The Hypothesis part 4 - the Endgame. Abductions without permission? The "Little Horn" Daniel 8:10 bringing down the host of heaven = killing angels! Possible tie-in to Revelation 9, 12 and 13 and the End of the Age. This is a new and unique Hypothesis of what is really behind the UFO phenomenon. It will present the logic and thought process for each segment.
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All right, friends, this is the conclusion of what we've been doing the past four sessions here called the hypothesis, the end game. What is the end game of all of this? The ultimate goal. As the hypothesis has put forward, if it's correct, there is a hidden... breakaway civilization of human beings for the past five thousand years give or take that have from the very beginning of that period had extreme knowledge you would call secret knowledge forbidden knowledge as it were and high high technology it's possible it's put forward by this hypothesis that there is at least a connection between that extreme knowledge and extreme technology with the tower of babel in iraq again thousands of years ago and the connection with that location potentially to the moon itself and you could maybe somewhat understand the motivations and goals if all that is accurate what is the end game again as a christian as a pastor I believe the bible is true I don't believe there's any reason to suspend disbelief or to hyperly criticize the words of the scriptures and whatever is true about the ufo topic must come into line with what the bible says doesn't mean we should assume anything but if this hypothesis is true it doesn't change anything about the bible itself it would just add another wrinkle that maybe we have never noticed before in this final drama. Okay, so what is the ultimate goal of this breakaway or hidden civilization for the past five thousand years? It may be to continue what the original invaders, if you will, Genesis six and Enoch, when angels left heaven and came to the earth and created hybrid life forms. However you want to look at that, however you want to understand how they were born, there was unimpeachable statements in the Bible throughout. This is New Testament as well as Old Testament. In Jude and Peter, you have the same information, which is that, yes, angels left heaven. They sinned greatly. They created these things called Nephilim, which are a combination of themselves and human beings. And the resultant offspring were giant, intimidating, violent, perhaps giant more than physically. Perhaps they were intellectually as well. But the point is, through those details, we see that from the beginning, there was an intentional program. The intent from that point was to teach human beings, those who would listen to these fallen angels, about hidden knowledge. And that would continue on from the stories we hear from the Garden of Eden and again on through the Tower of Babel. So part of the goal may be to take what they were told, they saw way back when in the time before the flood of Noah, which is creating other beings that God didn't make. It's kind of easy to assume, well, God made everything. Well, sometimes, that's why we call it technology. We've actually, you know, men, humans can create other things. And there's nothing wrong with that. But at a certain point, you're making something that's alive or very close to being alive or to meet the definition of a life form. Then now it's questionably, you know, the ethics are very questionable. So maybe they're just continuing that program. A lot of folks in the abduction community are very opinionated about this. They are sure that this is what this is about. Creating other life, continuing what has happened in the past, mixing human beings with some other kind of either DNA or technology to produce something new, another form of life. So that could be what we are doing. It's possible within that, as a subtext to that, it's possible that folks are being, those who are targeted or chosen for these, this program could possibly still have some type of latent trace of DNA in themselves. Maybe they're being chosen or targeted because of their family line, their lineage back to, five thousand years ago or more it's possible somewhere in their families um there was this manipulation in the past and perhaps you know how you know genes and and dna and things work uh there's it's coded in there where there may be information from thousands of years ago that is still present uh today that perhaps This is why this program is occurring, abductions and so forth. It could be. Now, there's not just humans are targeted for abduction or experimentations, right? There's lots and lots of testimony and evidence of cattle and things of that nature, for whatever reason, being used by this phenomenon. But humans obviously are the main issue. And if it's not consensual, it doesn't matter what this phenomenon is. It doesn't matter who's behind it. It doesn't matter what's going on, really. It's wrong. I think we could agree to that. If the person does not consent to being taken somewhere, they're being kidnapped, that's not okay. And it's certainly not okay in terms of any kind of rape or sexual or anything physical, anything mental, anything at all to manipulate, to do something against your will. That is one hundred percent wrong. And we should oppose that regardless of what hypothesis or what theory turns out to be true. I think we all can agree. I hope we could all agree to that. Again, what is the end goal? Maybe they're trying, again, many folks believe this, that they're attempting to create some type of new race of humans, but better. But I would just add this, which is the case, again, assuming this