Unsealed - No More Taboos. A taboo is a social group's ban or avoidance of something considered repulsive, offensive, or sacred. So many people refuse to engage on "taboo" topics with their group. BIG important topics we ALL need to speak truth about! The time of that must come to an end. https://www.wingsoftheeagle.com/supportunsealed - https://www.Patreon.com/wingsoftheeagle
Hey there, everybody. Welcome back to Unsealed, official podcast of Wings of the Eagle. Christopher Mantei, your humble host with me. And I welcome you wherever you are, wherever you're watching. Hopefully it is on the Wings of the Eagle YouTube channel or you're listening on Spotify or Apple Podcasts or whatever. Bless you for that. Thank you so much. Please support this podcast. Go to wingsoftheeagle.com/supportunsealed. We also have a Patreon set up that we're trying to build out here slowly but surely. But when you're a teeny tiny operation with no support from any other churches or organizations, that's how it goes. So we just depend on you to do that for us. All right. If you love it, keep it going. That's not a lie. That's the truth. Okay. So let's talk about something today that... I don't know. I guess the best topics that usually that come up for discussion are ones that annoy me. On some level, it's definitely annoyance with taboos. Taboos meaning, well, you know what it means, don't you? By the way, yes, you are welcome to contribute today. Whether you have any question, comment, concern, or what have you, but please do share this, whether you comment or not. Whether you love this or hate it, share it anyways. That'd be awesome. Please. Thank you. YouTube. Wings of the Eagle channel. By the way, if you're watching me on the... I have my own YouTube channel under my name. I'm going to be moving slash deleting that. So... I got like eight hundred subs on there, I think, which is awesome. Praise God. But we need to centralize all this stuff so we're not confusing people and we're not putting to, you know, spreading it out too thin so people don't know where to. Whatever. Okay, just so you know. So if you're watching on the Christopher Mantei channel, go to Wings of the Eagle channel and subscribe there because the other one's going away. Okay. We're only on Facebook because people just don't like to leave Facebook. There's Facebook addicts and they just don't leave. I'm sorry, but if you're one of them, you know who you are. People insist on commenting or saying hello or starting a discussion on the title of a podcast. I'm like, go listen to it, please, before you say anything. That would be great. Thanks. Anyways, we're on X as well. Follow me there. I'm at Mantei, M-A-N-T-E-I, four. I use that liberally. Okay, so let's talk about this. Taboo, obviously, is... something that in any group it doesn't have to mean anything specifically but it's a social group ban or avoidance of something considered repulsive offensive or sacred and most by definition then most people do not engage in topics in their little group that is viewed as taboo offensive sacred can't touch that um but frankly my friends I'm not talking about Look, I'm not talking about individual things that we need to discuss in our churches or in our social circles. I'm talking about the big things that we all need to speak truth about. So the time to me has come to an end where we can't. Look, like, for example, and this is it stretches over all these things. OK, you're a Christian and you're a Bible teacher. You're not allowed to believe X, Y or Z about UFOs. You're just not. It's taboo to talk about. A very, very few believers ever have broached the subject and have been given any type of respect. Or, you know, they're not betraying the faith or something. Very few, very few. And like Michael Heiser, for example, he's the big name probably in that crossover world. Why is it a crossover world is my question, is the whole point. That's the taboo. And it works the other way. The UFO community, as it were, a lot of folks hate Christians. They just do. They distrust, literally, because I know it's happened. I've watched it with my face. I watched it with my eyeballs. Somebody's bringing up, again, something that I do know something about, whether it be scriptures or just the Jesus story, like getting it straight. or Moses or Mount Sinai or something like that. I don't know. Inevitably, that will come up. And I'll just try to say, hey, just so you know, this is what the deal is. This is what the Bible actually says. You don't have to believe it, but this is what it says. Or this is what Christians actually believe. You don't have to believe it, but this is what we believe. Automatic distrust, suspicion. Oh, I can't. Oh, you're one of them. You have to leave. And it's just not everyone at all, okay? But I'm just saying, yes, there is a stigma and a taboo in these circles where you can't cross these worlds. It's like, you know, religion and science, right? Any close-minded scientist won't even engage about there could be a creator, right? And a Christian won't even engage with the fact that science could be right about something. I mean, it's an over-exaggeration, but a lot of folks do believe those things. Anyway, but what I'm talking about is I'm not allowed to be a Christian who thinks UFOs are real or not demonic. Like that's the, okay, well, you can believe there's something to it, but you have to believe that those are demons. Have to. I'm not saying they're not, but I kind of am. We're releasing a hypothesis that I've been working