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Public rollout of The Hypothesis
Starting tomorrow, the public rollout of a new and unique Hypothesis of what is really behind the UFO phenomenon. It will present the logic

Talk to your Church, group or podcast about UFOs - I VOLUNTEER TO DO THIS!
Unsealed - Talk to your Church, group or podcast about UFOs - I VOLUNTEER TO DO THIS! As a Pastor who has gone headlong into this topic,

"Anomalous Phenomena" evil? What does the Bible say?
"Anomalous Phenomena" evil? What does the Bible say?

Simple Questions to Ask People Looking in Europe for the Antichrist
Here are some simple questions you can ask people who are looking in Europe for the Antichrist...

Aliens? For Real?
The whole world is about to be disrupted and shaken in a major way. Are you ready for this?

Daniel's 70th Week: Practically Prophetic
The pre-tribulational view of the rapture has done much to cloud the practical nature of this climactic "70th week of Daniel"...

The 7 Trumpets Revealed
The 7 Trumpets. Visually all together, broken down one by one and how they overlap with the Seals and the Vials.
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