hypothesis is true for the moment, just like with the Tower of Babel, they can try whatever they like, but they are restrained by God at the end. Their plans are within God's constraint. So it seems to me part of their whole issue, part of this whole breakaway civilization, the reason for doing that is to get around God's restraints. In fact, the word unrestrained is used in this context in Babel. I think that's probably part of why they are doing all this, is to get around his sovereignty. But God will not be thwarted in that way. At the end of the day, his guidance, his lordship, his godship over times and seasons is absolute. No matter what the enemy or any human being, no matter how old they are or where they came from or what they're trying to experiment on, we humans and every angel and every other thing in this universe is under his sovereignty. So when his times are up, when his seasons have come, have ended or something needs to begin, that's when it will occur, not because of some type of experimentation or abduction or anything else, a plan of man or angel or anything else. That's what a Christian believes. And that makes sense that at the end of the day, God's sovereignty has to rule over even this crazy scenario, right? Even this really wild hypothesis. So while they may prepare for certain events, they cannot initiate them without permission from God himself. Hopefully we're being clear about that. No matter what plans, again, it doesn't matter if it's a human being, a human being who's escaped the constraints of time or this dimension or whatever, it has broken away or lives somewhere underground in the ocean, on the moon, whatever. That doesn't matter at the end of the day. They can have all the plans they like. And they can plan for certain things to start at a certain date. But if God says no, it's no. It's never going to happen until the Lord gives the go-ahead. And obviously, if this is happening, it's part of God's plan. He's allowing it to some degree, and He's going to use it in the end times before the return of Jesus and all around that period. And so... There may be something deeper going on than just creating hybrids for some unknown purpose, just because they feel like experimenting. If this is all true, and at the end of the day, they're just human beings, they're cursed to die. They're trying to get around, perhaps, that part. Death. and maybe if they can't actually get to that point of overcoming death, to have some type of control or influence or impact on after you die. Because we know very well from this story the Bible and thousands of years of human history that when you die, your body dies, the Bible says that your soul, spirit, if you like, continues to live. Now, it goes to different places depending on certain things in your life and what you have permission to enter this place, Sheol, the place of the dead, or are you at in heaven are you in abraham's bosom as it were as jesus would tell um the point is there you're still continuing even the nephilim they died but their spirits continued as the demons right and all those demons are about now is possessing and getting inside a live human being So that whole afterlife is a soul issue perhaps is very, very important to this breakaway civilization. And it will have, a lot of people assume that that must mean it's another race or some form of alien life that's not human. But I say, why? Why would that matter at all? And in fact, it would matter most to a human being to learn how that works. And to manipulate, if you can, or control or influence, etc. So that's possibly something, the deeper issue. It's not just about creating a hybrid. It's maybe they're trying to figure out how to avoid the lake of fire. Or even how to get... Again, I would just refer you to, in the Gospel of Luke, in the book of Luke, in the Bible, Jesus gives a story about... that you may have heard as a parable, but he doesn't phrase it as a parable. It's called Lazarus and the Rich Man. There's not the Lazarus that rose from the dead, but a poor man named Lazarus and a rich guy who he was begging outside his door his whole life, and then they both died. And the poor guy who was suffering his whole life was in heaven, and the rich man who had no suffering in his life now was in great suffering in this place called Sheol. And there was no way, even though he asked, he said there was no way to cross over. Abraham told him, obviously Abraham was long dead as well, but he was in heaven, as it were, on this other side of this barrier. They're both, everyone's dead, right? Everyone's dead, but there are souls or spirits that are remaining, but in different places. Maybe it's pure speculation, but perhaps part of this program, hybridization, abductions, et cetera, is for they are freaking out and they want to get out or they want to get their people away from that place of suffering and into the, you know, someplace that's different It's possible. It's possible. Now. This hypothesis also connects if, as I said a minute ago, if this is true, then, and the Bible is true, then there has to be a, there is an end time scenario when before Jesus returns of a lot of weird stuff and a lot of extreme stuff and a lot of suffering and really great things, like all kinds of extreme things are happening before the return of Christ. And of course that event itself is the most world changing event of all. In the book of Daniel, chapter eight, verse ten, there is a character, there's a person named the Little Horn. That's the euphemism. It's a leader, a person who is a king, basically, only at the end times, not in history. There's no historical precedent for this. I don't care what type of end times view