on for a long time now. It's very soon. And it's only based on the evidence and the facts, the biblical story. reality, right? I want to put something out there, and I don't believe anyone's ever put it in this way that I'm going to present it. So it's just hypothesis, but the point is, whenever you get pushback, you have to believe this or that. Otherwise, you're out. This has happened multiple times. I'm a conservative, okay? I'm a Christian. I'm a conservative political person. Always. I mean, I don't remember a time when I wasn't. I mean, there's certain views on, you know, like the death penalty or something like that, where maybe I've changed over the years. Very small, moderate changes. I don't even know why I brought that up. I'm just saying, like, there's almost no changes in my philosophy at all. But I'm not allowed... I found out in twenty twenty I am not permitted to go against Donald Trump. Like I can't say he's not a conservative. I'm not allowed to call out when he lies. Stop permitted. I'm not allowed to say a simple truth like he lost the election in twenty twenty. Just not that he deserved to lose it or he's evil, but that he lost it. It's a fact of history. He did lose it. I guarantee you I'll get comments on that. If you're watching me right now and you disagree, you are typing right now or you want to ban me. This is a liar. He can't possibly be a conservative. I never voted Democrat for any national election ever in my life. Not one national office. Or even state level offices. I haven't. So you're full of it. But that's a whole nother topic. The point is I'm not allowed. That's beyond taboo. Now you're talking about cults now. A taboo is something you just don't speak of, right? We just keep that under the radar. Keep that under the blanket. Talk about that outside or something. It's more than that. It's like cult. It's like a cult. You believe that? You are out of the group. I was told that many times. If you think Donald Trump lost, you are a liberal. You are a plant. You are a phony. You are a fake. You are an enemy. You are treasonous. Apparently, I'm also not allowed to have the icon of the state of Israel, the flag of the Star of David on my Twitter profile. I'm also not allowed to have the Ukrainian flag on my profile because, and I'm not kidding, both of those symbols, I was told, are evil from the devil. And I should suffer all kinds of horrible fates. Because I had those flags next to my name. And if you go to Manti Forum on X, you'll see them. At least for now, maybe it's better just to not have them and people won't jump to conclusions without even reading what I'm typing or posting. I don't know. I'm not going to stop supporting the truth, the matter of the Jewish people or the Ukrainian people, by the way. I don't care who says what about them. I don't care who does what. Not my problem. All right. Hey, bondservant. Listening in the car. Look at that. How many of you could be like bondservant? Sorry about your daughter. Yeah, I don't know if it's the flu per se or something flu-like. Especially if you're not vaccinated, you're going to get sicker more. I'm not saying that about bondservant. I have no idea. I'm just saying, like, I just know people in my life. they help. Oh, even that, by the way. Oh, you're a vaxxer. Let's see. I took the COVID vaccine, therefore my DNA has changed. That's right. That's what I was told. And I took the mark of the beast when I did that. Yeah, that's right. Even though I'm a higher risk group and I've gotten... know pulmonary lung infections my whole life and asthma and all the rest of it and covet could really really do some damage to me and I've got two senior citizen you know mom and mom mother-in-law around and and kind of young children and I don't I'm not gonna be an idiot about it anyway point is I'm not allowed I wasn't allowed to get that I had to mark the beast um I'm not allowed to support ukraine for sure because especially since our current president is telling lies about them um I don't I don't I just don't get it again not allowed not not permitted I'm out of the club um somebody told me I literally can't be believed I'm not allowed to be a Bible teacher anymore. Well, if I write a book, by the way, which I did, and try to sell it, get people to buy it and get compensated for my work on it. This one, fleetofthemountains.com. You get all the versions of that that you want. I'm not allowed to sell this because preachers or whatever they want to call me, a pastor, is not allowed to make money or be compensated for. for work. That's just, you should do it all for free anyway, that, but then also the, a person who literally said, I get it. I'm taking extreme examples, but there's so many of them. Eventually they stopped being extreme. Um, Like, you're the best teacher or blah, blah, and whatever. But this person was very complimentary, very complimentary. And the things you put out are awesome and amazing. And you explained it better than anyone else. Blah, blah, blah. Okay, fine. It's great. Thanks so much. It's very kind of you. Until the end of the year. Until the end of the year, when I said Trump lost. And now the same person comes to me and says, I can't believe I ever trusted you about the Bible. what does that have to do with the other thing I have no idea but because I said he lost all of a sudden I can't be trusted as a teacher and everything that this person told me previously apparently is not true anymore they'll never be trusting me never be using my resources or my books or