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Iran using Nonhuman weapons = prophecy?
#Iran #Prophecy #NHI #UAP #UFO #Bible Unsealed - Iran using Nonhuman weapons = prophecy? Not as crazy as it sounds! Let's...

Daniel's 70th Week: Practically Prophetic
The pre-tribulational view of the rapture has done much to cloud the practical nature of this climactic "70th week of Daniel"...

Daniel Reveals Signs Along the Road
Draw near to God’s Word and His Spirit in these days. “You must watch! I have told you everything in advance!” If this blesses you, give...

Prophecy News Update: Turkey’s Ottoman Dreams
I am joined for this important update by ex-Muslim now blood-bought believer in Jesus Christ and Bible teacher Sonia Azam. What is...

Daniel 8, verse by verse. Part 3 of 3
The conclusion of this critical teaching, notice the timing given by Gabriel and the synergy with the other visions of Daniel! Watch and...

Daniel 8, verse by verse. Part 2 of 3
Letting the Word of God speak for itself. Watch and share! This ministry is 100% dependant on your giving. If we have helped you to...

Daniel 8, verse by verse. Part 1 of 3
Let’s let the Word of God speak for itself. Is Daniel 8 a vision already fulfilled in the past? Or is it future? Or can it be both? Watch...
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