you have as a Christian or an atheist or whatever. Atheist. uh this little horn is an end time only thing person and one of the really remarkable seems totally out of place it always has seemed out of place even to me and I've read and I love the book of daniel since literally I was a little child and since I was fifteen I went on this quest to understand the revelation and and daniel and all the crazy parts of the bible that I loved So much, I know it's true. I don't know what it means, but I know it's true. So what's it all about? Anyway, this one verse in chapter eight of Daniel verse ten, it says a little horn actually has this ability to bring down the host of heaven. And it says trample on them. Go look at it yourself. I encourage you to do several different versions of the Bible. They're slightly different wordings, especially when it comes to the Old Testament prophets. But go check it out. Basically, the short version is the host of heaven means the armies of heaven means the angels of God. or angels that are up there. And this little horn has the ability to take them out. And not in a nice way. Not in a nice way. In an aggressive, warlike way. And it says trample on them, which means they're dead. Or if it doesn't mean they're dead, it means something very close to that. He has victory over an angel. But I bet a dollar that it means they're dead. So that's a very, very interesting tidbit. How is this possible? And why is it even mentioned? Why does God bring this up? It stands out like a sore thumb, basically. Like a lot of, if you Daniel eight and seven, it talks about this little horn guy a good amount, but all of a sudden it throws in that. I thought we were talking about being a king and ruling over evil armies and attacking Israel. That's all true, but then also that. Also that. So there's something that we need to still process about this whole thing. And I said there's a possible tie-in, if that's the case, it is in there, in Daniel eight, to Revelation chapter twelve, chapter thirteen, even chapter nine. And this is not going to be a Bible study. here in this hypothesis but I encourage you um to go look into this because particularly in that daniel verse with this little horn who is often associated or it is correctly associated with the antichrist okay or the false prophet and or okay these two end time characters um he definitely is in there So if he's the Antichrist, is he said to attack the host of heaven and bring them down? This could suggest some type of final confrontation between God and his angels and these deceptive plans of this hidden civilization. The Antichrist is a man. He's just a person. Is it possible that this false prophet and or Antichrist, or maybe it's the same person, but there's really no doubt that it is a person. And what if this person is one of these secret hidden humans from at least where they started their plans, five thousand years ago? Could this be their ultimate whether they know it or not, they'd be achieving God's prophecies, even though maybe they didn't even want to. Maybe they had no idea that was even happening. And there's precedent for that. Forces of evil and Satan and all that being confounded, like they're confused. They don't know how they just lost this because not only did they fail, but they fulfilled the scripture while they did it. The stuff is already written. How did this happen? How could we be so dumb, basically? Well, so that could be happening again. I don't believe that evil angels and Satan and evil people have any... I don't think they believe that they are defeated. I know that they know judgment is coming. They know God is going to come down on them. But until that happens... it seems like they're trying to get away or they're trying to figure something else out, a loophole to not get that judgment at the end. The Enoch, if you read Enoch, the angels who sinned came back to Enoch and said, hey, go back to God for us and get us out of here. So they're not resigned to their fate. They're always trying to make a move. um that's that's my account of that um so we're gonna take a take a go take a look yourself but revelation chapter twelve and the book is called fleet to the mountains there's a whole bit about this that I wrote a couple years ago but there's an aspect to it that the christians are just not thinking about we're just not prepared in any way to face satan and angels Again, this hypothesis is not. In fact, it's anti-angel in that. I do not believe that angels are behind UFOs. This is not what the hypothesis says. What I am saying is there is part of the Bible that says before Jesus returns, there will be angels on the earth. Bad ones. Satan himself and his angels will be here. So what is that going to look like? How is that going to occur? Well, there's a war in heaven, Revelation chapter twelve. There's two armies of angels fighting each other. Well, I was like, wait a minute. Didn't we just have a whole army of angels and this little horn has some type of power, permission, ability that apparently no one else has ever had to bring down angels and kill them or have victory over them. Now that's not, again, if you read your Bible, that is not a thing. Humans have no chance against an angel, much less an army of angels. There's an account in the Old Testament about one angel taking care of a hundred thousand plus Assyrian soldiers and killing them all. So that's not an issue normally. There's no fair fight. But anyway, this is just something to process and think about. Revelation chapter thirteen, after you get this description of this war in heaven and these angels fighting and then coming to the earth, then you have Revelation thirteen where now