or bible studies by the way most most everything is no cost it never has been by the way um but nope can't trust you anymore because you're not allowed to think that I don't think these aren't even controversial things are they like somebody lost an election or like Ukraine was attacked by Russia. These aren't debatable. I mean, you can, if you want, I guess, but you can say the earth is flat too. It's still not debatable. That's fine. But whatever. So these worlds are colliding and I don't care anymore. I mean, I guess I never did. This is your autistic side talking, but like, I just don't, doesn't affect me in like what I believe. I'm not going to reconsider just because someone's mean to me about it. You know, that's a bad way to convince someone of your, of the truth. Be mean and, you know, call names and maybe post a bunch of crazy YouTube links. And that's supposed to convince someone. It doesn't, by the way. doesn't work um so I'm willing to have convos but this to be to say I'm not allowed to talk about christianity in the ufo community I'm not allowed to talk about ufos in the christian community I'm not allowed to talk about uh elections or or israel or the jews or hamas being evil murderers um that some people won't stomach that um There's a lot of people in the church who hate that. I think Israel is still called and chosen by God, and they have a destiny prophetically. I'm supposed to think that they're not, and I'm of the devil now because I think the Jewish people aren't of the devil. Anything about anti-Semitism? I mean, I block very easily anti-Semitism. Anyone who comes up with any type of anti-Semitic stuff, and sometimes it's obvious, and sometimes it's a little sneakier, but, oh, they're not the real Jews. Those are not Jewish. They're Hebrew. They're not Jewish. Okay. Bye. Anyways, things like that. And it just happens over and over and over again and over and over and over. So you and me, we all have to consciously decide I'm not doing that anymore. I'm not engaging. I'm not going to punish someone in this community because they whatever I want. Hopefully we all want the same thing, which is the truth. The truth. No matter where it is, the truth. And kindness and love, peace. Yes, I want that. I want all that. I think you do too. Then let's be that. Choose to do that. And even if we don't agree on every little jot and tittle, every little dot, Which we don't. I can pretty much guarantee you we don't. That's okay. That's okay. We're going to learn at some point what the truth is about it and maybe get together and discuss and have council meetings or you know what? Maybe people's views will change. Maybe everyone's views will change. That's fine. But let's be respectful of each other. Let's be kind. Let's not be warmongering. I agree. Let's not be. Let's not be talking about violence as the solution to anything. example and I'm talking about um you know if there's any kind of conservative christian discussion inevitably it comes down to building a bunker and buying guns and the evil liberals and like that's that's evil like they're talking like that's evil um I think we're in the middle of a major obviously a major time in the world where things are not as they seem or are being great secrets are coming out. And that's a good thing. Anyway. If you have any comments or questions or whatever at this point, go ahead and put them in. If not, I think I'm just going to turn this, turn the lights out here because that's all it is. I just can't, I can't stand it anymore. I can't deal with it. Just not, I don't, I don't get it. For just one more thing. So like even something you would, an outsider would think, wow, you and person B over here, Manti over here and person B over here, The outsider would say they agree on everything. They're the same Christian crazies. Prophecy nerds. They're insane. They believe Islam is evil. They're haters. Or whatever. But then you actually drill down a little bit and me and person B have real issues and most of the time um I am fine with that I mean almost all the time I'm fine let's let's just overlook that part and you can ask my friends I'll tell you and I don't have a I don't have a lot of close people to me but those who are can tell you even when there's you know disagreements or their points or you know contention come up chris mantai wants to stay friends and he wants to work with you regardless What can we do together? What can we do to hold this together or to put on a common, you know, be on common mission? That's what I'm interested in. What that apparently that mindset is very rare. So we don't want to work with people like that. At least not with these big issues. We're fine with being not dogmatic about stupid things, sports, food, how to raise your kids, whatever. I mean, I'm saying those things aren't important, but everyone has opinions on that. But the big stuff of the world, life and death, eternal life, whether Jesus rose from the dead, whether the Bible's true, whether there's UFOs and who the heck is behind them, um war and peace world war three russia being evil etc uh israel being attacked by by insane wickedness and killing babies and stuff getting their babies killed all that like those are the big issues right the big controversies um let's think about these things and not separate over them and be willing to work with people who don't agree with you on everything. There's no, we shouldn't have any taboos, right? If what's a, of course, a Christian or what a Christian is, is someone basically