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The Beginning of Sorrows

Kingdom Against Kingdom 

What did Jesus mean when He said “Kingdom against Kingdom” would be a sign of His return?

  • Persia = Iran & Yavan = Turkey's realm
    Verse 2 = Beginning the "clock" when Israel re-established in 1948 or Jerusalem re-captured in 1967, it will be Iran's 4th king who lashes out against the Turkish realm/Ottoman lands: 1st: 1941-1979 = Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 2nd: 1979-1989 = Ruhollah Khomeini 3rd: 1989-present = Ali Khamenei 4th: ??? - could be a coup by their Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) installing themselves or a hand-picked Successor - possibly their long awaited "12th Imam" Mahdi.
  • Verse 3 =
    "Great horn"/"first king" of chapter 8, likely Erdogan
  • Verse 4 =
    Parcelling lands into 4 nations, see Dan. 8 King of the North = "New" Turkey King of the South = Egypt
  • Verses 5 - 20 =
    Power struggle for the future of this Caliphate for an unspecified period of time.
  • Verse 6 =
    likely refers to Saudi Arabia who will ally with Egypt but negotiate with Turkey to keep the status quo, but house of Saud will come to an end.
  • Verse 15 =
    Egypt falls and submits to the Caliphate.
  • Verse 21 =
    Little Horn rises - must come from Turkey, Syria or Iraq (land of the north/the Assyrian).
  • Verse 23 =
    Covenant confirmed with 10 Kings and Israel, see Daniel 9:27 - final 7 years begin.
  • Verse 24 - 30 =
    First 3.5 years, "Beginnings of Sorrows".
  • Verse 31 =
    Abomination of Desolation - Great Tribulation/final 3.5 years begins.
  • Verse 32 - 45 =
    the Great Tribulation - Antichrist's war against the Saints and the Jews leading to Gog/Magog invasion and battle of Armageddon at Christ's return.

How many reading this believe the end of the age is near? How many believe that because of the things Jesus listed in this passage? I do too, but it behooves us to get it right, amen? The first thing I would like to point out is the fact that these events are in chronological order. First the Beginnings of Sorrows THEN the tribulation begins THEN the great falling away. This is important to know lest anyone be MISLEAD as He just warned us about. Mislead how?

  • Persia = Iran & Yavan = Turkey's realm
    Verse 2 = Beginning the "clock" when Israel re-established in 1948 or Jerusalem re-captured in 1967, it will be Iran's 4th king who lashes out against the Turkish realm/Ottoman lands: 1st: 1941-1979 = Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 2nd: 1979-1989 = Ruhollah Khomeini 3rd: 1989-present = Ali Khamenei 4th: ??? - could be a coup by their Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) installing themselves or a hand-picked Successor - possibly their long awaited "12th Imam" Mahdi.
  • Verse 3 =
    "Great horn"/"first king" of chapter 8, likely Erdogan
  • Verse 4 =
    Parcelling lands into 4 nations, see Dan. 8 King of the North = "New" Turkey King of the South = Egypt
  • Verses 5 - 20 =
    Power struggle for the future of this Caliphate for an unspecified period of time.
  • Verse 6 =
    likely refers to Saudi Arabia who will ally with Egypt but negotiate with Turkey to keep the status quo, but house of Saud will come to an end.
  • Verse 15 =
    Egypt falls and submits to the Caliphate.
  • Verse 21 =
    Little Horn rises - must come from Turkey, Syria or Iraq (land of the north/the Assyrian).
  • Verse 23 =
    Covenant confirmed with 10 Kings and Israel, see Daniel 9:27 - final 7 years begin.
  • Verse 24 - 30 =
    First 3.5 years, "Beginnings of Sorrows".
  • Verse 31 =
    Abomination of Desolation - Great Tribulation/final 3.5 years begins.
  • Verse 32 - 45 =
    the Great Tribulation - Antichrist's war against the Saints and the Jews leading to Gog/Magog invasion and battle of Armageddon at Christ's return.

Isaiah 19

  • Persia = Iran & Yavan = Turkey's realm
    Verse 2 = Beginning the "clock" when Israel re-established in 1948 or Jerusalem re-captured in 1967, it will be Iran's 4th king who lashes out against the Turkish realm/Ottoman lands: 1st: 1941-1979 = Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 2nd: 1979-1989 = Ruhollah Khomeini 3rd: 1989-present = Ali Khamenei 4th: ??? - could be a coup by their Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) installing themselves or a hand-picked Successor - possibly their long awaited "12th Imam" Mahdi.
  • Verse 3 =
    "Great horn"/"first king" of chapter 8, likely Erdogan
  • Verse 4 =
    Parcelling lands into 4 nations, see Dan. 8 King of the North = "New" Turkey King of the South = Egypt
  • Verses 5 - 20 =
    Power struggle for the future of this Caliphate for an unspecified period of time.
  • Verse 6 =
    likely refers to Saudi Arabia who will ally with Egypt but negotiate with Turkey to keep the status quo, but house of Saud will come to an end.
  • Verse 15 =
    Egypt falls and submits to the Caliphate.
  • Verse 21 =
    Little Horn rises - must come from Turkey, Syria or Iraq (land of the north/the Assyrian).
  • Verse 23 =
    Covenant confirmed with 10 Kings and Israel, see Daniel 9:27 - final 7 years begin.
  • Verse 24 - 30 =
    First 3.5 years, "Beginnings of Sorrows".
  • Verse 31 =
    Abomination of Desolation - Great Tribulation/final 3.5 years begins.
  • Verse 32 - 45 =
    the Great Tribulation - Antichrist's war against the Saints and the Jews leading to Gog/Magog invasion and battle of Armageddon at Christ's return.