because of that you have this final period where this antichrist and this false prophet are mentioned and these whole final events now play out. So we're waiting for that event actually where angels are coming to the earth. That's actually part of the end times. There is no scripture that says they come before that. There's no scripture that says they can. There's no idea. There's no theology that says angels can, after that first attempt in Genesis, that they could leave at all even if they wanted to and come here or influence or do anything or take people. There's nothing in there at all. So we've got to be very, very careful as Christians about that. But those who are non-Christians also have to be very, very careful not to assume that all of a sudden just because Christians are wrong about something in a popular belief that Christianity is wrong or that the Bible can't be relied on or it's some ancient hocus-pocus. Anyway. Anyway. Go read Revelation nine. What happens? Revelation nine. You have this event where this abyss, this underworld, this again, like Sheol, that's a Hebrew word or a place of the dead. Okay. Or, or again, the abyss, there's this deep crevice or a place again, Enoch. What happened to those angels who did leave heaven and were punished by God? They were sentenced to this place of like a, like a prison, right? tartarus that peter he backs that up the book of jude now comes into play because he mentions that event and why would he mention that event thousands of years later even this is after jesus rose from the dead and went to heaven and why are we talking about that stuff why are we talking about angels who came to earth and the follow and now it says evil men have penetrated into your churches like wait a minute why is that an important message now maybe because that's what the reality is so what is the end game this UFO phenomenon is revealing itself it doesn't seem like to this point it doesn't seem like human governments or normal folks are going to have any impact in revealing the truth about this UFO stuff. It seems like the UFO phenomenon, the men or whatever behind them themselves are going to choose when it comes out. Thank you very much. It seems like that's where we're at. Maybe something forces their hand. Maybe my country, the United States, has played very nicely and not spilled the beans, but maybe Russia or China will. And that will force things. We'll see. But here's the summary and here's the possible endgame scenarios that we just gamed out there. What's the summary of this whole hypothesis? What the takeaways are? This hypothesis proposes that the UFO phenomenon is not evidence of extraterrestrial life. Not that that would be... anti-Christian or anti-Bible, not saying that, just saying as constituted as the history of the phenomenon through today, the past hundred years, even before that, it doesn't seem like this is an extraterrestrial situation. Again, that's what the hypothesis that you're watching and reading right now is saying. It's not extraterrestrials. It's also not spiritual entities. There's more than enough evidence and proof, really, that they are not spiritual entities. Whatever they are, physical things, but not from another world. But instead, the work of a hidden or breakaway civilization of human beings descended from those who received this hidden knowledge, forbidden knowledge, way back when from yes fallen angels but since then it's been all human beings using advanced technology and deception remember you don't have to be an angel or the devil to use deception human beings lie all the time we're really good at it So they receive forbidden knowledge from the angels, but using this advanced technology and deception, this hidden group seeks to manipulate humanity, the rest of us who don't know, and achieve some form of godhood or being worshipped or at least being elevated to a point to suit their needs. And they may even believe that they are superior to us because of all this knowledge and because of all the tech that they've obtained. So while potentially speculative, some of this is speculative, yes, but the theory or this hypothesis draws on biblical accounts and historical events to offer an alternative, viable, I believe, alternative explanation for UFOs and related phenomenon. And this is not over. This is just the first skeleton of the idea. It certainly needs further careful consideration of both scriptures in the Bible and the evidence surrounding these mysterious occurrences. And we do have a promise, though. No matter what it is, no matter what the truth of the matter is, The Lord Jesus himself says there is nothing that will not come out. Everything will be revealed. Everything. So disclosure will occur. One hundred percent guaranteed. At what point and through what method? He doesn't say, but it will come out. There is no such thing as a mystery at the end of the day. We will know exactly what happened, why and who. If this hypothesis is correct, both the Christian world and the non-Christian world will be thrown for a loop. That's putting it nicely. We will both camps, whether you believe as a Christian or you disbelieve as anything else, you are going to be completely turned on your head. You are not going to know where to go. You're not going to know who to ask because no one talked about that. No one planned for this. Everyone thought it was either aliens or demons or everyone's making it up. What if none of those are correct? And if something like this hypothesis is right... We need to make an effort, a conscientious, conscious, deliberate effort today, starting today, to consider what it would mean to talk amongst leadership in churches and just regular old lay