who accepts as the truth that Jesus was born of a virgin and He went to the cross for my sins. He died and he rose from the dead and he's coming back. That's Christianity. There's more to it. The more you, of course, as you go, but whatever. But that's it. You should be able to deal with that. Hello, Ann. There's a blessing from across the land. Yeah. Hey, you're welcome. No problem. I mean... Really annoying. I lost so many who I thought were friends. Because I said, I don't know, things that they didn't like. Or you stand up for righteousness or something. You know, try to, hey, let's... Let's not be involved with cults. Let's not be involved with evil. Stuff like that. Christians are going to be shocked when the two witnesses show up and what they say. I'm not even thinking about that far ahead. Many Christians, friends, lost many. I know you have. I know you have, Monsignor. maybe that's the, maybe that's one of the signs of a real believer is not that you check some boxes theologically, um, but that your, your faith to Jesus, you are willing to know. I know we're willing, like I want it. I don't want it. But, but the evidence is that you've lost family and friends. Um, from their side. They can't be with you anymore. They refuse to speak to you. They've broken off contact. They've broken off relationship. They've badmouthed you in front of others or publicly. I've had all that happen. Bondservant has too. And if you have as well, maybe that's the sign of a real Christian who is doing what they're supposed to do. You could call that persecution. It's not anything like my brothers out in the world. Brothers and sisters out in other lands where there actually is persecution of your body. And stuff like that. It's shocking. It hurts, but I'm here nonetheless. That's right. You're here right now. Right here with me. Sorry about that. Yeah, so anyway, maybe if you're in that camp... I'm talking about Christian friends, personally. Like, I understand non-believing friends are going to just break off contact because they can't... You're a fool. Or, you know, all of a sudden they love you, but yet you're full of hate. Because if you... Try to tell the truth about, I don't know, issues of the day or what God would think about this or what the Bible says about this or that. Yeah, I expect that. You should expect that. Until they repent and become saved, then they're going to think that. We all did. we're all opposed and enemies of of God until we repent so that doesn't that's really not what I'm talking about I'm talking about friends Christian friends ministry friends people who have again who have audiences who or who have written books or who have you know podcasts or have um they have their own churches or whatever all that like you would think they would just want to move past certain things and okay fine what what can we do how can we spread the gospel together how can we you know help people income you know with each other to maximize our our work seems commonsensical to me I don't know why you wouldn't but many many won't and broken off and threatened to sue me I mean you you name it it's happened nothing has happened praise god in that in that respect um whatever all right all right that's it I don't want to complain about this stuff anymore or say how annoying it is because that's not how I want to end uh or come off but uh you know it I think you know it if you're trying to be in these different worlds or you might even agree with it you might even see it and now maybe you can say something when a friend or one of people in your social circle, your social group, your church, your community online, your whatever, if they're engaging in this, you're not allowed to think this or that or say this or that. And again, you know what I mean. I gave you examples. I'm not talking about, again, you know, Holocaust deniers being accepted in your, in your group of, you know, your church. I'm not saying that, you know what that, you know what I mean? But it, whether it be the world or, or, or the devil or, um, just our own pride, whatever is thinking we're not, you know, we're very, very divided. And, um, Some people capitalize on that, literally capitalize with money. They will make money because they're making you angry, because they're telling you to divide and you can't be a part of this group or that community or that church. Come to me instead and give me money. They're literally monetizing your hate, monetizing your anger, monetizing your outrage. And sometimes the outrages make sense. uh right and yes but they're pushing your buttons on purpose to engage to farm you to farm you okay they want to reap something from you they have no interest in the truth they want to they want to engage farm you okay new stone what's up be of good cheer brother he has overcome the world oh indeed in fact I just posted that today scripture from John um I believe I did did I make that up pretty positive I did that um yeah yeah John there it is John sixteen thirty three I've told you all this so you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows, but take heart. I've overcome the world. The first sentence of that is what we can't miss. I've told you this so you could have peace. Told you what? The future. So it's not just about dealing with life. It's about prophecy. He told you what's coming. He told you what it's going to be like. He told you what you need to know. And he has overcome all that crap. Stick with him, and you can go through all that. And frankly, generally, it's a good