Daniel 11

  • Persia = Iran & Yavan = Turkey's realm
    Verse 2 = Beginning the "clock" when Israel re-established in 1948 or Jerusalem re-captured in 1967, it will be Iran's 4th king who lashes out against the Turkish realm/Ottoman lands: 1st: 1941-1979 = Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 2nd: 1979-1989 = Ruhollah Khomeini 3rd: 1989-present = Ali Khamenei 4th: ??? - could be a coup by their Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) installing themselves or a hand-picked Successor - possibly their long awaited "12th Imam" Mahdi.
  • Verse 3 =
    "Great horn"/"first king" of chapter 8, likely Erdogan
  • Verse 4 =
    Parcelling lands into 4 nations, see Dan. 8 King of the North = "New" Turkey King of the South = Egypt
  • Verses 5 - 20 =
    Power struggle for the future of this Caliphate for an unspecified period of time.
  • Verse 6 =
    likely refers to Saudi Arabia who will ally with Egypt but negotiate with Turkey to keep the status quo, but house of Saud will come to an end.
  • Verse 15 =
    Egypt falls and submits to the Caliphate.
  • Verse 21 =
    Little Horn rises - must come from Turkey, Syria or Iraq (land of the north/the Assyrian).
  • Verse 23 =
    Covenant confirmed with 10 Kings and Israel, see Daniel 9:27 - final 7 years begin.
  • Verse 24 - 30 =
    First 3.5 years, "Beginnings of Sorrows".
  • Verse 31 =
    Abomination of Desolation - Great Tribulation/final 3.5 years begins.
  • Verse 32 - 45 =
    the Great Tribulation - Antichrist's war against the Saints and the Jews leading to Gog/Magog invasion and battle of Armageddon at Christ's return.

Aren’t the wars of Turkey vs Iran and Egypt the “Kingdom against Kingdom” that Jesus was referring to?! But remember the end IS NOT YET. Jerusalem must be desolated/tread down and the Jews and Church persecuted and killed by the Beast and False Prophet for 3.5 years before our King returns to take His rightful place. Major wars in the middle east WILL happen but Yeshua will NOT return (and we are not raptured to meet Him) until the END. The end of all THESE things:


Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place. - Dan. 9:24

To Summarize

  • Persia = Iran & Yavan = Turkey's realm
    Verse 2 = Beginning the "clock" when Israel re-established in 1948 or Jerusalem re-captured in 1967, it will be Iran's 4th king who lashes out against the Turkish realm/Ottoman lands: 1st: 1941-1979 = Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 2nd: 1979-1989 = Ruhollah Khomeini 3rd: 1989-present = Ali Khamenei 4th: ??? - could be a coup by their Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) installing themselves or a hand-picked Successor - possibly their long awaited "12th Imam" Mahdi.
  • Verse 3 =
    "Great horn"/"first king" of chapter 8, likely Erdogan
  • Verse 4 =
    Parcelling lands into 4 nations, see Dan. 8 King of the North = "New" Turkey King of the South = Egypt
  • Verses 5 - 20 =
    Power struggle for the future of this Caliphate for an unspecified period of time.
  • Verse 6 =
    likely refers to Saudi Arabia who will ally with Egypt but negotiate with Turkey to keep the status quo, but house of Saud will come to an end.
  • Verse 15 =
    Egypt falls and submits to the Caliphate.
  • Verse 21 =
    Little Horn rises - must come from Turkey, Syria or Iraq (land of the north/the Assyrian).
  • Verse 23 =
    Covenant confirmed with 10 Kings and Israel, see Daniel 9:27 - final 7 years begin.
  • Verse 24 - 30 =
    First 3.5 years, "Beginnings of Sorrows".
  • Verse 31 =
    Abomination of Desolation - Great Tribulation/final 3.5 years begins.
  • Verse 32 - 45 =
    the Great Tribulation - Antichrist's war against the Saints and the Jews leading to Gog/Magog invasion and battle of Armageddon at Christ's return.

So now what do we do with this? We sound the trumpet loud and clear to the Church and the world. Seek out and speak with those who Fear the Lord so we may have enough Oil in our lamps when the Midnight hour finally arrives. Don’t be one of the 5 virgins who is shut out!!


Thank you and God bless you!

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