people who are thinking, well, maybe there's something to this and this is a problem. If it was all spiritual demons, if this hypothesis is wrong, and many, many folks have told me this in the Christian world, if it's just demons and deception and fakery, it's nothing. It means nothing. It does nothing. They have to obey the name of Jesus when you tell them to go away, and they're gone. It's all made up. It's all in your head. It's all some kind of deception. and to lead you away from Jesus. That's it. That's basically the bottom line of that theory. I don't think that's nearly adequate for what's actually happening. That doesn't do it. But if it's wrong, shout it from the rooftops. Don't be like the Collins elite or people in the government who apparently think if you don't talk about it, it goes away. Well, that's not true either. If it's all demons and evil spirits and stuff, you definitely should talk about it because they hate the light. They hate being exposed. Expose them. Talk about it all day, every day. If that's really what's happening, if we have demons flying around in the sky or whatever or taking people from their beds, we've got to go to war right now as believers. Don't ignore it. That's the opposite reaction that we should have. And if it is, if we're wrong in the other aspect, that, yep, this is actually some type of life from another planet. And they're here for who knows what, take over the earth to harvest human beings for our souls, for our bodies, for our energy. Who knows? Our water, our awesome water we have on the earth. I don't know. Well, then we've got to think in very different terms. That's not about deception really at all. It's just that we have another race trying to take over the world that is ours. And that's a whole other thing. But again, I don't think that's where the facts have led. It isn't where the facts have led us. Something more is happening. So don't settle on either of those defaults in the Christian or the non-Christian world. Examine more carefully and perhaps This hypothesis will bear out to be close to the truth. All righty. Let's take questions, comments, or whatever else we've got going on here. Bondservant's been watching since we went on here. Okay, catch-up time. What I find interesting is so many legends, even modern sci-fi stories, mankind tries to ascend. Well, yeah. I mean, this is all, you know, Garden of Eden stuff, right? If you don't have God, if you don't submit to a creator, then you're your own boss. You're your own creation. It's all a matter of, you know... getting to the next level of knowledge and wisdom or whatever, scientific advancement, and that's all there is. So it's very easy to, to me, it's very easy to see why your modern, ancient and modern storytelling goes in that direction because they don't think there is a God. They're angry at God. So let's get around them. And again, maybe that's what this hypothesis, the heart of it is. Ponservant also says, sure helps to explain the great deception that if possible, even the elect could be deceived. I mean, that's, yes. Yes. As an addendum is that Jesus is, a lot of folks use that term great deception. I kind of don't like it because as a teacher, it doesn't help. It could mean anything. jesus is not being general that's my teaching point on that he's never general he's never general he's always specifically referring to things um so that's why I kind of blanch for sure thanks madam rex for the applause there um Yeah, that's why I kind of blanch at Christians who just kind of put up this great deception, UFOs equals great deception. What does that mean? Which great deception? Like deceiving you how? How does a UFO in the sky or underwater or in a mountain or what have you or seeing some type of creature that looks like a gray or a reptilian or whatever, how are those – what does that have to do with my faith at all? How does that take me away from Jesus? It doesn't. You'd have to literally have interaction with some beings that tell you, stop your Christianity, deny Christ, and do this instead, or whatever. Which is... I understand there's a good amount of testimony that, like Bon Servant is saying, it's a very New Age-y type of message, which is ascend and evolve and Christ consciousness. But maybe I'm just ignorant, but if someone could point me to all these testimonies where they're saying deny Jesus and follow us instead, that's something else, right? So it doesn't seem that that's what it is. It seems to be perfectly fine, you being a Christian, they just want to tell you other stuff. Again, for their own purposes, to set themselves up as knowing more than you and are superior to you. Yeah, definitely. That would go quite logically with the idea of a human civilization being behind this. We love to be superior to each other, don't we? Isn't that racism? That's what it's all about. Classism, everything-ism. You know, political systems, economic system. It's all about being superior to your fellow man. Holocaust, that's all it was. Inferior versus superior. So. that uh to me makes imminent sense a minute eminent sense um you're not nuts thank you everything is on the table just think of enoch yeah enoch went through some things man right And then maybe folks who are tuning into this or trying to consider this and are not willing to consider anything in Enoch as valid because it's not Scripture. And that's fair. I mean, that's fine. But you don't have to. You don't have to accept anything in Enoch other than Jude and Peter tell you to listen to you. So take your chances. It's like Jesus said, go read Daniel if you want to find out about the end times. Okay. Ignore it if you want. In Daniel, there's an angel that