reminder that, yes, as believers, this is just how it goes. You should expect persecution. You should expect trials. If you go through your life without those things, I question your salvation. And again, why are you going through these things? Is it because you're being a jerk and mean to everyone? That's not what Jesus is talking about. You're a jerk. You're suffering for your own sake. You could do better, right? You would go away if you stopped that. But if you were just being faithful to Christ and were just... telling the truth in love to the church and to those outside the church, and then you're getting your arrows, okay? Then you're getting stuff, trials. Yeah, okay. And frankly, this is talking about all conditions of life. There's no promise from Jesus that you're going to have a home, like, thank God I have, or, you know, roof over your head. or any type of toys, electronics, cars. None of that's promised. He didn't promise you that. He promised you suffering. And again, that doesn't mean you can't acquire or he won't give you those things, but that's not the point. And it's not promised. So anyway, as I'll close with this... be in prayer and be mindful of what Israel is going through today. They're, um, obviously this October seventh, um, situation is not, even though it's two and a half years ago or whatever. Um, it's still unfolding because people who were kidnapped, held hostage by an evil jihadi, uh, entire country of jihadis called Hamasistan in Gaza I'm sorry the regular people you did this the regular people of Gaza who are suffering it's your fault you allow them to do it you share their belief system you don't throw them out of power you don't hold them accountable you let them have all the weapons your fault sorry Just like Lebanon, that you permit Hezbollah, and I'm talking to the Christians in Lebanon now, it's your fault. You take some darn responsibility. If you don't like what Donald Trump is doing or saying, it's my fault. It's our fault as voters. We put those leaders in there. I'm sorry, but I don't believe God did that. God didn't put Donald Trump in office. We did. We didn't put Joe Biden in office. We did. We did. Obama, Bush, you name it, okay? God is not doing that. He doesn't do democracy. I'm sorry. He doesn't. It's great. I like it. It gives us more control or accountability. It gives accountability to our leaders. I like that. God likes that, but he's not doing it. He doesn't do democracy. He does, I'm the king, and you're not. And I'll give you the kingdom because it's my good pleasure. But that's not of this world. That's not the systems of this world. That's not democracy or communism or any of that. Or socialism. It's not that. Anyway. Right. It's my fault. It's our fault. anyway the the Hamas situation keep Israel and those little um babies you know right don't you know one of the um families they kidnapped a whole family on October seventh and a dad a mom and two babies I mean one was a toddler and one was literally an infant an infant beautiful red hair kids And nobody knew anything about him until about two weeks ago. Or maybe it was only a week ago now. I don't remember. Maybe a week or two. And they released the dad alive. And he was in not good shape. And now it turns out that his wife and babies were murdered. By Hamas. And now they're returning their bodies. And... Put yourself in that position for like a second or two. And you'll see all the emotions and righteous anger that comes out. And I don't, if I was Israel, they've been very dumb in the way they've handled Hamas and Hezbollah. They're not doing enough. They've never done enough. And this is what happens when you let evil hang around. And again, but again, is this a sovereignty of God thing? Yes, it is. Is there prophecy to happen with Israel and her neighbors who want to kill her? Absolutely, yes, there is. And so God will make sure that happens exactly like he said. That's the great controversy at the end of the day. and um so even in the middle of that though in the midst of going through that you would see how how much righteous indignation is going to rise up in the state of israel today and uh see just stay in prayer for that um loanne keep talking truth keeps it out there helps to remember I'm not alone or off my rocker I don't think you're off your rocker uh no you so what Lloyd I don't think so uh your sister doesn't think so so I agree and you're not alone that's true MMA Paradise that doesn't seem like a real name okay is now is this a real question or are you trying to poke and prod I'm just being honest any update on the Iran-Turkey war you don't need an update it hasn't happened yet What is your real name, please? That's a start. Looks like Daniel, it already happened. No, it didn't. No, it didn't. I don't care if I'm a hundred years old and it hasn't happened. It hasn't happened. No matter what people say, how do you say it looks like it happened? No, it didn't. The angel Gabriel told you three times. It's an end time conflict right before Jesus returns. It starts this whole thing. Well, how the Antichrist shows up, it's because of Iran versus Turkey. That's the Bible. I'm not going to apologize or change my view on that. No, it did not already happen, MMA paradise. No, it didn't. this you're not gonna miss it okay you're not gonna miss it it's not gonna you know whoops hey did I I missed that update on the news or something no okay uh another mma comment says brother what's your opinion on revelation third one three things that will soon take