daniel 8 about to unfold in Iran and Saudi Arabia? Discussion featuring Joel Richardson
Over the next several days, Wings Of The Eagle will be uploading the sessions of the 2019 Understanding The Times conference that took...

“Flee To The Mountains”
Our first ever book “Flee To The Mountains” is complete and available to pre-order now! The Title obviously comes from the words of Jesus...

Just 30 days left to register for Understanding The Times!
As believers in Jesus Christ, many of us feel that the return of Jesus is not far off. However, the subject of His return and spiritual...

Massacre of Muslims vs Martyrdom of Christians
The world – rightly – knows all about the heinous attack on innocent Muslims praying in their Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand 2...

Reverse Engineering the Beast – Daniel 7 as an End Time vision
Reverse Engineering: “disassemble or analyze in detail in order to discover concepts involved in manufacture.” – The Merriam-Webster...

End Times For Beginners 30 MORE SESSIONS BEING ADDED!
GREAT NEWS! Our seminary-level Bible course that ALL can understand called “The End Times For Beginners“, which already has over 20 hours...
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