explains exactly what's going to happen. He says, yeah, that's the end time stuff. Ignore it if you want. And Jude says, Enoch, seventh from Adam, said this. He's not only saying Enoch, and then he quotes the book of Enoch, by the way. So the book of Enoch is in the New Testament. But not only that, but he says Enoch seventh from Adam. In other words, the original guy, the one who claims to have written the book, the original guy in Genesis, that Enoch, Adam, Seth, on, down, boop. Right before Noah, you got Enoch. That guy, Enoch. New Testament says that guy wrote the book of Enoch, and the book of Enoch is correct. So don't assign it to... Look, if Christians don't embrace it, non-Christians will. And we know how that goes. No offense to any non-Christians watching right now or listening or reading. But just logical, right? If you don't accept something as true or from a source of the same God, or you don't believe there is a God, or he doesn't talk to prophets, or he never takes people in to talk to angels or into heaven or teaches them anything, then of course you're not going to accept and you're going to interpret it a different way. Bon Servant says well it's pretty simple really all Satan did was ask if God said or meant that UFO stuff sort of asks that you know what I'm saying maybe Bon Servant the answer is no actually you'd have to have you'd have to have every single interaction you saw UFO did it ask you that didn't I saw one I saw two I don't remember any of those. So are you talking about just people who have interactions with beings? Now that's all. Okay, but that's a subset. Or alleged beings? That's a subset of UFO. UFOs are the crafts or the lights or the things that are seen. the entities, the beings, the inhabitants potentially, the flyers, the guys who are in there or behind it or controlling them, that's slightly different. And even if you're just talking about them, It's not consistent in my view. If we read the history, if you read Richard Dolan's two volumes, and he just has one now on USOs and things of that nature, and there's many, many, many authors who break down with supposed alien entities or spiritual entities talking to people. It's not uniform. I mean, there's really not, unless I'm missing a big piece of this, there is no central gospel coming from there. I know people say that there is, and researchers from this side and that side claim that, but I've never seen evidence of that. They don't produce data. That says a hundred percent of the time, they're coming with a different gospel to get you away from Jesus. I hear that, but I don't see that. I know the claim. I can see the point. I could say, okay, it's not illogical, but it's also not proven. It's not established that that is what's happening because many times it does not happen. I'm not even sure that's what you meant by the question, but I thought it was important to bring that up. So guys, at this point, the plan is to combine all four of these sessions, these parts of the hypothesis that has been presented over the past four sessions, four weeks, combine it into one video without breaks or this Q&A time, we'll just cut that off. So we'll just combine it into one long form video That'll be pretty long. But also then write it up as like a super blog, you know, type of publication, maybe even in a book form, who knows. But yeah, so that's the plan. So I don't know if that's going to be next week, if editing is going to occur by then or not, but that's for now, that's the tentative plan. is to maybe get a full video by next week and then we'll see. How that video will be released, I am also not sure of. Maybe you all can input those who are following along and have an opinion on this. Putting things out for free on YouTube is awesome, but we also want to encourage membership and to get things exclusively through membership. This could be one of those things. the reality of where we are right now um so it's all here and there's no membership to see these four parts but after that we'll see didn't explain myself well oh sorry anyways um Yeah, come on back and ask again. That's no problem. So again, if there's any question or comment from you guys about this, you can always reach out on Twitter there. We'll see what I can do. didn't really talk about the different supposed entities not supposed uh there are different entities have been seen and experienced over not just recent times but the centuries um they've looked very different at times okay uh madam rex uh my research partner here is very adept and there's a lot of knowledge on that um Going back to medieval Europe and stories from tribal locations in Africa and Latin America and Australia and so forth, there have been creatures that are various shapes and sizes over the years. And you say, well, how could they all be the same thing? Well, maybe they're all creations. created to have the maximum psychological or physical impact on who they're being shown to entities like lizard people that's one of them yeah it's the the grays are your are your normal go-to on these and um we even put a little head of one on on the promotional materials for this hypothesis series um There's those. Some of them are shorter, some of them are taller. Some are white and very tall, so hence tall whites. Some look like lizards. Some look like mantises, praying mantises, you know, insects. Some even are called the Nordics because they just basically look like really tall, blonde people. good-looking ones, I guess. That is an area we really haven't gotten into, but to me is a real support for this theory, for this hypothesis, is there pretty consistently has been this type of entity called the nordic um that is just a person