place how to answer a preterist about this verse are you a preterist Because anyone who says Daniel eight has already happened kind of is a preterist. And I hate to tell them that, but, and those of you who don't know what preterism is, I apologize, but it means prophecy is already fulfilled in the past and there is no more prophecy. There's no such thing, basically. Jesus fulfilled everything, and sometimes they'll say, was the fulfillment of everything in the Bible, including the return of Jesus, if they're being consistent, which you would have to be. If you're a consistent preterist, you would have to say Jesus himself already returned, and that's obviously bull. And a lot of things before that, obviously, is bull too. And there's no resurrection from the dead, so it's not true. right okay um in me the the phrase in revelation one three these things I will show you these things which must soon take place first of all he could be speaking to you in the end time generation number one number two the phrase could mean and I've taught through this go look it up on the wings of the eagle youtube channel I went verse by verse through revelation just what two years ago verse by verse verse by every single verse in the book and daniel by the way So please go watch those. But basically, it also can mean these things will happen suddenly one after the other. So the point is, when they begin, it's not going to stop. And MMA, what's your name? Come on. Come on, brother. Well, I don't know if you're a brother. You called me brother. So I assume you're a dude. Who are you really? No more taboos. How about that? No more hiding on social media behind not your name. My name is on X right here. My last name is out there for the world. My first name is out there for the world. I don't care. Why do you care? Why do we care? Stop being anonymous. Get out there. Okay. Okay, and this is now the third comment, MMA. Tell me your name or I'm not bringing your question up. It has taken me some time, but I'm beginning to understand. It's like a false lies and belief of... I'm not sure what exactly, but amen. we're all on that process right nobody's born knowing the knowing the word of God uh it's it it's acquired you have to learn it right um and people we you're just human we get things wrong all like a lot A lot, even if we try to get it right. And if we, you know, we trust people who are supposed to be good teachers to tell us the truth. And usually it is the truth to them. Sometimes it's not and they just have other motivations. But a lot of times they're just ignorant and they just are passing along what they heard and what they were taught. And it's a tradition. So we must continue it versus, wait a minute, maybe this is wrong. So we're all in that process. We all got to do proverbs on that and say, don't lean on my own understanding. If God's our father and he knows stuff and he knows everything and he made everything and he wrote the plan and he wrote the book, then that's who you go to. And yes, obviously he'll gift people with certain things to help. minister to you in that in that learning um at the end of the day we're all gonna be wrong about a lot but god god will never be wrong he can't the real the true god the god of israel jesus right he's never can't lie can't tell a lie can't ever be wrong that's a good thing that's a really good thing Okay. MMA, I see you again asking questions. Who are you? Just who are you? Just a first name. Okay. Really important to me. I've got to engage on this. Okay. Okay. tipping over the sacred cows. That's funny. Maybe you didn't mean it to be funny, Ponservant, but that is funny. I like it. Okay. All right. One more chance. I love you, man. Really, I do. But you're going to need some courage here. I love that. If you follow me since twenty twenty lockdown. Fantastic. Awesome. We're going on five years now. Awesome. Love it. Love you. But I need to know your name. There's no reason not to say it. Has no courage here. Come on. How are you going to how are you going to root for root? How are you going to witness for Christ? It says, if you deny my name, I'll deny yours before the father. How are you going to do that with a knife at your neck? With a gun to your head. if you won't even tell people your name on YouTube, think about it. What are you hiding? And what are you protecting? Nothing, I'm sure, right? I mean, who cares? I want to encourage you, okay? Encourage you. Encourage all of us. If we're believers, if we're calling each other brother and sister in Christ, tell us your names. There's no reason not to. We're good, man. We're good. It's not going to give away anything about you. If you're concerned about your safety or something, I don't know. even that though I'd have a I'd have to give you a sermon on that on thinking you're going to preserve your life you're going to lose your life if you try to save it all right okay enough no more taboos including staying anonymous on youtube no more taboos all right guys so yes continue to watch for iran and turkey as far as prophecy goes it's that's what it says Okay? Right. And let's get rid of, break down these walls. Don't worry if folks leave you in the dust. That's fine. Just keep pushing on. Yes, you can mourn. You can cry. Stay in prayer for Israel and the Jews. And until next time, this is Unsealed, the official podcast of Wings of the Eagle, where, yes, we talk about Christianity, UFOs, Donald Trump, Ukraine, Israel, all that stuff. And I don't care. And neither should you. Till next time.