like wait a minute and they always claim super intelligence and just want to help and um sometimes even you know superiority over other beings other races other lizards or greys like above them in this hierarchy there's these There's these Nordic-looking people. Wasn't that, Madame Rex, isn't that the testimony of Travis Walton, for example? Now, that fits very nicely, indeed, with this idea, with this hypothesis, which is at the top of the food chain, as it were. Yes, she confirms that. My memory is good there. Thank you very much. At the top of this them ets if you want um of that of that hierarchy are humans maybe they'll call themselves that maybe they say whatever they say but the fact is when people see them they're just people what a what a coinkydink even well just because just just jumped into my brain Even the visions of, you know, like the more fantastical religious, pseudo-religious experiences like the Chris Bledsoe, the lady and all that. Very human. She's very human. And she's some kind of superior person or hierarchy, right? And listen to me, and I'll take care of you, and this is the message, and this is coming from me. I'm the source. I'm the this. I'm the Holy Spirit, whatever she's claiming. But it's just a person. Travis Walton's experience, I think, Madam Rex says, points towards Grey's controlled by North. That's how I remember it. I agree. That's what it says, basically, right? That's what he says. And that's a part that, unfortunately, there was a great, I love the movie that they made called Fire in the Sky, but there's a lot of parts that are left out of there of Travis's actual testimony. So, yeah, if it's just, you could even take one example. Let's just take Travis Walton. if that happened if he was really taken somewhere by something on board a thing we can throw out the demonic hypothesis right now they're demons or they're just trying to trick you and they're just fooling your eyeballs or you're just putting an idea in your mind or they're just giving you another gospel none of that is happened with travis walton he was physically missing right okay so I'm just saying like that is a great case to to start with if you're thinking really trying to figure this thing out and why would there be okay let's say it's a and I'm kind of going off on a tangent here I apologize but what if there was uh if there are extraterrestrials if it's if it's an alien race okay then why are there more than one and they're very different looking why why are they all being secret about it this is this makes no sense now I I can't process this it's like what is the purpose first of all if they both wanted a if there were two or three or four or five different alien races which is what some people are thinking why why in the world are they working together are they not why are they not fighting each other if they want the earth or if they want human souls or if they want some kind of body, whatever, uh, whatever the goal is, wouldn't they be fighting each other off to get to the earth first? Yeah, they would. And again, just so you got to point it out and I'm not doing the whole future time traveling human thing. Like some folks like, um, But the fact that all these beings, no matter what they look like, they're gray, they're tall, they're short, they're lizards, they're mantids, they're supermodels, whatever, they're all humanoid. They have two legs, two arms, standing upright. You know what I mean? Two eyes. How is that possible? if it's really just all over the universe and creatures from elsewhere and other star systems there is no way there's random randomly look like we do and not only one of them but multiples I don't know that to me to me that doesn't make any sense I can't I can't see how that's possible at all anyway um marisol what is happening what's the goal you're marisol you missed the whole thing you got to rewind my friend okay go go go rewind and watch it and then it's it's almost an hour ago that we started so go on back and see the opinions there not really opinions I try to we try to present this as a thought out reasoned theory or hypothesis devoid of real opinions. There's some speculation, but hopefully it's informed speculation. But yeah, just seriously, Marisol, go rewind and your answer should be in there. If not, make a comment on YouTube, please, on YouTube. And subscribe to Wings of the Eagle on YouTube. That's what I really want you to encourage. Move everybody away from Facebook or whatever. x is fine but you get get on youtube okay and I post it there if there's still a question after you watch it thank you thank you thank you my uh my struggle bond services my struggle is why would god allow an underground society like that why is why is that a struggle just being like why not Because he could use it. That's why. I mean, not to be any kind of way. I'm just like, why is it a problem to you? God is very consistent in the fact that he'll let you go really, really far on your own. Even to the devil. unless you're messing with his plan, like there's like the tower of Babel, like they, they achieved something there. They achieved a lot. Um, but it got to the point where God had enough. So he put an end to that device or that temple or whatever you want to call that project of the tower of Babel. He didn't, he didn't, he didn't, um, even destroy the people, even though they're the ones who were evil. They're the ones who were sinning. They're the ones who had this knowledge that was way more advanced than everyone else, and they were attempting to do something beyond imagining, but he didn't kill them. It's a lot like Israel in the wilderness or even the Egyptians in the Red Sea. He just could have wiped them out, and that was that. He's so good and long-suffering and kind that he's not going to destroy anything unless he absolutely has to. So even though the project of the tower was stopped, we don't know what they achieved before that. We don't know what they could have achieved after that. So to me, God doesn't go around disallowing everything. He only acts in the extreme situations. For example, he didn't stop the angels from leaving heaven. Why would God allow that? He didn't stop angels from reproducing with human women, which, again, it doesn't really say how that happened, but it couldn't have been fun for the women. Why would God allow that? Right? Why would God allow the Nephilim to be born at all? Why wouldn't he just wipe them out when they were born? Why would God allow that? Why would God allow their spirits to stay in the world, basically, and stay tethered to the human race and want to possess people and allow them to possess people? Why would God allow that? On and on and on. right it got to such a point it was so extreme the reason for the flood of noah right was because it was literally the whole earth it says was filled with violence everywhere you went got infected right it's something was extreme was happening and he had to take extreme measures Even when God said, you know, Moses, I'm sick of this. Israel is not, you know, the people, they've seen everything. They saw me on the mountain, and still they don't believe me. They're not listening, and they're rebelling and all this. I'm just going to wipe them all out and start over with someone else or with you and make another nation for myself. That's like more of his thinking. Even if he gets to the point of wiping you out or, you know, all right, I'm putting an end to this. I'm not allowing that. But there's still – he's still going to proceed with Moses, let's say, in a new nation or with Noah and his family. Noah and his family, they could still sin, and they did. They could still look for forbidden knowledge. They could still advance the program of the ones who were gone. They could still follow the desires of the devil. They could still totally screw everything up for their nations or whatever. And they did. But God so loved the world. And by the way, there's no... Who's to say that these secret... Let's say the hypothesis is right. Who's to say these secret society, these humans underground, literally or not, wherever they're hiding, who say they're unsavable? As long as you're alive, you can be saved. Believe in the Lord Jesus and be saved. That's it. So what if they did that? What if some did that? What if some are now? What if some are trying to change the trajectory of their society? What if they're the ones who are trying to make disclosure happen? Again, just throwing it out there, okay? But... There's a lot of things. We're just barely touching on all these things. So I would not recommend thinking, why would God allow such a thing as a reason for it to be invalid? God allows a lot. He always has. And to me, if those people are still savable, that's the reason why he would allow it. So they wouldn't be condemned like the Nephilim, like the angels who sinned and who are condemned. Hell is for the devil and his angels. That's already a done deal. That's why I don't think they're ever getting out. until they're judged. I don't think there is such a thing as another group of angels leaving heaven and doing what the Genesis six angels did. I don't think that's a thing that happened. Because that is a thing that God said, I'm not allowing that. But human beings, people made in my image are all in my image. Even if you're screwing up and totally wicked, I'm going to give you every chance. If you're before you die, to accept me and to live. Right? That's the gospel. Anyway. All right, friends. That's quite enough for me today. Let's publish this. Let's get it out there. Please share. Please share this episode. There's a playlist that has all the hypothesis parts in it. And yes, again, we're still planning on just making a master video with all the parts. Please share this on YouTube. Couldn't be clearer. Don't share my sharing of it. You yourself say, watch this. This is great. Okay. As a favor. All right. Don't share what I put out there if you follow me. You compose it. You post the link to the YouTube and say, go watch this, subscribe to this channel, get notified, whatever, support what this guy's doing or support this hypothesis or whatever. Check this out. Okay, it's important that you do that. It speaks way louder to your friends and the people that are following you that you personally are not just sharing someone else's stuff. You're putting the effort in there to say, you know what? Check this out. I recommend it. Anyway. Unservant says, this, she says, really expands my thinking of the false prophet stuff and all the rest. Hmm. I guess that's a good thing. Yes, indeed. Click the like. We like likes. We love loves. Likes are good, but sharing is caring. Because sharing gets it to more eyeballs. And that's better than likes. Views are better than likes. You can hate it. I don't care. That's fine. As long as you see it and you share it, hate it all you want. no problem all right all right my friends I do appreciate you seriously everyone who's been along for the ride today or throughout this last four weeks on this again the plan who knows how long it's gonna actually take but We're going to put a long-form video of all the hypothesis parts together and then write it up, and we'll see what happens from there. All right? All right, friends. Love you a lot. Until next time. This is, by the way, the Unsealed podcast, the official podcast of Wings of the Eagle.